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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Jets folks seem to think the 2 my just don't make moves w each other... no matter what
  2. I agree and hope. Assuming they have identified a guy they love, with the connections as such, I've always figured it'd be number #2. Also, I became resigned to the thought it will take 3 #1 and change. Anything less is a pleasant surprise. I guess i think its easier when I consider you will have to pay for the pick of the guy you love and that all along I've subscribed to the thought that this years 2 #1s wouldn't be enough. I feel like the flip side is someone views each #1 pick as a huge deal and i guess they wouldn't be wrong. Personally, I've just viewed everything as adding to the cache of picks to package for their guy. Now.. as much as this hurts to say the ONLY reason I'd put this reasoning aside is if they aren't in love w anyone. Don't draft a qb just to draft a qb a la ej. But also, don't not blow your wad but still try and keep up w the Jones a la jp. Besides, they seem to be pretty good at finding hole fillers. Not having a 1 next yr w all the cap room will be ok and if the guy hits you can start adding 1st rounders by the time he is ready to fly yr 3. Just my take
  3. I hope darnold/Rosen as well, but for the smoke screen tea leaves crowd it is worth noting that baker seems to be the 1 guy that no one as mentioned or associated specifically w the Bills. The others seem to have had their time as their supposed favorite Haha if true and w the way things have been around here, how does this not have it's own thread, or 4?
  4. terrible post missed the mark on entertaining, humor, AND sarcasm. essentially the sucky trifecta. honestly, a post simply saying " i dont like josh allen" would have conveyed your point better AND more importantly been less redundant. I'd say better luck w/post #2, but after this doozie hopefully the powers that be realize this might be a little too much for you to handle. I guess anyone just posts whatever they want now a days and things get crazy. Wild world kids... wild world..
  5. agree, but i also kinda feel like a few knocks on a few diff guys are rather nit picky. I guess that goes with the talent of the class. The 13 class for example had a bunch of SERIOUS questions. This year with the talent being better, some things seem more trivial IMO fair enough... but just fwiw none of this OR that has anything even remotely close to do with throwing a football and his ability to do so.
  6. I have no idea what it'll take. Getting to this point and adding ammo has been pretty easy and pain free. At somepoint, its gotta hurt. MAYBE the damage will be minimized as McBeane has been pretty spot on and done well thus far. I'm just simply saying, IF thats what it takes - then they will be able to be the high bidder save a Ditka move. Personally, I'm preparing for this years 2 1s and next years 1. If it happens to be less, then im surprised. If not, Im prepared and wont be aghast if it happens. Either way, based on what we have witnessed and how this has played out thus far I think they know and plan on doing what it takes to make their guy happen. This goes both ways though... reading other teams boards their ask is crazy high. Reading our board fans projection of what it will take is prob low. Hopefully a happy medium will be struck. im not sure i'd use the word 'many' describing the amount of people who see AJ as a potential FQB, the team included. I dont know McBeane personally, but common sense combined with his contract is telling. Its a bridge contract if there ever was one and is about as low and disposable as they come. With where this team is at, and how early it is, there cant be a mark at 12. Rather, its the 1st shoe dropping. Your thoughts are well organized, but id argue the whole thing falls apart based on your premise. There hasnt been one iota of evidence based on how the offseason has been played that suggests your premise is even a remote possibility. One might even call it 'irrational'
  7. I think this is because at this point (and this is really going to make a small intense faction of folks here pissed) ya gotta pay the price. For example, if a team offers xxx for #2, the Bills prob have the ammo this year to match. If the ante gets upped to three 1's - then it can still be matched and BUF still would prob have the leverage up better ammo due to 2x this year. They have essentially hedged their bets and put their eggs in their basket. They have a guy they LOVE and now the price will have to be met. The next move will prob hurt, but theyve come this far they are kinda stuck... and thats ok! It would be hard for them to be out bid, and they are in a position where they have to kinda keep up with the jones. Sure, some here will say McCarron is/was insurance or the always popular lets trade for Nick Foles... but their fate has essentially been cast. They wouldnt have done all this if they DIDNT believe the target is a franchise changer. Now whatever it takes to land him needs to and will be done. Flame away Foles-Flock!! IF this were to happen this issue is easily solved simply by adding next yrs #1. Not ideal, but problem solved
  8. not to be a jerk... but who cares? we saved cash- have a bit of an unknown- gained an asset- and TT is no longer our problem. woulda, coulda, shoulda, but it is what it is. Moot point. Lets look forward
  9. Agreed, ESP if the target is Rosen. I think we will be in for a rude awakening with out tyrod in one (and only one) sense and we got a sneak preview to a degree last year in LA. We have gotten use to his escapability and with out arguing about how many sacks were on him holding the ball too long etc. Itd be nice to not have the kid turn into David Carr (exaggeration of course) but you get the idea. That said, if they emphasize 2/3 step drop and out (something TT couldnt do) maybe itll cut down on him getting killed. Regardless of who, and their talent, we dont wanna get the kid killed ESP if for some reason he needs to be rushed.
