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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Frosted Flakes—loved ‘em from day 1. Nut ‘n honey also good, and always loved their commercials with that tagline
  2. If it’s any consolation Donuts, I was mildly surprised at the overall lack of dimensions for said watercraft—I mean, if you’re the holder of 8 rings, shouldn’t you be expected to power up something more along the lines of a yacht suitable for putting into port at the Cannes Film Festival??
  3. Good call. And would have to be better than what we paraded out last year in front of JA.
  4. “...is our guy, until the day that he is not.” There, that should finish up the dangling participle for them. BTW, where is ‘wrong josh’ to add to the vote of confidence here?
  5. I wish that were true. Honestly you have been great to interact with and are always very complimentary and cordial with your threads/posts.
  6. In other fantastic Pats news nuggets of the day for us to discuss here on this BILLS board, Hoodie yet again <gasp> is forced to have to repaint the name of his boat...first world problems in the NFL. https://apple.news/AXC2c56D4Qem-POWTXzG2xA
  7. Thanks Plenz—I will def check them out. I didn’t mean in my original post to come across as a total helicopter parent, and I for sure want them to gain their healthy independence along the way. I just want to make sure at the same time, that all of the common sense steps that I can take to help protect them while they are young and at their most vulnerable, are taken care of.
  8. So did Benjamin Franklin. At some point your environment at a young age needs to stop being an excuse for poor life choices or inherent character flaws, sorry, just my .02 cents.
  9. Mike Tanier pretty much offers the realpolitik case for why the likes of Hunt will continue to survive in the NFL, regardless of whether or not they 'learn their lesson' or change their future actions: "Claiming that the NFL learned nothing from Ray Rice, Greg Hardy or other controversies that overshadowed the league in recent years would be 100 percent incorrect. The NFL learned exactly what it wanted to learn. News cycles and angry internet mobs come and go. Fans come back, no matter what, as long as the games are exciting. Survivors' names and stories begin to pale in comparison. And "the shield" endures, no matter what." https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2820441-nfl-proves-it-has-learned-absolutely-nothing-as-kareem-hunt-signs-with-browns?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  10. From a purely draft numbers standpoint you're probably right. But the emotional fan side of me needed to see JA take a big step forward which I feel like he did that day, and carry that kind of good vibes into the offseason so that all of us talking hens around here aren't left with a sour taste in our mouths like so many of the mid-October games we suffered through. It's still a good enough launching pad at #9 to do a lot with, whether staying pat or moving up/down as circumstances dictate on draft day, imho. Just going purely off the top of my head here, but if we'd lost the last game, isn't it true we would've at best gone up to #7? Again, not sure on that though.
  11. Oh wow--no broken bones? So glad he can absolutely be trusted to show appropriate restraint in a domestic situation like that! Look, let's just accept that what he did is rightfully reprehensible, and that he now has an existing track record, pattern of violent altercations (3), so he's lost any benefit of the doubt. Would you be cool with him dating a close female relative of yours? Just hope it's a definite "no."
  12. Post of the day. When discussing the diameter, shape and overall countours of a turd burger, at the end of the day, whether it's a single patty melt or a double with extra cheese, it's still an inexcusable turd burger. Carry on.
  13. In the vein of the topic, also sad is this little gem from Peter King this morning—since 2000, the Pats have of course had one HC. The rest of the AFC E has cycled through 26. Something’s gotta give here people! The blurb is under “Factoidness” https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/02/10/julian-edelman-patriots-mvp-nfl-fmia-peter-king/
  14. While not thrilled with the approach to QB going into the 2018 season obviously, there is no question that NP earned the job coming out of camp/preseason. He just couldn’t get it together during the reg season games for whatever reason. What followed was brutal and it’s a near miracle that our QB situation was salvaged post October—but it was, and credit to Beane for owning his mistakes in this regard and doing what he needed to to shore up the position then and for this coming season. At least we seem to have a FO that can leave ego at the door for the sake of getting it right instead of stubbornly sticking with a failing plan. That gives me some comfort as we move forward with the development of JA and what should be an upgraded O.
  15. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend 8 hours straight virtually running from Bergen to Oslo in Norway? Probably very cathartic.
  16. Not to be repetitive, but we know that the "cliff" is a real phenomenon over age 29 with RB's reaction speeds, bursts, ability to shake off the first tackler, etc. What would make McCoy an exception to this rule? Has his workload been dramatically less than those of his peers from a mileage standpoint? No. Maybe he's incrementally better than the next guy with his nutrition, offseason programs and the like, but I'm not sold. A nice piece from 2015 about this issue for running backs here: https://sports.cbslocal.com/2015/08/25/running-backs-who-can-avoid-falling-off-the-cliff/
  17. I'll say this for your prognostication Donuts--history has shown us that the time to strike the evil empire is early in the season, when they are capable of putting up some duds just like the rest of us, before hitting their mid-season to playoffs form. The first step to victory is to know your enemy right?
  18. Finally a Pats thread we can all get behind as worthwhile...so long as we can come up with the antidote for those “drops” from Giselle’s cauldron. And here I thought this whole time that the only soothsayer we needed to worry about was Alex Guerrero!! What a load of tomfoolery, pun intended. I’m still hitching my wagon to one Josh Allen though—Imho he’ll help put an end to TB12’s divisional reign of terror.
  19. Couldn’t happen to a nicer more model franchise! Over/under on internal drama leaking to Page 6 of the Post is Week 2 of training camp; where is Hard Knocks??
  20. I don’t always take anti-depressants, but when I do, I prefer to take them after reading threads like this .
  21. What a barn burner, one of Cleveland’s proudest W’s to date I’m sure, and was grist for Sully’s mill for years afterwards. Wasn’t that also a DA-led team for the Browns? (really don’t feel like googling that one)
  22. I hear ya. But interesting that of the 55 total plays run by the Bills, the run/pass ratio ended up being 30 pass, 25 rushes. They basically matched the Giants in total yards (371 to 386) even with the Giants running 71 plays. But yes, at the end of the day Thurm should’ve gotten fed more, I don’t really disagree. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XXV
  23. For me personally, the 2 greatest games would be September 8, 1991, Bills roll over the Steelers 52-34 (not ever even that close), Kelly throws 6 TD’s, 4 of them to Don Beebe who earns the moniker “Steeler Killer” that day. Kelly ran out of plays to run so literally diagrammed new ones in the huddle like backyard ball, so goes the legend. Second would be the comeback game Jan 3, 1993. Greatest ever, reg season or playoffs. Infamy! Chew on that Brady, you’ve never gone to 4 SB’s in a row and have never brought your team back from 32 down. You’ve got a lot of YouTubing to do bro!
  24. Conversely you could argue that it was exactly because Kelly wasn’t afraid to still throw it that the Giants did not stack the box, thus allowing Thurman the run bursts that he had, including on even the final FG drive to get the Bills in FG range. So what if Thurman was given the ball every play—you don’t think that BB wouldn’t have made the simple adjustment of loading the box? It’s still important to have balance and given that the Bills D couldn’t get off the field, the Bills O was pressing in order to put up points. Not saying that was the right or wrong thing, it just is what it is. Had the kick gone through, then it’s an academic argument, and BB instead of getting a game plan in the HOF, winds up being the next Wade Phillips of close but not close enough that day. And Kelly is then also lauded for the play selection.
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