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Everything posted by streetkings01

  1. I think I know understand Diggs frustration with Josh and the coaching staff
  2. That’s the formula……Murray the lead back with Cook the 3rd down/change of pace back.
  3. Something about this team seems broken or severely off on offense.
  4. Offensive line looks terrible! Side note ……nice seeing Koonce in a NFL jersey…….I remember him as a young man growing up in my hometown Peekskill!
  5. Took almost a whole half before we targeted him.
  6. Didn’t matter….the way we were playing we’d find a way to lose anyway.
  7. On that big run by Hall on their own 4 yard line Bernard ran into a pile …..weird decision by him.
  8. Jets defense owns Josh/Dorsey……reminds me of Rex Ryan vs Fitz/Gailey
  9. Hopefully Hackett doesn’t get smart and just feed Hall the whole 4th quarter…..he’s been gashing us.
  10. I need to see the replay…..looked like he could’ve easily ran for a 1st
  11. I’m expecting him to be traded by Halloween.
  12. Not sure why he was drafted by us? He’s a man corner and we run a zone scheme.
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