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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. thinking Poona Ford will make you forget about horrible harry
  2. I guess we find out all about Poona Ford and D Williams now. This season is all about the offense anyway. the #1 all-healthy Defense isn't stopping Philly, SF or KC anyway
  3. This is where all the Beane offseason moves kick in (Poona, keeping lots of DBs, Rapp, drafting LBs high every year). Let's hope it's enough. Josh may need to go dust off the cape.
  4. With Burrow and half of the Bill's D out, Chiefs path to the AFC getting easier by the minute. Screw these London games, too costly.
  5. my entire generation left WNY in huge numbers in late 70's / early 80's ; now you have Bills fans everywhere, plus our kids are now adult fans as well. Erie County has something like half the base population it had 50 years ago, adjusted for internal growth. That's a heck of a lot of out-migration Mafia spread out across the U.S. Went to the Bills/Redskins game two weeks ago and 1/4- 1/3 of the fans were Bills fans. So we are everywhere
  6. Benford is inactive, plus Groot. Obviously Tre out as well. So down 3 starters on D , at least.
  7. I think she is very stiff, and has a great voice for silent movies. Probably a blast in private, but needs a voice transplant to speak in public.
  8. what a shock. let me pick myself off the floor.. ok , good now
  9. Jonathon Taylor is amazing. Bills found that out the hard way, as I recall. Richardson can only be helped by this.
  10. With Groot out, you have to believe McBeanes are at least thinkin about it..... Go Bills !
  11. sounds good. They sure looked good the past 3 weeks. McBeanes are killing it
  12. yep, that's one reason he was brought in. rinse and repeat. he's done the job in the past
  13. yeah the late 70s / early 80s was the mass exodus for sure
  14. we have 4 starting calibre CBs even with Tre going down, thanks to McBeanes drafting and coaching prowess. We are good. Put Tre on IR and up comes Von Miller, pretty fair trade in the NFL world of today, I'd say
  15. Looks like all the "trade Elam now" posters have departed the building. Shocked I am. I seem to remember a quote that goes something like this: "Can't have enough starting calibre corners in today's NFL" -- Sean McDermott. So happy Beane drafted two starting calibre corners... in the same freakin draft. And that McD is back directing the defense. We as a fan base are so da-n fortunate to have these two guys running the place.
  16. the salary cap exists to prevent wealthy owners/teams from stacking their rosters, among other reasons. Without the salary cap, Ralph would have cheaped out the team into another city 20 years ago Can't have it both ways
  17. This years draft is forecasted to be deep in WRs (also QB, T, etc); just a great draft class for offense in general. So I'm guessing with the cap the way it is they do a Tremaine on Davis and draft a WR.
  18. I actually love how the Bills are developing their own: this board was running Bernard out of town and lookie lookie, Babich turned him into this; Ed Oliver,this board had him traded b4 last season was even over, and lookie lookie, McBeanes knew the kid better then any of us and he is dominating; Spencer Brown lost last season completely and had his first NFL off season this past spring. Not sure what you're looking at , Mr Moderator, but I was 2 rows from the field last Sunday and Spencer Brown more than held his own. He was on an island with 1st rounder DLs plenty and he looked a lot better than he looked last year.
  19. well, the whole Aaron Rodgers thing kind of turned out bad. hey , if Josh blows his achilles on a run this week, our season is kaput as well, so lets keep our thoughts to ourselves on this one
  20. pretty much a waste of time. for all the Devin Hesters of the world , the fans never see the dozens of career ending and/or life changing injuries under the old blocking wedge and wedge busters of the past. the athletes are so much bigger and faster than 30 years ago, the high speed head end car crash stuff unfortunately needs to go away
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