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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. worse than that - it’s 12 and the attorney claims he’s looking into 10 more on top of that.
  2. this plaintiffs’ lawyer may seem sleazy and a little crazy, but it’s safe to assume he’s not stupid. Which means he’s doing at least some perfunctory vetting of these accusers before preparing and filing a complaint - he’s looking at least for some corroborating correspondence between Watson and the woman, verifying her employment and residence, etc... He’s not filing suits on behalf of every woman knocking on his door.
  3. I agree with the Cover 1 guy this seems more of a lee smith replacement than anything else.
  4. Lol okay you’re mad mad. First, as far as your fantasy record, I don’t believe you. Second, that next paragraph is such a word salad I don’t even know what you’re trying to say. Have a cup of coffee or something and come back later. Third, I don’t know who doughboy88 is?? 🤔. Maybe the number caused you to make the connection but maybe stop listening to those voices inside your head so much.
  5. No not at all - it’s less “bother” more “boredom” because it’s the same joke over and over.
  6. Just an aside - i love how 20+ of you flow in to this thread and basically have the same joke about this and think you’re clever. Hopefully a purge is coming SDS.
  7. how many of “mostly if not all” teams went 13-3 or better last year chief? i’d venture a guess based on this post that you haven’t won a fantasy league in at least 10 years.
  8. People love to humor firechans’ ravings I guess. Pretty sure that’s what he’s going for, so win/win I suppose.
  9. overreacting, even for around here. I assume you’re reacting to the T. Jones resigning. You need to understand we’re talking about a small handful of specialist guys at the bottom of your roster. Replacing those guys with marginally better offensive or defensive talents isn’t going to make your team any better; those guys are still going to be 3rd or 4th stringers depending on position group and see next to no actual game snaps. In fact, it probably makes your team worse overall, because abandoning impact players on special teams (they do still exist, despite your ranting) hurts the team more than saving a couple of guys who get <5 snaps a game.
  10. my guess would be even with a confidentiality, a pro athlete with that kind of money and image to protect is probably more wary of soliciting that type of thing and leaving an electronic trail than something like a massage.
  11. oh great. Given the instagram posts, can’t wait to see what this guy says with cameras and a mic in front of him.
  12. Not what you said in your first post but I expected some backpedalling after you compare this guy to Barkley. There is no comparison. trubisky is far more talented and had won far more games. Either you never watched either or are just being contrarian.
  13. nothing at all until the inevitable NFL investigation is concluded. After that? He’d probably still command at least 2 firsts in return (if he’s cleared.)
  14. well if that’s the case at least it’s a win/win scenario for Ertz from a QB standpoint.
  15. i’d agree with you I don’t think his actual production up to this point warrants that deal.
  16. it’s most definitely about money. The plaintiffs (at least the 1st one) aren’t seeking “$500” - they are suing for exemplary (punitive) damages as well, which are uncapped and could be any ungodly amount of money. If Allbright wants to cover this story, he really should read the complaint and not just parrot whatever this crazy lawyer is throwing up on instagram.
  17. he’s very fast and perceived as versatile - not in a sense that he’s a complete WR like Diggs for example, but because he’s useful in the running game as well.
  18. that’s right you got it I was saying the lawyer’s wording is misleading not your comment.
  19. Hmm so Buzbee doesn’t want to try these cases in the press but is basically updating his instagram in real time with information about these cases (and he’s pointing out all the “death threats” he’s getting.) Oh and he’s “never been a Texans fan” but he paid for billboards in Houston imploring Bob McNair to draft Johnny Manziel. Okay.
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