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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. agreed, but this is also another element why IMO the 2019 #1 is important. I feel it puts them over the top just bc of the nature of what it is. I look forward to seeing the outcome
  2. i dont even disagree... but everything we are saying here is totally theoretical. Giants fans want 4 #1s. Bills fans think it should take 2 #1s. It could very well shake out somewhere in between. BUT if its 3 1's as a starting point you are either in or you aren't. I'm all in, you are not. Thats ok bc we dont make the call and may never know the discussion. Only the final #'s and we can judge from there
  3. credit for even figuring out it was a question! The '?' usually gives it away, but with the way the rest of it was i couldnt tell if it was intentional lol
  4. well ya... but i think we are dealing with a certain level of things being assumed at this point. a possible bust is one of them. These guys have to address this and the plan seems smart ASSUMING that they LOVE a guy. If they keep kicking the qb can to the next year it will continue to prolong the inevitable. Many people look at everything done thus far as accumulating this cache of draft currency as ammo for a qb. It started as soon as last years trade happened. So, as they may never have the ammo again, and hopefully wont be bad enough to be #1 or #2 on their own, dont have a young qb, have a quality class with a few top tier options, the time is now. Their jobs may even depend on it to a degree, but that cant scare them away from it. Waiting until a year with no blue chippers could have the same effect. IMO, theyve earned their chance for our trust for them to take a swing. I hope they swing away
  5. i get it... but beggers cant be choosers to a degree and IF the LOVE a guy, you need to make your pick. Sometimes you cant have both. Who knows if it will come to that, but for the sake of this conversation the potential FQB might have to be in the front seat. I cant imagine a pick 2 yrs down the line has much value at the moment esp bc its easier for us to part w
  6. oy... you do realize someone can make a list that is literally the exact opposite correct? All this does is confirm a glass half empty view on your behalf. Why does it seem like a good idea to post a list of busts when a list of hits can just as easily exist? troll on my man, troll on
  7. ok crazy... and i felt this in the other threads you were banging this drum in. apparently it didnt get the attention you wanted so here we are. enjoy the attention lol
  8. I just watched that yesterday again bc I had an itch for draft stuff. Free w ads on vudu to boot!
  9. That's my line. 3 #1 isn't unheard of and as I have mentioned for me personally, I plan on it taking 3 and anything less is a pleasant surprise. Like I said, I like that it allows them to make picks both years as well rather than one of the years be depleted. Just different views and personal preferences. People say at all costs and that's not true. 3 #1 is my limit I'd be happy w. I'm excited to see how it plays out
  10. I like this breakdown. I'd be shocked however if next years 1 isnt used. Its kinda the end all in regard to one upping other teams considering a move up. Sure, there are smaller pieces that can be added... but the 1 is what would put us over the top. Odd as it sounds, the 1 next year could also allow for the chance of a normal draft this year and next. no idea obviously, just a little conjecture
  11. but in 10 min it might seem like it is... i dunno, u dunno, no point in fretting - lets wait and see. everything else is hear say
  12. i get the due diligence... but how do you come to the conclusion buffalo inquires about 1st pick = not trading up? its not math... but if it was the math wouldnt work
  13. With this, I can as the kids say - " Get down with the sickness"?
  14. But here's the thing... and why until now I haven't bothered to engage in a who is better than who debate. Believe it or not, and it's the craziest thing - everyone has a rookie qb they like and one they don't. We don't get to say we only think a trade up is a good idea only if they get xxx or don't get guy zzz. The answer you are so salty about not getting is the beginning of a rabbit hole that is pointless to going down bc no matter how good of an armchair gm you think you are - it's a moot point. We don't get to vote on who the rookie should be. People much smarter than us make that decision and this is the 1st gm/coach combo i can confidently say that about.To base an entire opinion off of one game, to be frank, isn't a POV I choose to engage a conversation with. Kelly choked pretty hard in a superbowl or 3. Do we base our opinion of his on that? Sure his performance that game might tell part of the picture. But yikes, there is sssooo much more to it and what a shame it would be. Its just as much about potential as preformance at this point. Besides, it seems as though the brownies like Darnold anyway. That should solve the issue from your end. But yet we go round, and round..
