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Everything posted by FeelingOnYouboty

  1. Looking like Rosen and Allen will drop unless Bills/Dolphins/Cardinals make a trade up
  2. The top 4 is set CLE-Darnold NYG-Barkley NYJ-Mayfield CLE-Chubbs The action starts with Denver. Do they take Quenton Nelson or do they go with Josh Rosen? Indy, TB, Chicago, SF, Oakland are all potential trade downs Not a good sign if we let NYJ and Miami to be more desperate than us for QB.
  3. Smart people think Lamar Jackson is going to be a superstar in this league and dumb people think he's the next Tyrod Taylor
  4. Josh Rosen is that kid in college who studied abroad for a year and thinks he's smarter than everyone. He's 21 and a little too gabby but he's a good kid. He'll mature as he gets older. You can kinda tell he wants everyone to know how smart he is. As he gets older he won't feel that need anymore. Take him at #4, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 just take him. He's instantly the second best QB we'd have in our history the moment he signs his contract.
  5. When Dalton threw that TD pass I was numb and didn't move for minutes. Didn't make an sounds. Just went numb.
  6. Unless Buffalo secretly likes the kid which they might. I can see Beane and McDermott thinking he's the next Cam Newton. They'd be insane to think that but all these NFL guys at their core are size queens. If the Broncos pass on him and the Bills don't trade for him I can see Arizona maybe trading up to Chicago, SF, Oakland and getting a deal done. NFL guys really can't help themselves. It's size and ego. They all think they're going to be the one who can untap his potential.
  7. This is the nonsense that starts popping up during this time of the year when the #1 pick is obvious. Fabricated storylines to generate more interest before Draft Day. This time last year we were hearing Trubisky to the Browns nonsense. Darnold is going #1 to Cleveland. Mayfield is going to the Jets. What happens at 2 and 4 are going to be interesting.
  8. Sam Darnold's low end is the best QB prospect since Peyton Manning. Way to let that Southern Cal bias show there Colin.
  9. Fine with the Jets getting Mayfield if it means we get Rosen. The Patriots reign needs to be over and it will be fun having meaningful divisional games again. That being said if they take Josh Allen I'm going to celebrate it like a playoff win.
  10. Don't even know why we even entertain the 'stay put at 12' brigade. It's not happening. Accept that we're moving up now and you'll feel better. We traded away asset after asset in the last year because we're targeting a QB. Don't think for a second Brandon Beane is just going to wait it out at #12 to take a Mason Rudolph lol.
  11. I don't care that he was good for us. It was hard to root for that guy.
  12. Yep. It looks like we're trying to get Cleveland's 4th pick. I wonder if they'd take 12, 22, 53, 65th and a 2019 2nd Rounder. In this scenario they could get their QB(Darnold), their T(McGlinchey) and their RB(Chubb/Guice/Michel/Jones) all in the 1st.
  13. Galko saying that the Jets have closed in on Baker Mayfield at #3. CEO meeting with Mayfield this week is a huge sign that he's their guy.
  14. Out of this list I love Frank Ragnow, Kerryon Johnson and Mark Andrews the most
  15. Just listen to the Dan LeBatard show. They don't take themselves serious and just have fun.
  16. He’s not someone you should be taking serious. Any chance to bring up the Patriots and he’ll do it. It’s absurd to believe the Patriots have enough to get to #10 let alone the first overall pick lol
  17. Why would the Giants need to put misinfo on their opinion on Rosen? Browns certainly aren’t taking him so if they want him they can have him. It’s pretty clear the Browns and the Giants aren’t too fond of Rosen. Who knows what the Jets want between Allen, Mayfield and Rosen.
  18. I was arguing for Beane and McDermott two-three years ago on BBMB before we hired Rex Ryan I’m very happy we have these two faces of the Franchise. Now to get the QB to make it a trinity.
  19. He’s a future team captain for whatever team drafts him. Imagine Rosen and Ragnow with our first two picks.
  20. A popular defense of Josh Allen's low completion % is that he didn't throw screen passes. However, Allen threw a higher rate of passes 0-5 yards from the line of scrimmage (30%) than Darnold, Rosen & Mayfield Another Josh Allen myth busted lol
  21. One of the best players in the SEC. If he didn't break his leg he'd be a sure fire 1st rounder. I'd be geeked if we can get Frank Ragnow, Dante Pettis, Fred Warner and Rashaad Penny somehow
  22. His arm concerns me but yes I think he’s going to be good
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