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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. He bailed out the patriots as well iirc, look Ralph was a good person, and he did good things socially. And for that I’ll have a glass of koolaid. As a football team owner... if not for the NFL monopoly he would have been the victim of a Wall Street hostile business take over. Go Bills!!!
  2. Sure his family made a big profit on the sale of the team, but it wasn’t some genius maneuver by Ralph, he rode the coat tails of the NFL wave, and waited long enough. What Ralph lost was his and his organizations reputation to the point the other owners merely tolerated him, and most quality NFL players stopped wanting to play for the Buffalo Bills, and many still don’t want to, it has taken two decades, new owners and front office, to include the firing of all remaining employees Ralph hired to right the ship, and that repair work is still ongoing. At times Ralph was a useful owner, but by and large he was a really bad the majority of the time, (like Cleveland Browns bad) the best business moves since the merger were hiring BP and selling the team to Terry and Kim. I’m a vocal fan of the team, but I’m not drinking the Ralph Koolaid... nuthin but luv fellow fan. ? Go Bills!!!
  3. How is it that any of that ancient history is relevant to this discussion? Ralph did good by Buffalo in the long run, but put the organization in a pitiful position by the time he passed. Ralph had a choice. His ego got in the way of the correct one. Owners have an obligation to their employees to not do stupid things if they want them to buy in to working for them. BP spoke from a position of power, he knew full well he would be re-employed and enjoy continued success. Ralph on the other hand was to busy sowing the seeds of his own organizations down fall to realize that. History bears this out. nuthin but luv fellow fan, ? just a discussion. Go Bills!!!
  4. Good to see his work was not just a Bills fan appreciation thing, but recognized league wide, we have a good group at OBD. Go Bills!!!
  5. Totally agree, they are like violent grown men having a pajama party, they are just awful. Yes, my lawn, get off of it...?
  6. BP was neither, was it short sighted on BPs part? Answer is no, Bill was already financially set for life at that point. Ralph in effect cut his nose off to spite his face, and the Bills spiraled into the abyss a few years after BP left. Never be afraid to speak truth to power. Go Bills!!!
  7. Straight from the Antonio Brown school of public relations, everyone welcome Karlos (the fat azs) Williams, ?????????????????
  8. Get off that horse... nuthin but luv, ?? righteous indignation is for those that are easily offended.... one day I’ll buy you a beer and we can try to convince each other that we are wrong. Oh and there will be penalty shots when stupid stuff is said, so we will both be drunk as hell in thirty minutes, ? Go Bills!!!
  9. Any individual associated with that organization is tainted, and not worthy of admiration.
  10. Their are a bunch of closet Brady and Belly fans here by the looks of some of these posts... shameful at best... Go Bills!!!
  11. Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady Brady. LOL... Go Bills!!!
  12. Nicely presented, and I would never say that a position of need excludes BPA, but it is none the less a need.(Oliver). Those positions of “need” brought in through FA were determined by talent level/ BPA. It’s all need, no matter how one slices it. The mix of acquisitions via FA & draft are all based on talent available. which is a need. Reaching is merely an example of bad decision making by a GM and or his staff. The past Bills FO were rife with those bad choices, when other options that were far better and greater talent was available. BPA is also “better player available” , those previous Bills FOs were bereft of quality player assessment and valued the wrong players, they thought they were choosing BPA, and they would tell you as much themselves. Different teams will have different players at the same position as their BPA need, even if they essentially run the same scheme, so those picks are subjective, as is all BPA assessments. And it all comes back to team needs. Beane does a very good job in his assessments, but if he gets a choice wrong, it doesn’t make it a reach, but merely the wrong choice. Go Bills!!!
  13. Ah, the difference is that the majority here know we are not right all the time, so no, no it doesn’t. Go Bills!!!
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