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Everything posted by Meatloaf63

  1. Which has absolutely nothing to do with his play on the field.
  2. What a 🤡must be sad life always settling for second or third best. That’s what losers do… Name a difference maker besides Josh or Diggs? Until today, Beane has never been creative with the cap, maybe he was waiting for the team to be ready. Sorry you wasted all this time typing out this useless drivel, he has always signed middling players paying too much for too little hopefully that has changed.
  3. Cap has been mildly mismanaged. Lots of Ho hum talent few stars or difference makers…
  4. They should not be that open that quickly. But the bigger problem was when we did cover our d line wiffed every time at tackling him.
  5. When they can actually do it in the Playoffs then you can talk to me that way. Until then you are wrong and excepting failure, I choose not to support not being good enough. Some people accept 2nd best and close enough. I’d rather make the necessary changes to get past our failures.
  6. Against KC the frustrating part was guys were close, but couldn’t seal the deal, Mahomes made them look silly. Just a sack or two could have changed the outcome of the game, but we were not capable of doing it, Cincinnati was. What is the answer? Better athletes? McDermott also though guarding the sidelines against a dynamic offense with two time outs was a good idea LOL!!!
  7. 9 to 12 month recovery so Tre could miss the two first months easily. Not time to panic, but need to find a quality replacement for sure.
  8. Pressure with out sacks doesn’t cause a loss of yardage and allows qb’s like Mahomes and Brady to eat us alive. It works against Tua & Jones and those types, but we aren’t seeing those types in the latter rounds of the playoffs…
  9. His model doesn’t work against KC when it mattered the most… trying the same thing for the third year in a row is insanity….
  10. Brieda couldn’t pass protect and wasn’t as good of a runner, no comparison…
  11. This is perfect every star almost always overstay their ability, Tampa will continue their decline and he will be an embarrassment.
  12. I want the team improved by any means necessary, if the off-season moves are not adequately improving the team, then make some in season to fix deficiencies. We lost to KC because we didn’t have a difference maker on defense and our head coach and defensive coordinator are stupid at times.
  13. We could have made trades last season during the season and we didn’t. LA did and the results speak for themselves. We need to get better he needs to try harder and get better results with his signings to suggest he doesn’t is ignorant.
  14. We have to save our draft picks don’t you understand?😢😢😢
  15. Any solution that doesn’t give both teams a possession will never be fair.
  16. So the Bengals last touchdown was the Refs helping the Rams🙄🙄🙄
  17. He grabbed him with his right hand and turned the body, it just looked different because it was the inside hand not the backside, but he turned the receiver and it was a good call…
  18. Sure it was he held and turned him with his right hand.
  19. Terrible, running back is like 11 for thirteen and they keep going back to it???
  20. Daboll when the Bills faced heavy pressure. Hopefully that changes this year…
  21. His play calling is going to cost them this game
  22. Should have been 15 yards against cinci, refs falling on their faces.
  23. Boring, terrible, no talent waste of time…
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