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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Like everything that is now preached by the Left, common courtesy is an antiquated behavior.
  2. Nice try with the faux considerate counterpoint. Apparently you don't see any fault with the dominant LW media. Then again, maybe you only see things though your crayola rainbow crayons.
  3. Poloncarz will never allow another in Erie County to get paid to get their a$$ cleaned before he can.
  4. The Leftist media, Dems, BLM/Antifa and those who blindly and ignorantly abide by their mantras, would either choose to ignore this this modern day genocide, say it's not real or simply blame Trump.
  5. A man who respectfully walked the walk and talked the talk in a most difficult time. Amen to him. In no way what's going on now anywhere near representative of what Mr. Lewis did.
  6. .....you're just glad you can pick your a$$ for free still.
  7. Welcome to the future of LW societal control.....or more precisely, lack of it.
  8. No one is going to step up anytime soon to seek naming rights for the stadium. Rekindling it "The Rock", like it's predecessor, made mostly of concrete, is a safe way to go for the time being as it has a historic connotation to the Bills past, and only previous home. .....provided Dwayne Johnson doesn't have exclusive naming rights to "The Rock".
  9. The Washington Revolution Or, Washington Revolutionaries
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/us/2-texas-police-officers-killed-line-of-duty
  11. Margaret, being a liberal, should enjoy knowing that millions of trees are being spared. She seemed to enjoy how her Buffalo News sunk their rival, The Courier Express, putting them out of business and their employees losing their jobs. The Buffalo News has become nothing more than a feeder system for New York Times and Washington Post bias. Coincidence ? Margaret M. Sullivan is an American journalist who is the media columnist for The Washington Post. She began her tenure on September 1, 2012, joining The New York Times from The Buffalo News, where she had been editor and vice-president. Her first column in The Washington Post ran on May 22, 2016.
  12. You will be shopping on Transit between French Rd. and William St. where there is plenty. You'll be splitting time on 20a going to the Orchard Park and East Aurora villages. What Elma offers is low taxes and nice towns around and direct access to the 400. Logistically, you made a great move. Hope the yard isn't too much. Good luck !
  13. Schumer yesterday in Buffalo touting PPP, from Buffalo News: No mask nor social distancing as he breathes openly. Chuck the total hypocrite.
  14. The media is unglued about Trumps rally, where attendees temperatures were taken, provided hand sanitizer and masks. That's where their crowd spreading covid concerns begin and end. Crickets on unprotected protesters rioters and looters, herding together like cattle spreading covid. Same with their destruction, not a peep.
  15. Another example of the Left never condemning flagrant negligence of those on their side. Hundreds of thousands of maskless protesters is okay to them. But if Trump not wearing one, who is monitored constantly, is the one being irresponsible.
  16. Yeah, when Joe is plagiarizing or repeating what he's told to say He doesn't have an original thought in his head.
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