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Everything posted by Zerovoltz

  1. ,,,,,Some people don't know what a hot take is.....I digress. Also some people don't know how to count to ONE. Hot Take: Clayton Tune will end up being the best QB in this class when it's all said and done. (fire.)
  2. This is really good work! Appreciate your work and your thoughts here!
  3. For the record....I think the Jets are overrated...both before and after the Rodgers trade. MAYBE if Rodgers has something left the jets grab the 6 or 7 seed....but that is the same situation many AFC teams are in.
  4. The worst part about the draft is EVERYONE IS AWESOME. All the way down to the guy you get in round 7. And with the 254th pick, the 49ers select.................Herman Hennyhoo, FB, West Central Rhode Island Tech. Kiper: "What I like about this guy is he can come in right away and give you a goal line option that is a threat to run or catch, and that will take some attention away from McCaffrey, freeing him up to do even more in the 49er offense. GREAT pick here in round 7" Herbstreit: "I agree Mel...I think the 49ers just got the next greaat FB...can'tg believe he fell this far...great pick!" Reality - Hennyhoo doesn't make the team and McCaffrey was always going to be good no matter what. IF you were a betting man, you'd just say every single pick after the top 20 SUCK and you'd be right 90 percent of the time. I wish there was an alternate draft broadcast with dudes who were mostly negative about why each prospect woun't amount to anything.
  5. The Chiefs rostered all 11 picks last draft. The idea is you get guys who are BETTER (and cheaper) than some of what you already have. Also...most teams go into drafts with enough of a roster that if you had to play a game tommorrow...they could field a team and backups.
  6. I don't think the Bills are moving up. Lack of draft capital....they need to add all the bodies they can as they approach cap crunch coming next year.
  7. Just a point on the idea there are 15 or less first round grades by a GM. I don't doubt it...I don't think it's a strong overall class...but One GM's list of 12 1st round grades won't be the same as the next. It's entirely possible that at 27, the Bills could very well be drafting a guy who they had with a 1st round grade. Another point...again, I agree this class is not at all top heavy, but I think it's probably pretty good because it is deep at CB, TE, and RB..and decent Oline in the mid rounds. Weak at LB. So just because it's weak at the top doesn't mean a great player can't be had at 27...and it doesn't mean everything after pick 15 is garbage all the way through.
  8. Let me try this agian, because I don't feel like maybe I am explaining it correctly....you keep mentioning merch sales and that New York state has the this, that, the stock market etc...I don't disagree with any of that. I am saying THAT stuff doesn't matter to the owners nearly as much as TV revenue. You brought up the Bengals...so mabye this would make more sense if I just use them as an example.... Lets say some circumstance suddenly comes up and the Bengals were up for sale....Someone...maybe that Canadian billionaire that wants a team.....he buys the Bengals and moves them to Toronto. The 31 other owners benefit WAY more from that move than just keepin the team in Cincy. A team in Canada would almost certainly generate more NFL eyes accross the nation. The 31 other owners, would all share in that increased TV revenue deal from Canada. The US TV ratings would essentially be unchanged. Same 32 piec pie...more money per owner. They pretty much don't share much merch sales..the local teams keep more of that for themselves.. 875 Million and lawsuits is nothing to sneeze at...but in a world where a frnachise goes for 6 billion....it's more likely viewed as just part of the transaction (if you wanted to move the team) than an impediment these days. I've already agreed WNY is a GREAT Football market...if the basis of all this was on the local market being what drives revenue..NO ONE would ever move the Bills....that isn't where the bread is buttered though. It's media rights. My whole point is...The Pegulas weren't moving the team....and were good to go with a new stadium, playing in WNY and all that....the situation may still very well be that, but speculation that due to Kim's sudden decline in health....it's worth thinking about what might be possible...and in speculating as such...the local market, fan support, brand...is something to be weighed against the costs and benefits of a move IF.....IF the Bills were to be offered for sale agian sometime soon. I don't want the Bills to move. I like tradition and stability and rivalries and history. I hope they aren't sold. I hope Kim Pegula recovers and that the pegulas own the team a long time and it stays where it is. But if it were for sale....I'd worry that the NFL would suddenly be very very interested in Toronto.
