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Everything posted by billsfan5121

  1. Um, not at all. I’m saying people criticize him for sharing his personal opinion on social media and say he should stick to football, while others tweet their opinions and when they receive criticism, people stand up for them because it’s their right. That’s all. I don’t personally care who’s vaccinated or who’s left/right in politics.
  2. I thought athletes were allowed to voice their opinions on social media, or was that only political opinions and if you’re Lebron James?
  3. This whole vaccine rollout has gone poorly in my mind. It started with suggesting the vaccine provides immunity and you won’t catch COVID. Once that was false, it then became about lessening the symptoms and reducing severe COVID. As others have said, the goal posts were moved. Now, my father in law, who has been compliant with every recommendation/mandate that has been implemented, vaxxed and boosted (and previously had COVID), has been sick all week and could barely move or get out of bed. People have said “imagine if he wasn’t vaccinated.” My question is, how does anyone know what he would be like if he wasn’t vaccinated? Are we just assuming his symptoms are less than they would have been? How does anyone know that? Why can’t the opposite be true? Why couldn’t he have handled it better without being vaccinated? At this point, I think two things need to happen to move us past this (well 3 things if you count moving forward with life regardless of COVID). 1: They have to stop calling this a vaccine. Right or wrong, calling it a vaccine implies immunity and an inability to contact the very thing you are vaccinating against. Perhaps in science this is not the case and they accept it doesn’t eliminate transmission, but this is the real world with normal people whose definition of a vaccine would include preventing transmission. Again, if that is wrong, so be it, but perception is reality in this case. Hesitancy comes from everyday people hearing a vaccine that still allows the vaccinated to carrry/transmit. In our mind, it does not work as intended and causes questions. 2. Fauci has to go. He’s lost public trust. In many’s eyes, he’s profited off the pandemic and money is the driving force in all he says. When the belief is you stand to gain financially, you can no longer be trusted to make decisions without bias.
  4. It’s impossible to stay away from COVID talk. My 7 year daughter has a slight cough and runny nose, and if it was 2019 nobody would say a word. But because this is 2021, I spent all day Thursday trying to find a test for her because we just wanted to be sure she was good to go and nobody has to worry. After hours of calls and driving around, we finally got her tested and of course she was negative. But we spent all day to get results so everyone else was comfortable. Again, in 2019 there wouldn’t been any concern and nobody would care about a slight cough. Then, in the midst of my driving all over town, I thought to myself, “I thought Bidens executive order for vaccine mandates also included tests being stocked at all Walgreens, Walmart, etc and at cost.” Yeah right, that didn’t happen. So I started wondering, if he couldn’t hold up his end of his own COVID plan, why should anyone else hold up their end and get vaccinated against their will?
  5. I didn’t read the link and personally don’t care, but if your premise is people haven’t gotten the vaccine because of Donald Trump, then you’re not listening to what anyone is saying.
  6. You want to know why health care workers are paid fairly? Because they were offered a job at a determined rate that they ACCEPTED.
  7. One of the things I’m most curious about this week is Gabe Davis taking on a bigger role. Last year, I think most would agree our best offensive performances were after the bye. What happened? Davis started with an injured Brown. Second half of TB game? Offense comes alive. I don’t think Davis is some elite receiver but it is funny that our best offensive performances seem to be when he is on the field more
  8. Yes. What’s also funny is for living in a “system” designed to hold him back, he sure was doing pretty good for himself prior to this stunt.
  9. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there’s a commonality with hospital statistics, and it isn’t vaccine status. I’d be willing to bet the common factor here is age/health. But I would also assume that message wouldn’t be pushed because that wouldn’t fit the fear narrative being pushed. I had a random thought the other day. Why is it that when someone else gets COVID, like say a football player, we just know/assume they are out a week and then back the following week? Why is there no panic when we hear “AJ Klein gets put on the COVID list?” If COVID really is that bad, why are we assuming he’ll be back next week? Are any of us really thinking he might die? No. We know he’s gonna be fine. Now think about that. When someone else gets COVID (especially a public figure), we don’t worry and just assume everything will be back to normal. To me, it’s like flying. When I fly, I feel like the plane is going to go down. I’m scared of it. But when someone else flies, I assume their trip will be ok and we’ll see them when they land. So when I fly, there’s a problem with the plane. When someone else flies, all is well. Now wouldn’t we just say that’s a me problem and not a plane problem? I’m paranoid when it comes to flying? So if someone just assumes/knows someone else who gets COVID will be ok but they fear for themselves, isn’t that the same? It’s a fear/paranoia problem regarding COVID?
  10. Lol. For all the noble people who got vaccinated for the greater good of humanity, I wonder how they’d feel about banning the sale of sugary or processed foods. It’s easy to be for something when it lines up with your beliefs. But rest assured, one day if we continue down this path of govt intervention, it will impact something that does not align with your belief. And what will they do then?
