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Everything posted by Foreigner

  1. Six weeks left in the NFL season. Time to separate the men from the boys. Amazingly the Bills are still in the hunt in a very mediocre AFC. Can we make it. Personally, I think if we play like we did the past three weeks, we can 't beat a high school team, and not win another game this year. Will our OL especially the right side, keep our QB upright, and make enough space for Sean McCoy to run through for over one hundred yards? Will our D forget the past three weeks never happened?. And finally will our QB be told to forget about the Zone Read and stand in the pocket and throw to Watkins, Woods, Goodwin and Gillislee? Oops, sorry that was 2016. Or will Nick OLeary suddenly become Rob Gronkowski and Zay Jones become what we thought he would be, and either Brandon Tate, Logan Thomas, Travaris Cadat, become our Rudy. And what about our banged up/broken down Charles Clay, Jordan Matthews and Deonte Thompson, will they forget the pain and catch the ball? We will find out, because thats why the game will be played.
  2. The Coaching staff has not figured it out yet, let us hope they will this Sunday.
  3. Was the WR Mike Williams who caught 5 passes for the Chargers last Sunday the same WR Mike Williams who the Bills sent packing a few years ago? Anybody know.
  4. I guess the new QB will play D also, or else we will lose 54-44 instead of 54-24.
  5. It is called film study. New coaches with new schemes can do good for a few weeks (along with turnovers) but after enough study, opposing people can tear apart the D, and so called geniuses game plans. Then, once the defense knows how bad they are, they will not put out 100%. They are under contract and want to protect their bodies, because they see trying won't work. That part is called self preservation.
  6. This one is simple. Ever hear of knowledge or smarts. Some football people have it, some do not.
  7. Nothing wrong with hope, but what is wrong is incompetence, like going on 18 years. It looks like the nightmare keeps going on and on, and when it stops no one knows.
  8. I think the quote is something like if you make a mistake once it is okay, but if you make the same mistake again, you are a idiot, or something like that.
  9. We would really be missing him if he could play defense.
  10. Why should anyone care about this? Everyone has eyes to watch, why do we need to hear or be told what we are seeing, or is seeing not believing.
  11. They already cleaned house, and this house cleaning showed a lack knowledge along with all three, Matthews, Gains and Benjamin being broken down and on the sidelines or ineffective more than they have helped. Do not have much more talent to get rid of.
  12. What planet is the guy on the past 3 weeks who says we are in the hunt. That's all that matters?
  13. Yungmack said it perfectly, everything else is fodder.
  14. Use your own eyes and ears to see what is going on, if you believe all of what you see and hear in the media, you have a problem.
  15. We all know there is a lack of talent. That on D starters Ragland, Dareus, Darby, Gilmour were sent packing, and you know who on O, but when teams scheme the right way and really TRY, then a awful 1-8 team like the Giants can beat division leaders like Kansas City.
  16. Teams that win have excellent coaches and players, teams that don't win, have the opposite. It is that simple, it is not rocket science.
  17. Who in the media is playing D for the Bills, as for the Sabres when the media can lace up skates then blame.
  18. Out of all the nonsense that has come out of Coach McDermott the past few weeks, and the silence from our apparently GM, and Ownership, you would think that someone in charge would challenge this team; and its coaches to actually play NFL football this Sunday. Has anyone actually said we stunk, and we need to coach or play better? Is there any fire in anyone's belly at OBD? Has anyone gone into the film room and shown the D why they have been the worse in Bills history the past three weeks? Maybe other people feel different, but I would rather lose by a point with 0:00 left on the clock than by 60-10. Say something else Coach the next few days, besides saying I am going back to Taylor. That is something that was a given. Tell us something we don't know. Challenge yourself and your players. It is a privilege to be in the NFL on Thanksgiving day. Show us on Sunday.
  19. If anything the reaction was undercooked. If anyone can't see the last 3 starts, and wants to defend this organization, then there is no hope at all.
  20. Stop with the trust the process. In 3 years----------. The NFL is a now league with free agency and other changes. In 1 year the Saints and Rams(who we beat last year) have gone from near the bottom to the top. If ownership had any guts, and apparently they have not come down to the locker room after these 3 blow outs to raise hell and say how embarrassed they are, then they don't know to dump this management now, instead of 2 or 3 more years of bad football. Again, giving away all the talent for damaged goods, a worse D than Ryan and the QB fiasco means they should be gone now. At 5-2 opposing Coaches head enough film on the D to adjust and we did nothing to combat it.
  21. You are all missing the big picture. Beane and McDermott are both in over their heads. How many years have they been in the NFL and no one has given them a GM or HC position. Whose idea was it to hire these guys. No one seems to know. If it was ownership, to save money with rookie management, the last time I looked the Sabres are again in the basement with a 6 game losing streak, which is hard to do in hockey with OT and shout outs.
  22. Why was the ball even thrown to DiMarco, and why is he on the team If you didn't know the OL was bad, you really don't know anything. With the defense, even Joe Namath, Tom Brady or any other HOF QB could have won any of the last 3 games.
  23. A QB doesn't solve even 1/2 of this team's and organization's problems, and the way they have handled personal, it would not surprise me if the next QB was Peterman 2.0
  24. These two just makes the misery double. They were not good enough to run Carolina.
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