  9. You've missed the point of my post completely. The size of the US market does not matter these days...you could move the Bills to Boise Idaho....wouldn't matter because as I said...TV numbers in NON NFL markets are the same as they are in NFL markets. 31 NFL owners don't gain anything because you moved your team. Also...highlighted above....the NFL would probalby really not want to expand to Canada with new franchises...that's 2 more ways to split the revenue pie. the owners would benefit most if ONE team moved to Canada, and a that drew in a bunch more canadian interest and viewers....and the coresponding NEW TV revenue from that....for the same 32 owners. Western New York is a GREAT NFL market....great fans...great support....well established...great traditions....all that....and I'm telling you, it doesn't matter. Moving 1 team to Canada is what the NFL would prefer becasue it adds revenue to the existing 32 piece pie.
  10. Well then wouldn't it stand to reason that if he were available for THAT reason, that he Bills should not want him?
  11. Carson Strong. QB, Nevada a couple years ago I thought he had an NFL arm (can't run, but good thrower) ....I thought he'd be drafted high....heading into his last year of college...wasn't drafted at all. Hasn't stuck with a team as a UDFA..etc etc. ....Let me be clear. I did NOT want KC to draft him because I am a NO RB in round 1 believer...but think when KC drafted Clyde Edwards Hellaire, that KC was getting a really good player. And one that's been a polorizing figure around these parts....I thought Terrell Bernard was going to be a really good NFL LB....captain of a defense, green dot type guy. I wanted KC to draft him. Maybe he's still got a chance to prove it.
  12. I wouldn't say this is completely true now. Back in the 60's-90's it was the case that moving to bigger markets meant increased ticket, merchandise sales, and more TV viewers/higher ratings. Todays NFL doesn't benefit by domestic team relocation much at all....just the team owner itself might get a better stadium and ticket revenues, but that doesn't really do much for the rest of the owners. The main problem, I would assume especially for the Bills....is that the NFL would benefit by having a team somewhere in Canada (almost certainly Toronto) They could reasonably expect higher TV ratings if the whole of Canada had a team (like the Blue Jays are Canada's MLB team) ....the owners would ALL benefit by an increase in selling NFL media rights to a canadian broadcaster. I would worry that the potential windfall from such a new media deal, along with what would likely be a nice new stadium and expected merch sales and whatnot in CANADA....would render the 875 million buyout to a MEGA billionaire, just a small inconvenience to moving. I'd be wary of that Canadian dude who was/is in on the Commanders sale.
  13. If he were on the Bills now, having been aquired by a trade up, was injured and didn't play much, and now the 6 game suspension.....would you trade him away? I doubt it.
  14. Before the combine the kid was a 4th to 5th rounder....for having all these great meausurables..they don't translate to production. He isn't undersized at end, but could be at DT. Also, he gets some buzz in KC because he's a KC native. So is Felix Anudike-Uzomah, EDGE from Kansas State who gets alot of the same run at end of round 1 all the way throughout round 2. ...but he was more productive on the field. Personally, I love Kancey.
  15. I like your write up and thought process....and I like the player. I just don't like it at 31.
  16. It seems like the conversation is deviating from the OP original question...this isn't a swap out Mahomes for Allen quesiton...at least that isn't what was asked...it's would you still have Allen if the trade didn't happen....and the answer is YES. you would. The draft picks involved in trading up to 7 with Tampa didn't involve the 1st round selection KC traded to the Bills. Also, the Bills were NOT taking a QB in 2017...that's been well documented.
