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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. So, will BLM condemn the murder of Bernell Trammell?
  2. I don't know Kirby, a safety doesn't move the needle that much. Make no question about it, he will help Seattle big time, but is it enough to get them over the top? And at their cost?
  3. The Jets are clueless when it comes to drafting anyways, so Seattle won't pay that heavy of a price off the surface. But on the surface............... How the F do you give up two first rounders for a freaking safety. It's not that Adams is Ronnie Lott in his prime or something.
  4. I wonder if there are wagers going around as to who the first Bills player is to test positive? I hope to God it doesn't happen, but is it even possible for someone NOT to test positive?
  5. Brad Butler opted out early and the Bills still haven't found a RT to replace him. (I know they hope Ford or Williams is FINALLY the answer) Remember that one?
  6. What does Joe Biden think of his chances at beating Ronald Reagan?
  7. Don Leh-maan couldn't even tell the difference between an elephant and a rhino. What a fvcking idiot that guy is. And he is a host on CNN. This is all you need to know about CNN.
  8. Didn't this guy have a gay crack-smoking 0rgy?
  9. I’m with 3rd, except I wouldn’t march or protest. Maybe a little financial support. ?
  10. I seriously hope the hammer comes down on these KNOWN scumbags. I wonder if indictments will cause further all out destruction of these Democratic run cities.
  11. Do you expect anything less from Marxists?
  12. I have no idea what went on, but I’m sure the left will tell you the Tea Party was violent.
  13. If FOX decides to censor their 3 prime time hosts, even though they get monsters ratings, they will be officially done. Is FOX going to enter the world of “Get woke, go broke”?
  14. FOX decided to join the organized chaos across the country. Make no mistake now, from the start of the Kung Flu till FOX’s disingenuous gaffe, this all is a coordinated hit job to force panicked citizens into voting for Creepy Joe this November. They could care less about killing off Americans because they think they will gain lots of votes per every American killed.
  15. She was a blonde Oakland Raiderette if I remember correctly.
  16. By the way, how cute is that Emily woman?
  17. She certainly earns that "Barf" monicker.
  18. Remember there are millions and millions of people who are the silent majority who never say a word about politics who just go out and vote every 4 years. Where their vote will be cast is the biggest mystery right now? Most are independents and conservatives, but who really knows.
  19. You are so fvckin diluted that it isn't even worth engaging with you. What a fvckin fraud you are.
  20. And Americans aren't tired of every major American Democratic-run city burning to the ground by those thugs? Ok, got it.
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