  15. And doc you aren't wrong.... I've maintained I'm for a trade up at all costs if there is a guy they love. They have shown nothing but competence. They have earned the right imo to take their shot. If they are wrong, it could be their jobs. Personally I feel better about these 2 making a decision of that magnitude than any of the other bozos that have come through. If they don't love a guy and just feel like they have to take a guy to take a guy... well that's where problems arise. I think we don't see eye to eye that Foles is the answer. You have him on a pedestal but I haven't heard what you think in regards to him being in the right situation and why if he is the guy, hasn't any one paid a 1 and 4 for their answer? He is there for the taking for any team that wants him. I maintain that Foles and AJ might be very close. I'd then get it if you wanted them to ride him and see how he shakes out. It's the Foles over everyone else part I don't understand.
  16. Lol, if you are doing homework before some of the nonsense you bestow upon it's worse than I thought. Your question didn't warrant an answer. You LITTERALLY said you dont care if i respond, but clearly you do as you took the time out of your day to make me aware. You on the other hand, let my cliche response go right over your head and ya doubled down by getting uppity about it. The response you received was appropriate. Good day sir
  17. Haha, ive tried. Those foles guys are a persistant bunch with hearts of gold who never give up or crumble under pressure. They'd prob say the same about Foles himself
  18. Bananas to cucumbers to pears then Me Too! I feel like that 19 2 needs to be a 1 though. And if so, so be it lol
  19. A lot changes in a year, as we know. They became an elite team last year. It's a copy cat league and it sure seems like the Bills are taking steps to follow in their footsteps. Pointing this out does little besides make an argument against the point you are trying to make. Foles wasn't the one who set em up last year. He simply knocked em down. Not nothing, but not a building block either. In fact, the Eagles have the exact same predicament we are debating. Talented young rookie, or stick w their backup. They know who buttered their bread last year...
  20. Another dent in the table. I will however give credit where credit is due. This is at least one of the more creative ways in acquiring Foles
  21. Bad years on bad teams... I don't think we know where the Bills will shake out next year but their roster is closer to the Chiefs than Eagles. I respect you like the guy, but hope and pray you don't expect the Bills to turn into the Eagles if he were to come here... No, but there in lies the disconnect. One more time, a blue chipper could be the next Kelly for this team. Foles ceiling has essentially been established. If the rookie turns into 'the guy' 5 Foles couldn't equal him. I'd venture to guess many Foles guys liked Taylor. You essentially have that in AJ now. Safe. Ever wonder how the list of qbs on the dummy jersey in Cleveland got so long? Among other things, giving too many Nick Foles type guys the reigns. IF this FO LOVES a guy, I feel they've earned the right to go get him should they choose. Lord knows we've tried every other way to get a guy. Mid to low 1st, mid rd, late rd, other teams back ups, other teams cast offs, free agents who haven't gotten a chance.. but never going up and getting THEIR top rated guy in a qb strong year. At least you can't really be proven wrong, bc at the end of the day it's pretty safe to say the Foles ship has sailed.
  22. Look, I appreciate the back and forth and I honestly don't mean to come across as rude or condesending in this case. I feel it's important I make that clear. BUT, if this were such a good idea, or sure fire way to get a franchise guy -again- why aren't qb needy teams begging the Eagles to take their picks? A 1st and a 4th is a pittance for a game breaker franchise maker hall of famer. Now, you didn't say that but before you point that out.. That's what we need. It's why people want to get to 2. It's why teams aren't lining up to meet the Eagles asking price. I didn't directly answer each of your questions 1 by 1, but I still answered them and rather matter of factly so. Foles had the best roster in the NFL, 2 up and coming potential qb gurus, solid coaching, a simple plan and didn't mess it up. When most qbs have a flash in the pan season it's because the circumstances are what that person needed to be successful. Prior to that, Foles had 1 such year and then when taken away from it - he faltered. The goods ones don't. Sure they can be assisted by it, but they are good year in and year out. Oc to Oc. Staff to staff. Before the nfcc and super bowl he was simply asked to and preformed as a game manager. He played like his hair was on fire those last 2 games and again, it was fun to watch. I know I'm not smarter than all the other GMs. So, it's very telling when no one is jumping at the chance to hitch their wagon to a guy for a small price for a fqb. Maybe he could provide some stability in a tyrod sense. Not how he plays the game per se, but the roll that the qb plays in the offense. McCarron could also provide that. We already have that. Foles isn't the answer any more than AJ is potentially. And are you really going to make me list 1 yr wonder flash in the pans who teams tried molding into a fqb and it fell apart? I hope not... but if u do #1 on that list? None other than Nick Foles himself... Is foles?
  23. Excellent! Hopefully it's as engaging as a 2nd viewing of Inception. Now you know the ending, you'll start to notice the intricacies of how the post was crafted and to the astute observer - how I left hints of my point before I actually came out and said it. Enjoy!!!
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