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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. It should have stayed in house, thats the embarrassing part . Regardless of the article McDermott has five weeks to set this thing straight. If the Bills miss the playoffs its time for him to go. As much as I appreciate what he's done for the organization its important for the Pegula's not to drag their feet on this. The only thing the article does is make the move easier to digest. That said, I am hoping Sean gets the team through this and into the playoffs. He's earned that much.
  2. I agree with that. My larger point is if his opinion really means much because of his mental disposition.
  3. 30 isn't old for an offensive lineman. The winning team you keep referencing had a terrible offensive line for the season and a half he was there, including getting Burrow sacked 7 times in the Super Bowl. You're giving Quinton Frickin Spain way way too much credit. He was an average to below average player and his maturity was always highly questionable.
  4. And then never played another down in the league because he has the mental disposition of a child.
  5. He's literally had those same people on his podcast. Monos, Whaley, McKenzie. He's done work with Quinton Spain. That's just off the top of my head. He could literally start with those 4 guys and ask "hey do know of anyone else who'd be willing to talk about this?" Football organizations are massive its not hard to find 25 people. Have you missed people speaking well of Sean over the last 7 years? The only difference is no one has written that piece or complied all the positive things because that's not what people want to read about. It's not what sells subscriptions.
  6. No the assumption is he knew 25 people who had something bad to say about the coach. He wasn't weeding though people. He was going directly to people who had an axe.to grind. My point if you actually read it, is given the amount of people he's interacted with over his 7 years here its not surprising they could find a small subset of those people who didn't like him.
  7. They cut 40 players a year and he's fired multiple coaches. Without going back and looking at how many players they've brought back that's roughly 200 people who could have said something bad about the guy. The fact a little over 10% of the people he's fired have something bad to say about the guy isn't surprising in the least. It says more about those people than it does Sean.
  8. He's a guy who befriends fired front office people and cut players to get their emotionally charged opinions about their former employers for his own gain. He is a hack.
  9. Have little to no respect for anyone who took part in this piece. In my opinion they are weak willed selfish cowards. Ty Dunne doesn't get credentials because he specializes in muckracking. How he is amazed at this fact while doing a podcast with Whaley and Monos that was specifically directed at bringing up dirt on the Bills shows you what kind of special sort of stupid he is. McDermott has had his issues here but Buffalo fans seem to find a way to make it personal with any head coach who comes here. If you have personal, literal personal hard feelings towards McDermott, you need to get professional help. It's fine if you want to go in on a guy for his business decisions but this thing took it way too far. They attacked the guys being.
  10. Remember that time Jason Croom dated the owners daughter....that was cool.
  11. You'd have to cut him to put him on the PS. Wouldn't be something they can do.
  12. Honestly he is arguably the best we've had. Plus the Detroit Snow Shovel TD Celebration adds bonus points.
  13. Re-read what I wrote. "I understand the Bills dont have a lengthy history of great tight ends:"
  14. I think the overall product has gone down, but I am not sure this clip really sums up why. It isn't because the game got soft, sure Ray Lewis was fantastic in the era where teams were running the ball non-stop. But if he had to play in this era where teams play nickel defense, and run a 4-2-5, teams would expose him consistently on wheel routes to the running back. No way he can cover a 4.3-4.4 back coming up the sidelines. He ran something like a 4.6. The bigger issue with the league is how convoluted the rules have become, ironically the tuck rule is part of that. No one knows what a catch is, no one knows what a fumble is, no one knows what intentional grounding is, no one knows what holding is, no one knows what PI is, no one knows what roughing the passer is. There is too much interpretation of the rules at this point.
  15. Lost in this years tumult is the fact Kincaid is on pace to set both the season standard for both receptions and yards by a Bills tight end. I understand the Bills dont have a lengthy history of great tight ends, but I think its a pretty big accomplishment given he is playing on a team that already has a "pro-bowl" tight end on the roster. To be honest I was a little blown away when I saw his season was on pace to set the standard for receptions and yards by a Bills Tight End, despite his talent, I feel like his ceiling is a long ways off. Let's hope its only up from here. I hope the kid ends up reaching both standards and sets the bar nice and high from Bills tight ends from today forward.
  16. I get the Mcafee thing. Its just weird to me that he meets with the local media every week while being out. Rodgers' behavior this year has kind of solidified the outside perception of him.
  17. Right. We should just start drafting guys who the coach cant use in his system. Sounds like a great idea.
  18. Interesting. It may be on Johnson, but he cant fire himself. Agree completely on Douglas not doing a good enough job bringing in a good backup.
  19. Completely disagree. The Rodgers move was akin to our move with Von. They signed an aging star to try and put a patch on a problem. They gave Rodgers a huge contract, and then immediately restructured to sign Dalvin Frickin Cook. They cant void his contract until 2026 when he is 43 years old, and even then they will be paying him an average of 13 million dollars a year on their cap to be retired. Rodgers will be a part of their cap until 2028 when he is 45 years old. Both Saleh and Douglas should have been fired on the spot when it became apparent Zach Wilson was a bust. Instead the owner allowed them to keep making awful decisions, including signing Aaron Rodgers who essentially became their GM because he has them over a barrel. That is not how good organizations are run. The only way to have sustained success in the league is to find a GM who can evaluate college QBs well and couple them with a coach who can get moderate success out a team if you dont have one. The Jets have neither element right now.
  20. Usually I'd support the team on this one, but they've benched him three times in three years. Its not a good look for him not to step up in this situation, but he is playing for a coach and GM who are 15-31 and seem to skirt a lot of blame. Someone on WGR said no team will touch him after this. I disagree Marcus Mariota left a team without notice last year and still has a job this year. The best part of the entire situation is to get rid of the kid the Jets have to eat 6-11 million dollars in salary.
  21. I got home from a road trip at around 1pm yesterday. I turned on football, and immediately thought, nah. Maybe it's because I think the Bills need to win out to have a legitimate playoff shot, or its the madness of the last two seasons, but I just dont feel like watching football. The refs play into this. They've been horrible this season. The actual on field play has been awful, and if an underdog actually hits a good play, I know its coming back because of a hold. I dont recall a season where the on field product has been this bad.
  22. And yet they've driven the ball down the field consistently. Green Bays offense has been non stop and KC is still only down 8. Mainly because Green Bay doesn't have a spy on Mahomes.
  23. Here's a guy who you can hardly defend. Watching him can really take you from 6 to midnight.
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