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Everything posted by JPP

  1. simply put we need out defence to come out again like they did this past monday night to have any chance whatsoever.......im expecting our offence to grind out maybe a handful of fieldgoals at best....until they can show some sembalance of an nfl offence i have lost all faith in them for this season plus with the possible peterman show starting again....ouch....this one may just get very ugly very early.....
  2. Trust the process......process of continually obtaining the worst QB/s possible.....
  3. zay impressed compared to last season.....he is a keeper for sure.....imagine if only we had a somewhat functional offense he will be even better
  4. I will say it again for you.....COLLUSION......no team will go near him with a ten foot pole....he will not be signed with us or with any other team anytime soon or in the near or later future........but regardless yes he would also be an improvement with the dumpster fire we have at QB now.....
  5. thats affirmative....forget the workout....sign him up!!
  6. Going through the scrap heap but seriously people.......really think keeping Peterman is the better option.......just rip off the holistic bandaid and cut Peterman........should of been done after last season
  7. Chicago is number 1 at take aways in the league......good luck with that one...it doesnt matter which garbage QB starts either NP or DA.....both are going to have a very very long day
  8. Not ready to name a starter...LOL....oh that McDermott with his trickery....making sure the opposing defence dosent know who to plan for!
  9. I would guess until he knows the playbook (unless it was those scraps of paper daboll was pulling out of his pockets last night...too funny)......or maybe logan thomas?
  10. Wife probably took away all electronic gadgets including the TV when she found out the vacation fund when down the you know what.....
  11. just signed pryor.....Wildcat all day....results will be better no doubt.....
  12. LOL...Mack is froathing at the mouth.....Peterman is gonna get the case of some PTSD's after this one....geez.....
  13. Peterman probably getting the shakes just thinking about Khail Mack.....
  14. HAHA......to that poster.....make ur money back......this is the game to bet that 5K on....guaranteed!
  15. OKay Beanie....your on a roll already today.....bring him in!
  16. Switch the station to Dr Phil...maybe that might be better
  17. Find another hobby.....you seem to be abit ill tempered......seriously had to be restrained because of a football game?
  18. LOVE THIS!! LOL>.....sign him....sign him now! Hell probably alot better than what we got now and could be had very cheap as well!
  19. I caught that little tidbit from one of the games commentators last night....No word yet on his condtion tho....
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