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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Drew Lock looked like the worst QB we faced all season. The dude had about 12 interceptable throws; I thought it was ridiculous that compared him to Allen's rookie starts when he has so much more talent around him than Allen did.
  2. I'm going to bet that they weren't planning on putting in Allen during his rookie year at all.
  3. Yeah, there's a lot of serious rocking the baby to sleep celebrations out there they could have done. It's a grown man sport, no room for having fun.
  4. Aaron Donald is the best football player in the NFL, hands down.
  5. These games have gotten more fun. You've got to love watching Brady actively hurt his team, and the Rams game is a testament to how a defense can drag your offense to a win.
  6. Antonio Brown is stealing a lot of targets too.
  7. So would you rather have Taysom Hill or Cam Newton running your team at QB right now?
  8. All of them will probably have more career TD throws than Jake Fromm.
  9. Totally agree, I think years from now he's going to be really remembered fondly. Also, I'm completely ready to give Epenesa all of Murphy's snaps. The upside seems there over Murphy, who is consistent but honestly nothing special.
  10. I've never seen another player on the Bills, or maybe even the NFL, be held more than Jerry Hughes. It feels like he never gets calls because he jaws off to refs.
  11. Sure, but I'd argue that it's not Allen's fault that Davis wasn't set or Kroft stumbled. Both of those plays were set up by Allen to be touchdowns. The rest of the offense needs to execute in the redzone too. Allen wasn't perfect but he was doing a lot right.
  12. Calling it one of the worst passes in NFL history is a ridiculous hyperbole too. It wasn't a good pass but come on, one of the worst in history? Worse than a pick 6? Worse than leading your WR into a devastating hit? Worse than Nathan freaking Peterman? Give me a break...
  13. His INT was one of the highlights of the season, as far as I'm concerned.
  14. He should be blacklisted from the NFL, but you can't be surprised when guys like Tyreek Hill and Kareem Hunt can still play too.
  15. I think the Bills are going to match up really well against the Steelers. Our safeties are going to feast.
  16. Does this take in account for WR drops? This could be pretty misleading if you don't consider the supporting cast. Ultimately I think the comparison is almost completely meaningless regardless.
  17. I absolutely agree with you. Is it weird that I think the fact he is raw as a positive? If this is him raw, his ceiling could be absolutely insane.
  18. Letting Gordon go to the Seahawks is a huge mistake. The Bills absolutely dropped the ball here.
  19. Definitely possible, but we need a #3 guy to sit opposite John Brown. As much as I like Duke and hope he ends up being something special, I'd much rather have JG in that space.
  20. The Bills tried to get Antonio Brown. Clearly they believe our culture can weather a WR with a past.
  21. He's had some decent performances in NE. Furthermore, I don't imagine he'd be insanely expensive to sign. With the WR trade market the way it is, he might be our best bet to improve the WR core, if that's something the Bills want to do.
  22. I'd jump on that in a heartbeat. Not only does he have knowledge of the Patriots playbook, arguably our biggest competition this season, he's a phenomenal player when healthy. Him opposite John Brown would be killer.
  23. He hasn't had any this season right? I know he's had a ton of pressures. This is the game to get one for sure.
  24. I don't expect Singletary to play a huge game, but I do think his impact is going to be felt this Sunday. It wouldn't surprise me if he plays 60% of snaps and catches a few passes.
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