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Everything posted by BananaB

  1. Green is gonna have more receptions this game then our entire WR group has this season by the end of this one
  2. Lol! We probably use our WRs less then anybody in the league. Id agree to ya if it seemed Taylor was atleast attempting to use them, but that is rarely the case. He seems pretty content on passing to the guy closest to him for the most part, with the occasional shot to to Clay. And its great hes finally using Clay, took him a 2 years to actually trust him. Maybe in time (hopefully not 2years) Taylor will grow some nuts and start throwing to these WRs on a regular basis. Until Taylor uses them, its hard to put blame on them. Taylor not using his WRs has been quite common during his time in Buffalo. Dont waste your time with the Sammy and Taylor were one of the best duos in the NFL the last 6 games of 2015, which I know would be your first response. Sammy was still underused during the majority of his time in Buffalo. WRs have been running open since Taylor put on a Bills uni, Taylor either doesnt see them or doesnt throw them the ball because of fear of making a mistake. Either way its hard to judge our WRs until Taylor starts giving these guys more opportunities to catch the !@#$ing ball.
  3. So stupid! The QB play late in games is so valuable. Look at the Super Bowl winning QBs throughout history. Because Taylor isnt very good in these situations you are trying to downplay its importance. I like this
  4. . If Taylor was leading this team to some scoring drives late in close games, its quite possible we sneak into the playoffs that past 2 years. Just saying, its all hypothetical.
  5. Yes the defense was bad the last 2 seasons. That does not change the number of times Taylor had the ball in hand late in games and down one score and he couldnt get the job done. Our D is carrying this team right now, that doesnt make Taylor any better at playing his position. Were winning, im happy with that, but you need to always be looking to improve. Taylor and our 29th ranked offense needs to improve. You can blame everybody you want. Lots of blame to go around for numerous years. Our passing game is bad. Its not all Taylors fault, but hes a part of the problem which you fail to recognize
  6. Believe me, there is a lot more games where our O had the opportunity to win and came up short under Tyrod. When we have the ball late in games and need a score to win, Taylor rarely leads us to the win. Yeah, we had opportunities to win against Miami and came up short because of other peoples mistakes. Yeah, Taylor put us in position to score during that game. Still hard to forget the other ones we lost just because of that ONE game against Miami.
  7. He did alittle more then usual last week but still far from what id like to see out of my QB. You can gush about his QB rating all you want, when you dont turn over the ball because of a safe throw mentality its always gonna be relatively high. When he starts involving our WRs into our offense on a more regular basis, lets see what happens.... Nice win though. He did what needed to be done.
  8. WRs being selfish is no big deal. Everyone wants to perform to the best of their ability. Kid has all the talent but seems the guys taken after him have gotten more results and more publicity. Gotta think that has something to do with it also.
  9. Its hard to tell after a short sample. I watched all 3 Rams games and I think that O is just getting started and Sammy and Robert will have there best seasons as Pros this year. On our end I think Mathews will have his worst and will be wanting to get the !@#$ out of town by the end of the season. No way to know for sure so we will have to see how the season pans out.
  10. My question has to do with the entire time Taylor has been our QB? Well never know what we got with these WRs as long as Taylor is playing QB. Its part of the reason we let Woods go and never picked up Sammys 5th year option, and then traded him. Sammy had injury issues but the production hasnt been what we envisioned when on the field. You can say the same about Clay and Woods. With only 2 games under his belt in Buffalo I bet Matthews is under yearly his avaerage also, but that has nothing to do with Taylor right?
  11. And When our D gives up more then 20 points how many wins do we have with Taylor? If our D gave up 39 points, no way we win a game with Taylor. Good teams find ways to win. Rams O has made big improvements and the team could be on the rise.
  12. And they won... For us to win with Taylor we need the D to hold a team around 17 or less most of the time.
  13. When your D gives up 9 points are you ever out of the game?
  14. There is no sense me continuing with the conversation in this thread. Anybody who thinks Tyrod did his job on Sunday is completely lost. We had 3 points and you want to blame everybody but the guy who touches the ball on every play. Real nice! A poor throw to Zay at the end, two 4yard scrambles in the closing minute of the game. 6 net passing yards at halftime. Yeah, that's real good!
  15. I can't consider Taylor a playmaker and think you have quick judgement on this WR group. Tyrod makes a few plays here and there with his legs but is totally unreliable throwing the ball. Yeah, he has a high percentage but does he get the ball to the first and second read often? Because what I see is a guy who continues to make the safe play and shys away from the ultimate design of the play. He's a playmaker with his feet, but a QBs main job is to throw the ball. And that seems to be part of his weakness. At QB, I picture a playmaker who can get the job done when needed, Tyrod is terrible in late game, must score situations. It's also hard to judge our WRs when Tyrod is playing QB because of his safe play. He rarely gives these guys many chances. 6 targets in the first game. Very few in the second until lat in the game when the Panthers went to prevent. Our slotted #1-#2 guys have lacked opportunities at times from Tyrod the past two years. That d even when Sammy and Woods were on the field.
  16. Not sure, but my guess would be still has idea of an offense he wants to run. If not Dennison in the future, someone who can run a similar system.
  17. Tyrod has been given an opportunity to start and play within the coaches system. They brought in guys they feel fit in this same system. If Tyrod doesn't start using these guys the offense will continue struggle. Peterman is one of those guys they brought in and he will get a shot. When that happens depends on Taylor. This is not about setting him up to fail, it's about creating an offense they feel will be successful.
  18. I invision Sunday going so bad 'll be surprised if we don't see a little bit of Peterman in the 4th quarter.
  19. If the coaches have a plan and a system they want to run, it's Tyrod who is gonna have to adapt. Last year we once again beat crappy teams like any other year. You can go on about how many points we put up on average, but at the end of close games when we're in need points Tyrod has came up short time and time again. In our wins last year our D was as much a contributor as our offense. If we want to be a playoff team we need to win in close games. When we have the opportunity to win at the end in the closing minutes we need to get the job done.... That's what's holding us back,. We have been a midrange team for years, and we consistently lose these close games because of our QB play. If we are and 7-9,8-8,9-7 team, and we start winning a few of these games we will become a 10 win team, maybe higher. Food for thought.
  20. He's had his moments but he has been consistently bad.... If he was consistently good we wouldn't be calling for another QB. Our WRs production depends on Tyrod giving them opportunities. In the first game our WRs caught 4 passes, that's when Tyrod was playing ok. In the second game they had 2 catches going into the 4th quarter. He made up some ground on the last drive when we went into hurry up and the Panthers went to prevent, but how can you be judging our WR when the QB rarely throws them the ball. He's done this before too. Hardly used Woods, Clay and Sammy at times, all guys who have proven when they are given opportunities they can be productive. Fact is, no WR has really turned heads with Taylor (except maybe Sammy over a 5 or 7 game stretch) throwing him the ball. But you continue to blame everybody except the one guy who touches the ball on every play.
  21. I think it's alittle early to be judging our WR group after 2 games with a QB who is known for not giving his WRs many targets.... Funny how you still stick up for TT after 2 years of poor play but are quick to **** on the WRs after 2 games.
  22. I wonder how many WRs around the league have more receptions then our whole WR group at this point? It's sad. Pretty sure Landry has more and he only played 1 game
  23. I can't believe someone can come on and try to defend Taylor after that game. It was bad. 3 !@#$ing points bad.
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