  11. Here’s the thing, I just had a conversation with my wife about this (we are Christian and go to church). Religion is not the problem. Church is not the problem. When someone says , “the church is judgmental” or “the church is corrupt,” that is absolutely false. These issues are not a church issue, it’s a people issue. People can be judgmental, people can be corrupt. And it certainly is not limited to the people who make up the church. We live in a sinful world and unfortunately, whether you are a Christian or not, you are a part of that and susceptible to making bad decisions. But I would refrain from blaming church or religion in general because all the issues in this world are people problems, not God problems.
  12. I know some will say this is a typical white person response, but isn’t saying “you’re black, so only buy from black businesses” kind of racist?
  13. I’m genuinely confused here. Yes, I’m against vaccine mandates. No I have not received the COVID vaccine. But I am genuinely asking…… How is it possible to test antibodies from the vaccine if they can’t test antibodies from infection? How can anyone say “the vaccines produce ____ amount of antibodies meaning your risk is reduced to ______.” But they cannot do the same for someone who was previously infected?
  14. So if someone gets the vax, ends up with myocarditis (just picking an example), should they pay more because they made a decision that negatively impacted their health?
  15. Lol. So because you got the vaccine, you have good health habits and should pay lower rates? But me, who is not vaccinated, but runs, eats well, no smoking, no alcohol, should have higher rates? Of all the poor choices people make with their personal health, a vaccine is the one that puts you over the top regarding healthcare and rates? No vaccine, I’ve never had COVID, but I should pay more. I decide to pick up smoking with a guaranteed negative health impact, I’m good to pay my current rate? Makes sense
  16. Wow, I bet @B-Manhad no idea the impact his posts on this board would have on the people of South Africa. What do the unvaccinated in the US have to do with the people in another continent? Or are they right winged, triggered Trump lovers there also?
  17. Lol, then he’d have 2? That’s meant to be humorous because I do agree. I feel like Oliver has been in the backfield a lot lately.
  18. Only problem is they’ll also be dealing with the same issues that were dealt with in 2020.
  19. Why does it matter where someone does something that’s legal? Point being, this guy can be made fun of and considered a “hillbilly” but if it were reversed, everyone would be up in arms. It’s hypocritical and you know it, but will continuously defend it. Idiots
  20. I just want to be sure I understand this correctly. So someone on the left can make fun of what a man decides to put in his mouth and it’s simply a funny joke. Now, what if I make fun of what Pete Buttigieg puts in his mouth? Wouldn’t I be censored and cancelled (assuming I had a following)? Kind of a double standard, don’t you think?
  21. You really do love making broad generalizations about the unvaccinated. How can you say the unvaccinated doesn’t care about the elderly, but in every post tell us that getting vaccinated prevents the spread and hospitalizations? Wouldn’t that imply that an elderly person with the vaccine is safe? I don’t understand the logic here. If I am 80 and get the vaccine, shouldn’t it be my expectation that it doesn’t matter what you do because my risk is diminished? According to the charts you love posting, I should be ok shouldn’t I? Now back to generalizing the unvaccinated as not giving a $@&t about the elderly. You really need to get off your high horse acting like getting the vaccine is some sort of noble decision to benefit all of humanity, because it’s not. You have picked this hill to die on while you likely make other decisions in your life that scream “I only care about myself.” Am I right? Does every choice you make have the benefit of everyone else above yourself? I doubt it. So I’d love to know how I don’t care about the elderly because I’m unvaccinated? Here’s the reality. You don’t know me or my family. What you don’t know is that I haven’t been to church in 18 months because of the pandemic. I haven’t been to any public events in 18 months. I’ve made many sacrifices because I’m not vaccinated because of my own personal choice. But someone unvaccinated and living responsibly doesn’t fit your narrative that we are out, spreading COVID to everyone. So keep generalizing that we are a detriment to society. Whats funny is I have heard numerous stories of the vaccinated that would suggest maybe they should evaluate their own view of “protecting” others. I have a coworker who came down with COVID symptoms but decided to go to a basketball game anyways because she was vaccinated. So even though she thought she had it, and we know she can spread it, she went anyways. So who is more in the wrong here? The vaccinated coworker or me who is unvaccinated and doesn’t go to public events despite feeling great? I’m guessing you’ll say both but I’d love to know what makes me such a problem to society.
  22. But then he’ll question if your doctor is legit. That’s what’s funny. If two doctors have differing opinions of treatment (which happens - high blood pressure - medicate vs. diet/exercise), then what happens? You pick the one with your point of view. So ultimately, if you want to get vaxxed, what does it matter what the doctor says? And the other doctor I guess would be considered unqualified. It’s crazy to me that he, or anyone else, cannot fathom the idea that there’s some people out there who have genuine concerns about a vaccine. Suddenly, you’re antivax or an apologist. People are concerned and all I hear is “science.” But science has failed before and it’ll fail again. Scientists and researchers will find an answer to a problem and years later the original thought is obsolete. I’ve provided an example (of many I’m sure) where a treatment option was given, approved, deemed safe, and 15 years later (two weeks ago now) was recalled because it causes cancer. How is that ok?
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