  10. Hold on hold on... I just gotta go grab my pencil, eraser, ruler, abacus, triangle, and my 1983 pro football weekly draft edition and I'll be rrriiiggghhhtttt bbbaaaccckkkk.....
  11. I wish I understood more than poor Doc does. I suppose at the very least ya gotta give the foles-flock credit for knowing what they want in life... so there's that..
  12. Wait... sooo... no Nick foles?? And, thanks for the time of course!
  13. SERIOUSLY? Your takeaway from this is This STILL somehow revolves around Foles? Good god man.. I'm starting to think you might be the #1 Foles fan. "If need be"???? REALLY??? That statement combined with the fact that you simply choose to ignore NO OTHER TEAMS (let alone the Bills) share you enthusiasm in his potential. It's like if Matt Cassel had have went back to the Pats 4 yrs later and took over for an injured Brady. Product of the system who didnt screw it up. THATS as hypothetical as your confidence in Foles. I had a blast watching him im the superbowl but... i gotta face the facts. At the very least I have enjoyed our chat but I gotta say... I'm kinda worried if you STILL think they should/could get Foles. Ya GOTTA let it go, for your own sake and sanity
  14. I guess thatd work too. I thought Darnold, but he COULD go #1 (as I suppose so cld Allen as anything is possible) I guess as I mentioned before I get worried Rosen and another non mentor type might not be the best atmosphere bc he could start right away...which was the basis of your post. I guess I find it interesting before the halfway point of last season (one wld think before smoke screens matter) someone reported the Bills LOVED Sam. The Rosen one came out later so I thought 'cool, he is my favorite' but that really could have been smoke. That said, I haven't heard the Bills connected to Mayfield yet so maybe they are all smoke screens! Or maybe....haha
  15. Dmv:) Thank you for the tip tipster. No need to not post, but id imagine itll be a 'joke' that follows you for a bit. I'd have kept it under my hat for the many reasons listed in this thread - but I get you got excited and wanted to share. Something to read at the very least
  16. Lol, you can' t completely dismiss the basis and majority of a sound argument against your point and simply pick out a part you want to dispute. Thats not how sound and quality discussions happen.The bottom line is this... IF, there is a franchise altering potential FQB that can be had for only a 1st and a 4th...teams are lining up to pay the price. Everyone simply laughs at the Eagles with good reason. He was on an excellent team and in an excellent situation. If he could put a team on his back KC wouldn' t have been the disaster it was. He can compliment an excellent team - not make the team excellent. Same category as tyrod except, ya know, he can throw. Anywho- Moot point, as the Bills went w AJ who I think (not that it matters a lick) is a better choice than Foles and serves the purpose you want, which seems to be win until the rookie is ready. As with Foles, my only worry is putting 2 guys in a room who want to be the guy when only 1 can. A Moore, Hoyer, McCown guy would serve that role in a more defined way and would avoid a volatile situation but hopefully that's not even an issue and I'm just getting ahead of myself anyway. In the end, I agree to disagree and neither of us are scouts or GMs. The guys that are didn't view it as a viable option and that's all I really need to know
  17. Worthy of your 400th 'Like'. You are welcome!
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