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Everything posted by <bills4life>

  1. And how many times has this answer been given to McDermott throughout the season? Because this movie has been played way too many times throughout the season. Either way it is inexcusable on both their parts regardless.
  2. So let me get this straight. We score with ease the opening drive and then slow down the tempo and style to experiment with schemes. This might explain why the offense at beginning of games are moving the ball, only to become stagnant for 2 1/2 quarters with three and outs. Then in the fourth quarter we go uptempo because we r behind and then by magic start moving the ball again and start scoring. Got it. Genius. And silly me thought you continue to use what works for you until the opposing team has adapted. If not you continue to exploit those weaknesses. SMH. No wonder this offense looks so bipolar. Must be tough as a player to find any sort of rhythm sometimes.
  3. People seem to forget that playoff loss. It’s been a problem for years. 13 seconds should have been the epiphany moment.
  4. -inability to hold a lead in playoffs vs Texans up 20-3 at half time -13 seconds kc -skyler Thompson almost beating bills in playoffs last season -Tyrod Taylor almost leading giants down field to win last drive -Mac jones leading New England to victory last week on last drive -Dustin Hopkins catch in end zone on last play Arizona -baker mayfield bomb at end of game that could have been caught. Is this the defense you are talking about? Because it doesn’t leave me with much confidence moving forward come playoff time against better teams. There is a pattern here and it comes down to coaching.
  5. Yeah lining up at the 1 inch line at the goal line in a shotgun formation only to get stuffed a yard and a half behind the line of scrimmage to end up with nothing is a sure stroke of genius. Same thing happened the week before. Which cost is the game. Don’t even get me started on the defense. Take off your rose colored glasses. This coaching staff is in way over its head.
  6. I would love to see it, however I think you are setting your self up to be seriously disappointed. I’m just not seeing it. 9-8. No playoffs. This team is just too inconsistent.
  7. “The Lord tells me He can get me out of this mess, but He’s pretty sure you’re f***ed.”
  8. It’s such a joke. Right. You can’t make it up. Embarrassing.
  9. I agree. I would wait for end of season. But the rebel in me wants them gone now.
  10. Where is the option to fire them both?
  11. And this is exactly the reason why I am done with this coaching staff. That last drive New England scored on has epitomized Sean mcdermotts entire tenure here.
  12. Ummm yeah. Sometimes they do when they are playing undisciplined and uninspired. Sometimes they need daddy. This team is soft.
  13. Coaches still need to have their team ready to play. I haven’t seen them ready to play since Miami. Zero urgency lack luster performances.
  14. While “shambles” might be too strong of a word. His assessment is not wrong.
  15. It is Tua time Buffalo beat down sublime concussed protocol
  16. Be careful. Your logical dose of reality is sure to trigger some people. Sometimes the truth hurts. You sir are spot on.
  17. And 8 years from now when Josh Allen’s career is over, (if they don’t invest heavily in the line) and they don’t win an afc championship game or make it to a Super Bowl will you still feel the same way?
  18. Has Sean changed or adapted his defensive philosophy or scheme? Because clearly against great offenses his defense has been figured out going deeper into the playoffs. It might be good for stat purposes during the regular season, but in the playoffs the past few years his defense has been an abject failure. Unless Sean makes some changes, the outcome will be the same each and every year. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome.”
  19. What exactly do you mean by historic moment? Because to me winning AFC Championship games, making Super Bowls, winning Super Bowls, etc.. feels historic. This status quo of losing in divisional playoff games with a franchise qb is starting to become unacceptable. Maybe I’m just old and spoiled but those 4 Superbowl appearances felt historic to me. Actually quite the opposite with this team. For younger fans I guess it is historic to finally be winning and relevant. For the rest of us we have been there and done that. And please don’t confuse “bitching” with asking legitimate questions or having concerns about some of the things that have transpired from the bills early exits the past couple years.
  20. What did we do with edmunds? 😂. I’m curious.
  21. No. Am emotional response would be hanging on to someone because you like them and and are willing to dismiss deficiencies out of blind loyalty or an unwillingness to hold people responsible for fear of offending someone. A business decision would be holding someone accountable and potentially firing someone due to maintaining the status quo or not meeting set goals or expectations over a period time.
  22. The problem is people like to sing “the good ship lollipop”. Any questioning outside of the herd mentality is met with contempt, disdain, and outright ridicule. You know the proverbial you’re so negative pessimistic bitter antisocial hater etc…. That most never stop to really think if there is credence to an observation or criticism outside the norm. You know what they say “sometimes the truth hurts”. Unfortunately like in the movie “a few good men”. You can’t handle the truth.
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