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Everything posted by RobbRiddick

  1. Brady won't like getting touched. More virgin blood will need to be consumed now for that extra touch of strength
  2. Great defensive start by Bucs. Depressing when you compare it to the poor job we did on them
  3. There's more and more crap every year. Then 2 seconds after kickoff they're reminding us about the halftime show
  4. Before the kickoff there will be a ceremonial kickoff where they kick a giant inflatable covid model out of the stadium while a poet reads a special composition written especially for today, titled 'Let's Kick Covid Back To Where It Once Did Come'
  5. Jesus, even the coin toss has to have a load of bull#### before they get around to it
  6. If we're predicting scores I'll go with 45-20 Chiefs Watching Mahomes walking to the field is like one of the Village People walking to the stage
  7. Not watched any of the build up for this over the past two weeks but will watch the game. Have changed my mind about wanting Brady to win. I hope he gets humiliated
  8. I still believe you have to separate guys by era. But that's just me. There's no question Brady is the greatest in the salary cap era, as much as I dislike him. Maybe it'll come out one day that he's been using performance enhancing drugs for years or something. For me, the era before this, Montana was the greatest. He won Super Bowls in every way it's possible - blowouts and close games won at the end. He was perfect and never threw a pick (Lewis Billups must have kicked himself until the day he died about that). Some people say look at the teams Montana had and how easy it was to maintain them. That's true, but I also think the level of competition isn't the same these days, and QBs have it so easy. I mean Brady cries to the ref whenever a defensive player looks at him the wrong way, and usually gets a flag. So I think these things offset. Maybe you tend to go with the guy you grew up watching. People from the generation before mine will often say Jonny U is the greatest. Ask yourself this. Your life is on the line in the biggest game, your team has the ball with 2 minutes left, which QB do you choose? I'd choose Joe Cool. He was perfect in the big games and that can never be changed.
  9. That's really sad. I've listened to their show a lot and have watched them on Youtube the last few months. Chris showed up right until a few weeks ago, sadly with that weak, broken voice of someone who is very ill. Poor guy would only do the first portion of the show and would then give way to another guest because he was obviously too weak to do the whole thing. Seemed like a great guy, very sad
  10. I'd never really heard Sanchez talk much before he did these shows. I always thought of the Butt Fumble whenever his came came up. He's actually pretty good at presenting this. It's another one where they actually sit and talk about the game instead of shouting hot takes at each other
  11. I think it may change the way certain QBs are drafted, and where. I've seen a lot of stuff about college prospects who are raw but have great physical attributes, along with "could be the next Josh Allen".
  12. Keep him, if you sewed his leg onto the body of Josh Allen you'd essentially have the Six Million Dollar Man
  13. Interestingly he was missing from every regular season game we lost. I'd keep him. Good depth to have.
  14. Wow, that's some interesting reading. 3 double digit winning seasons since 1999. And the guy has pretty much tried everything to make them a winner (except keep his nose out). They went for the huge FA splashes when they signed guys like Bruce to over inflated salaries, trading up for RGIII, hotshot college coaches like Spurrier. Hotshot Super Bowl winning coaches like Shanny. He even tried to recapture the glory years by bringing Gibbs out of retirement. All with not a lot to show for it.
  15. Snyder is such a tool. What is Washington's record since he bought the team? The whole Spurrier thing was hilarious. I remember his first preseason when they were running up scores and some people thought they'd be a real force when the regular season started. Rivera seems to have them on the right path at least.
  16. Yeah, I mentioned this in the other thread. I wanted them to hire him back then. A lot of people pointed to his lack of success in the playoffs, which was a fair point but we had been so irrelevant for so long he would have given us some respect and got us back to the playoffs
  17. Oh no, I honestly didn't know he was ill. Such a shame. Such a great coach. He was tainted by the lack of playoff success but it seemed everywhere he went they would become a tough team and came so close a few times with the Browns and KC. Even Washington later in his career looked on the right path until their idiot owner got rid of him. He had the great year with the Chargers only for it to end in the playoffs again. I can remember at some point during the drought wanting the Bills to hire him because I knew we'd at least contend for the playoffs again
  18. Start someone other than his incumbent starting Quarterback* week 1: I think the Jags start a cheap vet week 1 and then turn it over to the GREATEST ROOKIE QB EVER around week 3. They should sign Tyrod, give him the starting job and wait for him to break his leg clipping his toenails or something. Be a 'one and done' Head Coach: I'll say Culley for this. They'll grab a bunch of draft capital and then bring someone new in to coach it Make the playoffs his first year: Staley all the way. Possibly Smith Win NFL Coach of the Year at some point in his first 3 years: I'm going to say Staley after he gets the Chargers to the playoffs next year Win a Superbowl in the job to which he has just been hired: None of them. But if I had to put a bet on it'd be Staley again Become Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills at some point in the future: None. But if I had to bet... Smith. First to get fined for chewing off someone's knee cap: too easy...
  19. As much as I dislike him, I was looking at some of his stats the other day and they're just stunning to see them written down. 14 championship games and 10 super bowls. Just incredible. I just did some quick checks on some HOF QBs to see how many seasons they played in their entire careers. Bradshaw played 14, Kelly 11, Aikman 12, the list goes on. So Brady has appeared in as many or more championship games as many of these guys played seasons in the league. I mean most players would be happy to have a 10 year career and he's now playing in his 10th Super Bowl.
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