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Everything posted by JPP

  1. You could only put so much makeup on a pig but will get the same results.......expect better than the crap we had the last few years.....JA may have some hope....may....
  2. LOL......this thread......ok slight improvement.....only 3 int's so he's improving??? He actually lasted an entire game!!! Come on people have we been so beaten down as a fanbase that we are now okay with mediocrity? The guy sucks plain and simple as does this entire offence.....this is on the coach! This fanbase deserves alot better than what this coach is telling us week after week...."we did some good things" "gotta watch some film" 'trus the process" etc etc,,,,, its getting kind of insulting now as a fan....how about some honesty....whats scary is if this guy really believes the garbage he is telling us than i would be very very afraid at this clown evaluating our future offence......
  3. Its abit of a complicated "process" Gotta pay lotsa lotsa lotsa money!!
  4. Hope we dont follow that model but kinda looking that way
  5. It was scrapes pieces of paper he was calling his plays off of.........thats what did it for me.....OP maybe onto something here...
  6. Just got out of the doghouse in the backyard......gets kinda cold at night up here in Canada!
  7. Is this guy really good or is it a thing that we all been so traumatized (me included) with this garbage of an O that anyone new is cause for celebration?
  8. WTF is buffalo bills style football..getting blown out by double digits on a weekly basis...oh dear god please just fire this idiot......its really starting to hurt listening to him.....
  9. No but opinion is very strong (from the results so far) that if you keep Beanie and McBlowout than chances are we will not see any major turnaround in year 3 of their tenure with the offence....
  10. That would be one of worst starting QB's in the NFL in the last couple of decades...thats who...
  11. The issue or argument on this thread im t hinink is who would be the better gap for Allen.....because the options we have now is clearly not......not even close.....tyrod as a 1 year gap would of been an upgrade compared to Peterman no doubt about it.......IMO they should of cut bait with Peterman and brought someone in (a vet) early in the offseason.......
  12. In the same arguement we should of kept Fitz as well way back than.....but he no longer was in our future plans as was Tyrod......what they shouldnt have done is double down on Peterman along with a rookie as your options.........that was/is the worst coaching decision i can remember ever seeing........pure amateur hour and we are seeing the results of this week after week.....we should of tried to get better options way back in the off season when they were availabile .....along with line men, WR's etc but those 2 idiots were pooling every single resource into the defence
  13. It would just be yet another reminder how this team messed up the QB position from the get go so so bad!
  14. We have the great Matt Barkley now! lol Anyways no to this.....this guy is done......imagine Glassford behind our line......ouch!
  15. Dont we have a WR coach mentoring our QB currently?
  16. So your saying this is the week we actually score a TD again?
  17. Team just given up on Chuky for sure......should give a 2nd for Carr?
  18. We shall see......really no choice about it since they completely ignored it starting this season up to recent......but i dont trust his evaluations on that side of the ball......he needs to know that there are 30 other teams in the nfl besides his own team and the panthers.....
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