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Everything posted by Foreigner

  1. Why would a franchise QB even want to come here, please explain that to us.
  2. Taylor will be gone and have success somewhere else in the NFL. Do you really this group from ownership on down, know what they are doing? Name me one WR we had tonight that could make the Pats. Just one who could even get on the field for them. Just one.
  3. The personal decisions made by this regime continue to be so poor and call it what you wish; insane, rediculous or whatever. A unknown named Eric Lee was all over the field including the Bills backfield today. Where did he come from? If you guessed the Bills, you guessed right. He appears to be a better LB by far than anyone the Bills have, but our defensive genius Coach deemed him only good enough to be on the practice squad, from where the Pats grabbed him on Nov. 11. He was called a pro bowler on TV. How did you like Gilmour's play breaking up pass after pass, and Marquis Goodwin line today was 8 receptions for 99 yards. And another reject, Sammy Watkins another TD. Why would another QB want to come here when he has what appears to be a bust (Jones), Matthews (another bust), Holmes (another bust) Benjamin (injured when he got here, duped by Carolina). All our talent at WR were sent packing. This is really amazing and sad at the same time.
  4. That was amazing, shows how much he knows and how little we know.
  5. You listen to or read the entire PC, and he knows almost as much about the Bills as McDermott knows. Going back to plays that Pryor or Hyde made years ago playing for Green Bay. How many opposing coaches know every man playing the secondary, plus he knows just about everyone on the O. Just genius.
  6. I am not saying we would have won with TT, but I am saying it may have been the worse decision by a NFL coach this year, and it cost the W 100%, because don't you think the defense gave up because they knew they couldn't win with Peterman, and these guys were not going to put their bodies on the line for what was happening with Peterman. The D was so much better last week with TT, who the locker room knew had a chance to win the KC game.
  7. He is always like that. Sounded like he was facing a unbeaten club. The thing I took from the PC though was when he said they had five running backs. We have one older beaten up guy, and another guy just off the practice squad, that the Jets gave up on earlier in the season. That should tell everyone the difference in the two organizations, why the Pats are the best or close to the best every year, and why we don't make the playoffs.
  8. Good column. It really was not too cool sitting on the lead with mostly running plays. Play calling with leads all year has been way to conservative. If you are going to lose against the Pats, lose by throwing the ball down the field, not with negative run plays into the middle of the defense.
  9. Should the Bills miss the playoffs by one game, or by tie breakers, The Peterman Game will go down in Bills history forever, and whatever else McDermott and Peterman accomplish in the football world will be a sidelight to the Peterman Game. Off hand I can think of two other worse games, and I am talking games that were nightmares in the results. One is the Music City Miracle in which someone said recently if there was replay back then, the TD would have been overturned because it was not a lateral. The other game of course was the Scott Norwood game. I believe many people believe one SB victory is better than four SB appearances. Do you guys have any other games that are among the worst in Bills history?
  10. He was damaged goods when he got here and Carolina couldn't wait to get rid of him, I believe. You think a team fighting for the playoffs gets rid of a top WR in the middle of the season? I even forgot who we had to give up to get him.
  11. I don't think winning the SB would quiet some of the TT haters. Maybe they want another Jim Kelley.
  12. I brought this up weeks ago. When guys and gals are complaining about the QB in the win yesterday, maybe time to bring it up again.
  13. No, he won't get Zillions and be the long term answer, but he is a competent NFL QB who can win games with a good supporting cast including a good OC.
  14. Who knows, this coaching staff couldn't tell the truth if it hit them in the face. You know what he said about (damaged goods) Benjamin today, and then when he got called on it, said he did'nt understand the question.
  15. Some people you can't make happy no matter what you do. A guy crying about one throw(or even more) that was a little off. In the history of the NFL, TT has the lowest % of INTs to throws. You can satisfy some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some time, but you can't satisfy all of the people all of the time.
  16. I don't know why the performance today. Maybe it was pride, after getting beat up by the media, and even on this board for the past three weeks. Whatever it was, a great road win. Coaches, players and fans enjoy this one. Nothing negative to say about this one, although there will be a lot of nitpickers which is really not called for, because if you want to complain about today, join the KC board.
  17. When predicable plays are called for running into the middle of the line with poor blocking, what do you expect.
  18. A horrible post. "sad depressed people that like to see the Bills lose" The last three games people had a right to be upset. Not today though.
  19. I asked this on two different threads and no one has answered. I would think someone would know. Who told or recommended ownership to hire these two first timers, McD and Beane, or did they just throw darts at all the NFL assistants on the board?
  20. I feel like I will walk out of the house, find a package and go to Las Vegas and win a million today. Felt like that all week.
  21. Maybe our QB should come to the line and say F--- Y-- to our OC and HC and run a play that he thinks will work, and he can do best to try and win the game, and if they don't like it they can put Peterman in.
  22. So what happens if the Bills draft their franchise QB and.....THE D STILL STINKS.
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