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Everything posted by Behindenemylines

  1. Watching games with my father and both grandfathers Sunday afternoons before supper, from the late 70’s until we moved from the Batavia area to Skaneateles. grad school in New England and years outside of Boston and never did my loyalty waiver-no matter the abuse. looking forward to giving these Pats fans the same “I pity you” stare they’ve been giving me the last few decades. Go Bills!
  2. I can see AB not getting his way regarding targets and instead of his typical implosion he gets “Hurt” and out the rest of the season to move on and kill another team. Cray Cray doesn’t go away.
  3. My only hope is that we didn’t want to show too much on offense with KC so close and having to prepare for two teams. Doesn’t excuse the horrendous D or the drops and mistakes. Only the play calling.
  4. Still see us 11-5 or 12-6 but jeez this was ugly. Hopefully puts everyone on notice and they get some urgency. frazier better button things up and damn fast or my predictions goto he$$ quickly
  5. Diggs seemed off most of the game. No energy like the rest of the team. Just not our night. Allen off tonight. I think it was the Covid changes. just hope they get going again to setup KC.
  6. Tyrod is the oatmeal of quarterbacks. Won’t break your heart but will bore you to death. that is all
  7. Hope Josh is ok but man we gotta clean up this D. My ticker Ain’t gonna take much more if this.
  8. Hate this soft play. We had the momentum put your Foot on the gas!
  9. Was just telling my wife Allen has grown and throwing it away when needed. Sorry for the jinx
  10. Yep offensive geniuses like Gase have such complex schemes it takes years for players to fully grasp the playbook.😂 Much like Defensive genius Rex Ryan’s playbook for us as HC.🤔. Just ask Mario Williams
  11. I was thinking the exact same thing. Well designed play to either get the TD or the PI.
  12. Agreed 💯 but it’s a tough lift. I’m expecting 11-5 season but like to keep perspective. Not so much worried about talent but injuries and how they effect us right now. If we go 5-1 we should all be jacked. (Jaq’d?)
  13. But if we can just get to 5-1 it should be smooth sailing.....oh wait (flashback 2008)
  14. Was out and about for the game and could only get quick updates from nfl.com. Was so looking forward to your review and analysis! Great team win and yes...football is on! Here in NE it’s all Cam all day now and Tommy is a distant memory. His IG call is making Pats fans laugh- “that don’t happen in Foxborough”. They suck. Period
  15. Wrong 💯. Rosen was given ample opportunity to prove himself. That doesn’t mean he wins playoff games or the super bowl but show he has room to grow and can lead. He proved nothing to team leaders or teammates on any team he’s been on. I would believe his attitude is a cancer on the team and his skill set doesn’t compensate for it. You don’t go from a first round pick to the practice squad without major issues...period.
  16. Agreed. Also from what has been reported and his personal narrative through and after the draft and even after he’s an ass. A total self centered ass. Never had the heart for this game
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