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Everything posted by Whkfc

  1. I'm sorry my personal experience with a friend offends you. People are so freaking sensitive these days. It's like we all all have to be one single hive mind of stupidity Noone is allowed an opinion that may go against all the little preciouses sensitivities out there. This ***** is crazy I never even considered that my friends opinion as a member of the group being talked about was so blatantly wrong. I'm going back to sports and staying out of any other conversations around here. Peace out yall
  2. I wasn't trying to be like that at all just sharing my personal experience. Obviously many didn't like the name and logo its well documented. I'm not fighting for the term sorry if it came across that way that was not my intention. Like I said I was sharing my personal experience maybe I should have framed it better. My bad
  3. Ok? Maybe I should just keep my personal experiences to my self. Or should I get him to directly email you his paperwork. We are not super close but we do talk football maybe he will do it for me.
  4. Sorry I am not informed here. But why do most natives find the Commanders name more offensive? I have a brother in law whole is full blooded native american and he was so pissed when they dropped the name and logo. Mostly the logo he felt the logo looked like a strong native he was more offended by the Cleveland logo
  5. I hope to God your right. I don't know about some of you guys. But sometimes I feel like I'm bad luck Charm for the Bills like my being a fan is what causes us to lose.
  6. I think they just turned 5s upside down when they ran out of 2s.
  7. I like it. Gonna miss this thread more however.
  8. Honestly I never noticed this watching the games back then and a curious to know the answer.
  9. Only one ring you say? What would I give to see the Bills win 1 ring.
  10. I bought I signed one for 100 bucks. It sells for almost 2k now wish I had bought more
  11. I have accuracy issues. My wife tells me everytime she cleans the bathroom
  12. I know this thread is all about Josh being MVP. But honestly for ms it would suck to see him get MVP and the Bills not winning the Superbowl. Typically guys don't win both. I believe they talked about this on WGR today as well. I dunno I love Allen he my favorite player but it would just feel hollow. I so desperately want to see my team win just once. I wanna know what that's like what it feels like so freaking bad.
  13. I know there is a spotter that works for CBS I believe that lives in downtown Buffalo.
  14. I had this same surgery. To disks replaced in my neck. Before I couldn't move my left arm and had no strength and I'm left handed. Since the surgery the first month or 2 was tough but once I was healed I was back to my old self this was about 5years ago
  15. I love how on the 60 yarder once josh flicks it everyone stops to watch Gabe and Fitz fight for it.
  16. I loved Kelly. But Kelly was never considered the best qb in the NFL even in his day. It was always Marino and Montana. Josh is something I've never seen before he wows me a couple times every game. The one thing I think they both have in common though is the ability to throw picks and come back like it never happened. They both have that refuse to lose attitude and never think they are out of it
  17. When Takeo Spikes was on mad sports on bet he went to kfc/taco bell for food. I was one of the guys there it was all set up ahead of time. But he took time out after the cameras were turned off to hang with all of us a half hour 45 minutes after about how the season was going and everything. Me and my buddy had season tix and really were disappointed in the season. He told me to tell my buddy to come to that week's game it was against Washington. My buddy was so excited. And we blew the Reds out that week.
  18. OMG this was the first Bills game I ever attended And they spray painted go Steelers on the wall where the walkway in and out of the stadium was to the 100 level
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