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Everything posted by njbuff

  1. Or move them to Baltimore and call them the Bullets. ? You should get the prize of an all time pass on this board, meaning you can say whatever the heck you want without ever being suspended. Being correct should have its privileges. ?
  2. Has there ever been a time before the modern era where there weren't any Presidential debates?
  3. He should apologize for not calling her the C word.
  4. I call total bs. If Nix wanted Wilson so bad, he would have went out and got him. If you are in the market for a QB, you don't take up in the 3rd round for a 7th round WR when Wilson is right there in your laps. Such a load of bs being spouted by the Bills (Nix) on this.
  5. I wonder how much it is costing Canada (meaning the Ferry service on the Canadian side) to tote their ferries back and forth with virtually zero capacity?
  6. I hope they get the thugs that blinded them and they NEVER see the light of day ever again.
  7. So these thugs use lasers that permanently blind law enforcement officers? There isn't a punishment I can think of that wouldn't be harsh enough for those thugs.
  8. Boo. Just tell everyone to wear a mask and get it over with. NFL games with no fans in the stands is like watching Godzilla without him using his atomic breath.
  9. Ok, so how did we get "lying biotch" from "ok, you don't wanna engage"? This makes no sense.
  10. They are talking over each other. I can’t understand a word to begin with.
  11. both ? I might need to grab those super-deep earphones to confirm this. ?
  12. I am not defending any hack journalist by any means, but I don’t hear “lying biotch” in there. Maybe my hearing sucks now though.
  13. Tommy Sotomayor would have a field day with this one. ?
  14. Why don't these officials just ask their constituents what they think instead of enforcing these things? I, for one, do not fear the virus and would gladly attend Bills games, or any other NFL and/or college games for that matter. We have been living in fear for 5 months now. It's time for us to get over ourselves. If I have to wear a mask in the stadium,, I will do it. Life is a risk and being told not to do something in this country after being locked down for 5 months just doesn't fly.
  15. Where is the outrage for the New York Slimes, whose owner has ancestors who were slave traders? Ohhhhhhhhhh
  16. Even if the shoe fits, I guess you can't be posting it every post you make. I obviously have no idea why DR got jacked, but I am simply guessing "deeply stupid" is the reason. But, like I said, I don't know.
  17. I don't know. I have been banned twice, both for one week intervals.
  18. Why was he banned in the first place? I am guessing him calling the leftist trolls deeply stupid on many occasions might have something to do with it. ?
  19. So much for my theory that a virus dies in the heat. Most of the country is in an oppressive heat wave right now. This MFing virus does NOT want to go away. It is losing potency but is still very much alive.
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