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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Barr has had a very solid reputation for ALL sides throughout his career and now all of a sudden that he is Trump's AG he is corrupt. Ok, got it. You're lost.
  2. Even with what you said here........... if there was a test of credibility between you and DR, I think we all know who would win that one.
  3. Yeah, and everyone and their brothers have investigated this President and his employees to no end since he announced his candidacy. You would think that they would have something with millions of eyes peeping into Trump's backfield.
  4. If this administration is so corrupt, why does your side have to continue to make up shyt to bring him down? Wouldn't you already have plenty to bring him down?
  5. Sure Sparky. Unlike you, I have critical thinking skills and can think for myself.
  6. Don’t I look like the fool. I thought the hot weather would kill this virus. The heat has almost been like an igniter here instead. ????
  7. The tons of frozen water bottles must have been throwing themselves to the Park officers? That’s some great magic there.
  8. Of course he is supportive of these thugs and their Marxist agenda. Otherwise, he wouldn't be here to tell us how racist we are.
  9. We all know this happened. Problem is no one cares because it happened to Trump and the people who work for him. What I said ^^^^^^^^^ is what has been said since day one also. Big problem.
  10. Why should Trump go to the funeral of a man that hated his guts? Do you show up to funerals of your enemies?
  11. There really should be a law that you shouldn't be allowed in Congress with a butter face.
  12. It's all a fvckin lie. If this country is so racist why do Asians prosper? Why do Middle Eastern Indians prosper? Why do the law abiding Latinos come here and work hard and provide for their families? I could go on and on. The pandering about this inherent theme that this country is so fvcking racist needs to stop. You wanna know who keeps the blacks down that wanna be kept down??? Other blacks. FACT. Sure there a some racists in this country, but it's basically .00000001% of the population. I don't know one damn white supremacist, KKK member or Nazi. Do you personally interact with any? Enough already.
  13. More blacks are killed in Chicago on a weekend than cops kill unarmed black men in a year. But hey, why bother knowing the facts.
  14. Penfield is just another douche who loves to use the race card.
  15. Can you imagine Biden throwing out a first pitch at a BLM game..........oops............ MLB game?
  16. Has anyone anywhere mentioned Bernell Trammell??????
  17. Next we will hear that Brandon Tatum is a KKK member.
  18. Thanks for informing us DR. I never knew that a gay Asian is a kingpin to white supremacy. I learn new things every day. ? - Holy sh!t this Billstime douche is beyond lost.
  19. Female dogs have more class than those butter-faced rats in that “Goon Squad” of 4 Anti-American misfits.
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