  17. Pretty much to the point....and it's nothing new...but some people don't want to confront the realities of this...and these same points are also why I said 100's of pages ago that KC was also not in on D hop. (there are a TON of Chiefs fans and podcasters who can't come to terms with this stuff either) https://twitter.com/sumersports/status/1648397810352398355?s=20
  18. This is just dumb on Florios part. The Bills are up against it as far as the cap goes because they’ve spent on Diggs, Miller, Milano, etc. Buffalo has been spending!
  19. Enjoying this one from afar....looking forward to seeing what @HappyDays does in this one with my Chiefs.
  20. ....your slant of D to O ratio is off '18 4 of 4 round 1-4 picks spent on D (and this was a BAD draft for KC. 3 of the 4 were busts, and one was barely a JAG, Derrick Nhadi) They of course didn't have the 1, traded away to the Bills. '19 2 of 3 first 4 round picks spent on D '20 2 of 4 first 4 round picks spent on D '21 2 of 3 first 4 round picks spent on D '22 5 of 6 first 4 round picks spend ont D That's 15 out of 20. You could say 15 of 21 if you take away the Mahomes trade 1st rounder in 2018. Certainly not 12 to 9 though.
  21. Everyone knew that the scouts and GM would be fired. Whaley didn't hire McDermott. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/04/26/bills-scouts-bracing-for-a-post-draft-house-cleaning/ https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/03/26/talk-in-buffalo-that-doug-whaley-could-be-on-the-way-out/ McDermott himself said he wasn't ready to draft a QB and wanted the new GM to be part of that process (he knew a new GM was coming) https://theathletic.com/1167351/2019/08/29/is-your-guy-ready-for-the-league-inside-the-bills-decisions-meetings-and-scouting-trips-that-led-to-josh-allen/ https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/chiefs-bills-nfl-draft-trade-patrick-mahomes/16opv91al12zs1j8dzwew6ol9e Whaley...after saying they had worked on a trade for weeks, and knew they were trading out of the pick ,then says....but it's alway a possibility....well, yeah, in the sense that if they were at 10 and Mahomes was on the board...it was in fact, possible...and so was Watson, and Deshone Kizer, etc. The Bills, were not in the QB market in 2017.
  22. First...the simple answer is the Bills would still have Josh Allen almost certainly. I'll explain that below. Let's once again go back over how that all played out.... Early in 2017, the Pegulas did some wierd stuff when they hired Sean McDermott, a defensive minded HC...just a couple months before the draft. They retained Whaley to help with the draft and all parties knew that Whaley would be gone, and that a new GM would be hired AFTER the draft. This is important because while Whaley and Terry Pegual both liked Mahomes, McDermott wasn't a QB evaluator, and he didn't want to make a call on the next franchise QB until the new GM was in place and they could all evaluate and get on the same page when they made such a huge and important choice. Going into the 2017 Draft, the Bills were NOT taking a QB...even if they had stayed at 10, that pick wasn't Mahomes. It's been well established that the Saints were set to draft Mahomes at pick 11 if he was there....that would be different. I speculate that if the bills stayed at 10, maybe the pick would have been Marshon Lattimore, who the Saints ended up with at 11. IDK. Anyhow...The Bills still would have arrived at the 2018 draft, with Beane and needing a QB. They likely would have had a similar draft position and assets, minus the extra 1st they got from the Mahomes trade. HOWEVER....the Bills did not use draft capital involved in the Mahomes trade to manuever for Allen. That draft capital had more to do with manuevering for Edwards. The Bills loved Allen..and they were in position to get him regardless of the Mahomes trade or not. So... Not much difference..Allen would still be your QB......Lattimore instead of White? Biggest difference owuld be Mahomes as a Saint....with Sean Payton.
  23. I'll take the Broncos! (who have no picks in round 1 or 2)
  24. Tyler Scott is diet Tyreek. (I hope the Chiefs take him, and not the Bills) I agree that this class is WEAK at the top. No sure thing, no consensus at all on the top 5 or even 10....everyone is all over. If anything, alot of these guys are scheme specifice in some way and are better fits on some teams instead of others. 20-31 are rough places to be in this draft.
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