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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Im actually starting to have a forehead dent in my table. As for if the table or these posts are doing more damage to my head... That's up for debate
  2. Thats what youve taken away from the last 2 days of posts on here? Are you sure you posted this in the right forum?
  3. I'd venture to guess it's most people's narrative or at least something similar. Then, there's a very small contingent that are STILL holding a candle for Foles. At every turn, and every opportunity, savior Foles is mentioned. If we were talking about a Brees type guy, fine. I get it. But you don't think it's a bit short sighted to put his last 3 games and 1 outlier season above the best of his career. The Bills ARE NOT the Eagles. They might not even be the Chiefs. If this dude was the cats meow, teams would be begging the Eagles to take their picks for Foles the FQB. 1st and 4th is nothing for a guy who will bring a team to greatness. Bbbuuutttt..... crickets. I promise, I don't mean this to be a jerk but you ARENT smarter than every GM in the league. There is a reason the guy has been passed around and almost retired. The Eagles had a GREAT team and he was in a GREAT situation with coaching, roster, game plan etc. He stayed within himself and didnt screw it up. He didnt make the Eagles but was a product of the Eagles.There is actual history of similar situations you can compare it to and each and every time it's essentially fools gold. Luckily, the Bills (and every other qb needy team for that matter) realize they don't want to be said fool...
  4. I'm more inclined to burn down the bakery..
  5. Enough of this.. man, I've never seen another teams back up qb so popluar. And it can't be him.. so it's gotta be more simply the conclusion people who are anti trade come to when considering the next best thing. Foles was in an excellent position, on an excellent team, with a stripped/dumbed down playbook. He has shown what he is capable when a team is handed to him and not in near perfect circumstances like Philly. He was fun to watch, but that bottle of lightning doesn't come with him. At least move on to AJs unknown potential and change it up. That's a tad more realistic
  6. This is all kinda assumed imo. Unless it's a doozy, it seems folks who think otherwise just have their posts burried and otherwise ignored. It's become the main waste of space that needs to be sorted through.. the quality takes and discussion seems to naturally rise above
  7. The article in question mentions where vick was drafted a couple times...
  8. What did I just read?!? Man.. man crush o plenty there. Day 1 starter? Wouldnt be suprised if the Bills take him top 5?! Smoke screen bc no one has mentioned him to the bills? So by that lodgic mayfield is right there with him...Uhhhh
  9. Very few times have a read something that totally encapsulated my thoughts to a T. This post has managed to do it. Thank you for the excellent take and I'm right there with ya. Couldn't have said it better myself!
  10. Know what was special about the 83 qb class and why it's remembered as a once in a generation class? It's the 83 qb class, a once in a generation class! No need to be remembered as it won't soon be forgotten.
  11. Just let it play out. I want #2 as bad as anyone, but if it is meant to be it'll be. Really all we can do is wait at this point. Hopeully the panic induced yesterday wanes and we can just see what happens. The paranoia in acting like Beane has come out and said no way no how has to subside. Let it play out and save the ledge jumping for when we have a clear picture. Right now? Who knows. 3 might have been the target. 2 might have been it all along. Again- Who knows?
  12. I waited all day for a true Nick Foles sighting and here it is. Thanks for that!!
  13. Well, if that's the case end thread. It's got no where to float, but up!
  14. Oh please, have you SEEN some of the stuff on here? You have a 50/50 chance of it being a serious post in the 1st place. The fact youve now wasted 2 posts to point out what a jerk i am speaks to how engaging this thread really is... My my...
  15. For real? Taking the trade a little hard I see. Good thing you are so even keeled and didn't over react! Luckily a poll will back you off the edge..
  16. Unfortunately, people don't tend to key word tag their own posts as 'waste of a click ' . If they did, your advice would be SPOT ON Spell check can't catch em all lol. Shld I just toss the phone into some SCALDING hot lava and call it a day?
  17. So.. looking up and down the board... there wasn't a SINGLE topic you felt this would have been appropriate for and matched to? Did your parents deprive you of the match game as a child?? Or is this just such a scolding hot take you felt it was worth signing your name to so the world could see??
  18. From me and you, you and me, if that's your assessment you are entitled to it. But that's not what matters. If they feel there is, and they LOVE a guy- go get him. Even if it's not my preference (allen) bc I trust they know better. Now if they aren't in love w any of them then fine. I think there is a guy they quite like at the very least
  19. That would be the afore mentioned 1 yr wonder. It happens... but I don't want to have everything go our way 1 yr and then back to avg.. I want to try and find the guy who makes it on the regular. It's a rare and special thing.. but When ya hit it's gotta b o so nice:)
  20. I think it has something to do w that method has been tried multiple times and you might get lucky 1 yr but w out a fqb, there won't be any staying power. Great teams have great qbs. This team has infused rosters w talent all to see it go for not...bc they came up short at the most important position. **edit- it's the QB... the qb is the most important position****
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