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Fr. Jerk

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Everything posted by Fr. Jerk

  1. Don't mess with the Pee, ya dig?
  2. Anything is better than a corny Peyton Manning Papa John's commercial, ya dig? And that West Hurr spot with Tasker was pretty cheesy. Its nice that we have a player with national endorsements again.
  3. Payton has always come off as a bit of a jerk, ya dig?
  4. I'll be there in my Dipset T. Holla at ya boy.
  5. Joy was a stud. Jason is too much of a girly girl.
  6. They should take Flavor's number, ya dig?
  7. Too bad the rumor Collab with Juicy J never surfaced. Would have been trippy, mane.
  8. RAW used to be dope.. in like 97-2000.
  9. This Saturday gonna be trippy, mane.
  10. I golf more than Tyler, ya dig?
  11. I used to do that with Dion Sanders on Madden 95, ya dig?
  12. I never watched Lost but I always thought that fat guy looked like he smelled bad. TOTY, YD? Thread of the year, ya dig?
  13. Anyone else here really happy their name isn't Thad?
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