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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. I think Peterman is going to have a great offseason and push who ever comes in here...
  2. Josey Jewell is a round 2 option. Yes he ran a 4.82 40, but he has great anticipation. Jewell had the fastest LB 3 cone time, which says a lot about changing direction in a box.... Courtland Sutton surprised me with the 3rd fastest 3 cone drill of all the WR. I think he could be a possibility if their for some odd reason in the 1st. I think he’s gone top 15.
  3. Beane already said it.... if they have a guy top 10 and he makes it out, you have to think about moving up to get him.... i think thats the plan. I would believe the FO will have Rosen, Darnold, Allen and Mayfield in their top 10. I think if you see any of those guys make it out of the top 10 the Bills will pounce. And only having to give up 1 of the 2 1st round picks and probably a 2nd and a pick next year. I truly think one of those guys slips, they always do. But all 4 of those guys will go top 15.
  4. I like Bryan for how quick he is off the ball. Super strong player with an endless motor. You watch his film and this kids can penetrate. he got knocked on cause his arms were under 33 inches. I fail to believe cause your arms are an inch longer you will handle me.... BS
  5. But then went to the senior bowl and performed pretty well. His team this year at Wyoming was terrible. Last year they were ok when he had better talent around him. And honestly I watched a few of his games and the play calling was questionable at best.
  6. Why do fans want any of these QBs to go to an AFC East team other than ours? What if Allen sits for a year or two and gets it? Becomes a super star. Fact is nobody knows how well he will turn out.
  7. If I had to pick, I’d take Rosen. But I know these coaches and scouts as well as the FO digs and digs for info these kids. To be honest I don’t think anyone has ever had anything bad to say about the kid vs he sees and acts differently compared to your “typical” rah rah QB. And I hate how people act like arrogance is bad. If it’s used in the right direction and not negative it can be a very positive thing. The Pats are a very arrogant organization all around, some of that plays into their formula of how to be a winner. I feel QBs need that. I just would rather have the guy that football is his life vs football is just something he does...
  8. Thing is... if Rosen can be all in, he may be able to pick up any offensive scheme, make it his and read defenses probably better than any QB. Is he coachable at the NFL, will his work ethic take off to a new level? Will his teammates respond to his leadership? I personally dont don’t know if he truly loves the game like Baker does, but Baker isn’t on his talent level all around.
  9. Thing is.. takestime has a point many that worked with him as a high school senior said he had a quiet arrogance about him that turned them off. Some people claim to see and hear that same arrogance even now. They question how much he truly cares about the game... Take it for what it worth. Baker May flop so could Rosen. Nobody knows. All I know is that it’s not college and neither have taken a snap in the NFL nor have had the opportunity to prove themselves. Best TE is Hurst from South Carolina Best TE is Hurst from South Carolina
  10. He sure did... Joe B said Rosen but yet Beane said he said Allen, and he didn’t. I would love love to be a fly on the wall when they talk x’s and o’s With Allen.
  11. I really don’t want to see Tyrod play another down either.... i dont know if I’ll be “done”, but I’ll be less inclined to go out of my way to watch an 8-8 QB...
  12. You don’t catch 150+ balls your senior year and have bad hands... his problem was mostly mental, as well as the physical/speed of the game. He will be fine....
  13. I see Culley going to WR and Dorsey being hired.... If not Daboll will pick his guy with approval from McD/Beane
  14. I swear, the NFL houses some of the dumbest People in this country!!! Millions of $$$ And you cant surround yourself with trust worthy people walk a straight line and not get involved with DV.... Bye
  15. I’ve always been told there is a time and place. Most people know when to turn it on, when to focus and when to have fun. The coach can always reel it in if needed. But I’ve always despised watching anyone from the Pats during a news conference... then to hear ex players speak as if it’s was less than the best place to be. For some people winning is the only thing. I’m not one of those guys, there’s more to it than that. Seems as if the Eagles had that this year, but everyone still thinks New England is the place to be, nope!
  16. BS... I’ve served in the Military for 13 years now. We are professionals, it is work, hard work, Ive deployed in hostile areas etc, but it’s also fun and I enjoy what I do every single day. We are encouraged to have fun as long as we take care of business, to say you can’t have both is crap. I think people here are confusing fun with having enjoyment in what you do... Lane was basically saying he’d rather be somewhere where he can be himself and enjoy himself vs a place that tries to control every faucet of your day including your personality. Why is it people here disagree with him? I wouldn’t work anywhere I had to act like a robot, and that’s exactly what he’s saying. Even when you hear posts of Welker and Chris Long stating similar thoughts... fans here still want to say “it’s their job, it’s not supposed to be fun, they are professionals” etc. BS if you don’t like what you do, or don’t think it’s fun and enjoyable or you can’t be yourself maybe you’re in the wrong business or like Lane is saying, on the wrong team.
  17. Patriots suck! From the outside looking in, especially if they didn’t have Brady, I’d want nothing to do with that team. That scheme and how well Brady runs it is what wins... as much as you guys would like to think it’s all Belichick and how he runs things cause it’s not. No Bias... I’d rather play for McD than Belichick. Take out all the history and make a decision on the person alone... yep i take McD all day!
  18. You think Belichick is that successful without Brady? You don’t think most of those players go there cause they are gonna play with the best ever? Whether people want to believe it or not you can have it both ways. Play on an organization that doesn’t try to turn you into robots but also be all about business. Belichick is a dick, without Brady that dude wouldn’t last. It’s not about having fun, which playing this game and playing in front of 80k fans every Sunday should be. It’s about being able to be yourself but also take care of business at the same time. If Tom Brady wasn’t on that team, and the Pats didn’t win 12-14 games a year, you think players would talk about how amazing it is to play for Belichick? I doubt it. Winning is everything and Brady is the reason they win. But not this year.
  19. We all know what he’s saying! He would rather be somewhere he can be himself vs someone he’s always worried of messing up.
  20. A lot of QBs who chose to stay in another year for experience. id expect next year to have 6-7 QBs taken in the first 3 rounds again. Of that list, I’d expect Ryan Finley and Will Greer to be in the top 5. Drew Lock, Grier and Finley all had solid years this year.
  21. Never liked him. He feeds the Drama knowing damn well it’s all circus talk.
  22. I hope they do and it back fires!!! Then have to spend $42M on QBs or just let him go by pulling the tag.
  23. It’s definitely a possibility. Especially if they draft a QB round 1 to compete. If the rookie beats out Anderson then his confidence will be up and we have a above decent Backup in Anderson, but if the rookie doesn’t beat out Anderson we only have a decent Starter. Id take Anderson over TT for sure
  24. Paul Richardson is gonna get a big deal probably close to $10M per. Like close to 5yr $50M, at or Greater than What Woods got. I dont see Beane doing that.
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