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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. So the investigation was dropped, not the “charges.” Fix your title. edit: good stuff 👍
  2. I trust nothing coming out of that clownshow in Houston.
  3. absolutely brutal. 😂 I love how Caserio is just sending everyone straight to voicemail too - as if they ignore the issue long enough it’ll just go away. I’m sure taking that route is coming straight from McNair and Littlefinger too. Bunch of real professionals they got running the show down there.
  4. I actually like adam rank but he’s being silly. Tis the (off)season.
  5. oh yeah definitely he’s going to keep his stake - he is just resigning as CEO and probably take a chairman title or something.
  6. maybe but he’s not going to be CEO of Amazon by the end of the year.
  7. So predictions are: a. Diggs is good b. Ford is good at guard i like it. Why go out on a limb.
  8. don’t think your thread is dumb but your premise has like zero chance of happening. Dude was wrecked by concussions.
  9. Depends on your definition of “good number.” That number isn’t anywhere near the number of sacks their horrid offensive lines were responsible for.
  10. who is little guy Ricco? I love Watson but I’m still taking Allen.
  11. https://www.battleredblog.com/2021/2/11/22277878/its-jack-easterbys-team-now
  12. You have zero idea what you’re talking about. Not one iota. He never held any sort of position like that in NE. wonder who that “big guy” in Houston was. Maybe the one that just resigned out of disgust?
  13. Oh of course 😂. Seriously look at that guy’s twitter feed. All bible quotes. I swear it’s like Liberty U. now down there. Good luck with it I guess. sure you’d have a point if NFL contracts were guaranteed like every other major pro sport, but they’re not. Only thing guaranteed are signing bonuses. So if the NFL wants to follow suit then fine, you have an argument. But sadly, you don’t. Here, have some emojis 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😎
  14. another guy whose twitter feed looks like one of those random bible quote generators enters the fold in Houston. 😂
  15. Lol. I’d love to know the nature of the “authority” Easterby had in New England, as you claim. Especially in regards to football ops. I’m sure BB was running important decisions by the prayer circle leader. you keep digging that hole you’ll end up in China.
  16. Okay if that’s your current take (seems like it changes minute to minute with your ramblings) you are aware that Easterby is currently VP of football operations yes?
  17. Right? But Watson is way out of line apparently, according to some. Meanwhile Russel Wilson is complaining to Dan Patrick and hankering for a change, and even Orlando Brown(!) is demanding to get out of Baltimore because he wants to play LT not RT. And I don’t fault any of them. This is today’s NFL players have way more leverage now. But the fact that Watson is getting soooooo much grief when the managerial malpractice down in Houston is so blatant, so inexcusable is inexplicable to me. Every single player on that team should be demanding out.
  18. Hits keep coming. Oh but they totally know what they’re doing down there. 🙄
  19. dang never seen someone bend over backwards this far to defend incompetents like mcnair and easterby. They remind you of yourself maybe? Mcnair confirmed exactly what the agent “fed” to the mouthpieces, chief.
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