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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Thanks for informing us DR. I never knew that a gay Asian is a kingpin to white supremacy. I learn new things every day. ? - Holy sh!t this Billstime douche is beyond lost.
  2. Female dogs have more class than those butter-faced rats in that “Goon Squad” of 4 Anti-American misfits.
  3. And they say this country is oppressive to Muslims. Give me a fvckin break.
  4. Why is everyone so concerned about LB depth? Edmunds and Milano are on the field all the time and Taron Johnson and Siran Neal soak up all the other time as Nickel back and Big Nickel back respectively. Our only concern about the LB position is if Edmunds or Milano get injured. And there is no way to predict that.
  5. Also, that highlight (lowlight) reel you posted................ How stupid is the organizer of that post?
  6. It's all the football "know nothing's" who tell us how bad Josh is. Pay no mind to it whatsoever.
  7. I know. But this character gets on everyone's nerves with his bvllshit. You will till you are 80. Right on. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
  8. You know the old saying................ Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Huh?????
  9. Me too. I am a Bills fan before I am a fan of the rest of the league.
  10. I wonder if the Jets turn around and use one of those first rounders to go after Ngakoue?
  11. Can't argue this either. This what a lot of folks have a problem with.
  12. Bottom line is that over half this nation doesn't give a flying bleep about politics and they want NONE of it infested into their sports whatsoever. This is just a fact of life.
  13. In the end you are right, but all this crap is still VERY divisive no matter if we agree or not.
  14. It works the other way too. The Bills gave up a lot of draft capitol for Biscuit. It sure worked out well for the Bills.
  15. Then I don't have to tell you what the NFL is allowing their players wear on their helmets. No different than what Manning and Witten wanted to do. But what the players are supporting now as compared to Witten and Manning is VERY VERY divisive and the NFL could take a major hit here.
  16. It's all very divisive. Will the ratings take a hit in 2020? I don't know, but I am sure you know a lot of people who are saying "NO" to sports leagues across the country right now. A lot of my die hard football fan friends have canceled their Sunday Tickets. I won't though.
  17. Is it sent to them in this exact small font? ?
  18. And isn't the NFL the same league that didn't allow Jason Witten to honor the 5 fallen Dallas police officers?
  19. Doesn't bode well then if Biden loses.
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