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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. I dont think it goes down like that at all. Cleveland will have to want a player at 22. They are not going to make that trade ahead of the draft to count their picks in the top 33.
  2. I think they took this really serious but it was not made public. I noticed for a bunch of games toward the end of the year they did not even show the anthem. I think the networks stopped showing protesters. Living in NE it was interesting to see a couple casual fans who said they were done watching mention of FB that the championship game was the first game they watched this year and they noted how there were no protests. They just so happened to give the NFL a shot again when their team had a shot at the super bowl which I kind of find ironic. They care enough to not watch unless that game really matters then they can forgive the protesters.
  3. I see the QB play differently. I would argue that QB play is as high as it has ever been and that is evidenced by the amount of passing yards, TD's and QB ratings in recent years. I do think there was a drop off in 2017 though. Part of the better QB play are do to rule changes. But I do think the QB play can negatively impact ratings but not because it is shoddy, rather because the great QB's factor into wins and losses too much and more than ever. For instance, a team that had Peyton Manning or Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers is basically guaranteed to with 10-12 games. When Brady is playing Bortles in the championship game Brady wins.....it does not matter how good the Jags played on D for 3 quarter or even that Bortles was efficient and did not make a lot of mistakes. Brady gets the ball when they need points they get points.
  4. I am surprised they did not mention that people are consuming television differently now than in the past. There is red zone, DVRing and pirated streaming that also are having an impact. Millenials are not as likely to change their schedule to watch football, they watch TV when it is convenient for them.
  5. They have the best qb of the available jobs so it is the best job
  6. Career ending and press conference.....I guess Eric Wood would be a possibility. The press conference to me says it is somehow who has a decent history with the team. Not KB or Dawkins. Maybe Clay or Glenn....
  7. Surprised at the lack of speculation on CLay, that is where my money is.
  8. Take it easy man I don't think I have uncovered some secret here. Do other teams do this? yes. No one is as successful at having it work than the Pats though. Shaw66 is right, the WR's are coached to draw the flag, I am convinced of it, I am sure they practice it when most teams I bet do not.
  9. What are you talking about? Someone points out some facts so you think they are someone rooting for those facts. Really stupid post
  10. This is very clearly a strategy Brady uses when he cant move on offense. He just launches it 50 yards down the field into double coverage and like 1/3 of the time he gets a PI call in his favor. The two calls yesterday seemed legit so dont take this as a refs love the Pats thread. I am just pointing out that this is clearly their strategy and they probably coach the receivers to make sure contact is made trying to get to the ball.
  11. Everyone said “karma” when he did not get a bonus. Guess what he made all pro and got it anyway. Everyone said “Karma” when he got knocked out. Guess what his team won and he will play in the sb. There is no such thing as karma.
  12. Lots of people will say the Eagles have a chance but they will lose the game.
  13. I like him, does that count? And Swartz did take the Lions to the playoffs.
  14. This reminds me of the calls for Kelly, Reed and Thomas to be the coaches. It does not work that way.
  15. What I dont think was talked about much there was that he may not have been down by contact. I never thought they really slowed it down to go over that. In other words, yeah he was touching the receiver but he never got posession of the ball til he was standing which means he was NOT down by contact. That could have been a TD the other way. I do not think it was a conspiracy there though, just too fast of a play.
  16. To consistently compete you need a great qb. List the teams over the last couple decades who have lots of playoff appearances and then point out which ones have an average qb. You can can make a run here or there with an average guy but to consistently compete late on the playoffs requires a franchise qb. Nonsense is anyone who would dispute that.
  17. No there is no "connection". Only in your head. OJ Simpson is a POS, do you hate the Bills organization too?
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