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Everything posted by MJS

  1. Draft Xavier Legette at 28. Draft BPA later on.
  2. He sure did, but the Bills had a great game plan that rendered him ineffective. They ran the ball down their throats.
  3. I sure as heck wouldn't be drinking and partying and driving weeks before the NFL draft if I had a chance of getting drafted. I'd be doing everything possible to keep my nose clean and make sure no team has a reason to doubt me.
  4. It's not just drinking and driving, which is horrible by itself, it's also that he is dumb enough to do it so close to the most important time of his life.
  5. Yep, let someone else take the idiot. If he turns into a hall of famer, good for them. But chances are he won't.
  6. What an idiot. He can't stay out of trouble for a few months before the biggest and most impactful event of his life (the draft)? Take him off the draft board. We don't need idiots on the team.
  7. Shakir and Kincaid are both active and engaged on run plays and when they don't have the ball. They should be good examples for the team going forward.
  8. He is highlighting his effort, which was crap.
  9. Sure it is. You don't know what plays you will have an impact and what plays you won't. That's why you give it your best every play. Diggs showed terrible motivation on that play, regardless of the outcome. He should be trying even if he knows he will have no impact.
  10. Yeah, he was terrible on non-pass plays.
  11. And he can't screw up their draft because he is unemployed.
  12. That wasn't the best statistical year of his career. That would be 2021. 2022 was good too, apart from missing games. 2023 was his least impactful year, although he was asked to do some different things.
  13. Beane randomly called up Austin Proehl to share deeply confidential information about Diggs and his trade? That is absurd. Beane wouldn't even tell current players on the team that story if it were true. He wouldn't tell anyone besides MAYBE Josh and a handful of front office people.
  14. I'm disappointed with the AD Mitchell pick. I sure hope he isn't the guy we take in real life.
  15. It is worth discussing if someone wants to discuss it, and if you don't think it is a factor in this case than you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter what your own views on pot are. Of course not, because he is a pro athlete. But if he was a regular guy he would get locked up.
  16. I don't want to trade for a guy. I want the Bills to draft a guy high. The Bills need to continue to get younger and cheaper. Go have a good draft and get the pieces you need.
  17. I agree, but you have to admit that some if this is on Diggs too, because he is an emotionally volatile person and his play on the field is too connected with how he feels. I think his drop in production was primarily due to his attitude. But I said it right after, I appreciate that he didn't go to the media and blatantly say or do anything. He sent a few cryptic tweets and that's all. I respect that. And the Bills kept everything in house as well.
  18. Well it is no doubt that it didn't work out and that there were multiple guys that would have been better. But I just remember Watkins had a TON of hype. People were pretty convinced that he would be great, and not just Bills fans. Everyone.
  19. I personally do not want AD Mitchell. He is overrated, in my opinion. And he apparently takes plays off and has motivation issues.
  20. What were the warning signs with Sammy Watkins? I just remember him being seen as a great prospect, one of the best receiver prospects in a long time.
  21. Oline depth would be nice. Edge rusher would be good. Receiver, obviously. Maybe Safety. I'm not really concerned with safety, but it wouldn't be bad to bring in a young guy to develop. I really think Receiver is the only hole. Maybe edge rusher but a lot depends on how impactful Von Miller will be. We don't have a consistent sack producer unless he gets back to form. But this team needs more elite game wreckers. Draft players who can become that (physical traits with high ceilings even if the floor is low). The Bills have had a good team for awhile now, but they lack the elite guys who can take over a game.
  22. I have said pretty strongly that Diggs wouldn't be traded, but I usually added the caveat that it would take him basically forcing himself off of the team being a malcontent. Still, I thought the enormous dead cap hit, one of the largest in NFL history of it happened, was pretty prohibitive. So, I don't really blame members of the media for taking that logical stance. However, they do lose some credibility if they don't talk about being wrong. That's just common sense.
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