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Mountain Man

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Everything posted by Mountain Man

  1. I wondered when the next pointless move Dion Dawkins topic would be created. He is a decent LT. They are rare in the NFL. End of story.
  2. Minshew is the undisputed number 1 in Jacksonville And by most of the QBs and backups are known so no need to use last year's rosters
  3. I'd be more afraid if the Jets actually manage to sign another decent OL. Given it was as big a need as any team had in the league, they've signed 1 good player. The Fant signing at the price is one of the most laughable in recent free agent history. He was mainly used as a 6th lineman for one of the worst O lines in the league.
  4. No need. You'll get good players like Dillon later. There will be very solid OTs at 54.
  5. Saints? Maybe. Hill can add other value but has less than 20 passes in the league As of right now. The Titans back up is Logan Whiteside. So thats a no from me The Broncos have Driskel and Rypien. Nope Chargers. Yes. If you assume its Tyrod or a round 1 rookie. Panthers. Kyle Allen, a tie at best but Barkley has experience
  6. Dawkins is a better than average LT in a league with O line woes, so yes. Milano will get healthy money. But the huge was aimed at Tre and Dawkins Only at sensible price
  7. Nope, I suspect yours is the majority opinion. I'd be interested to hear if anyone could name 5 back up situations that are clearly better, excluding competitions like Chicago
  8. No way. We have huge deals for Tre and Dawkins to do, and Milano too. Use the money to lock up one of them.
  9. We have one of the best backup QB situations in the league, why are people obsessed with changing it? Barkley is cheap, a great locker room guy who supports Josh Allen, good enough to survive a few games and is accepting of his role.
  10. 2/10 If you're going to pointlessly create an attention seeking topic, at least make it original
  11. We are fine on the O line rule. You have a minimum number on the game day actives, and we were always over that number anyway last season
  12. Why not? We need special team players and he's fine
  13. Cheap special team guy. Makes sense as they know him already.
  14. No it wasn't. We had far more defensive needs. They had 1 bigger high profile need on offense, and addressed it straight away. Arguably the only outstanding clear need is a rotational RB. And you could pick them up easily
  15. I agree. The Bills DE are old enough as it is without paying massive money for a 33 year old
  16. I thought Marcel Louis-Jacques was a better journalist than to churn out the tired old narrative about Star.
  17. Rhodes is completely past it. Anyone who signs him is doing it on name recognition only
  18. Its not about individual free agents, its the balance of signings and losses Which is fine. It shouldn't all be about parity otherwise you may as well automatically award 8-8 seasons to every team and save the hassle of actually playing. Rewarding success is a good thing.
  19. I'd rather a past it Josh Norman than paying Amari Cooper 20m a year to show up 1 game in 4
  20. It doesn't change anything. Formally for the purposes of NFL rules, any position coach or co-ordinator role is treated the same. An interview can only be forced upon a team for a Head Coach interview. Any little titles like Assistant Head Coach are meaningless for job interview rules purposes No. Its still a lateral. Even a D line or RB coach is considered a lateral to DC/Assistant HC.
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