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Everything posted by Matt_In_NH

  1. Correct, not in the playoffs. It would be nice if he can clean up his regular season turnovers some but this is just another example of feeding the narrative that isn't actually all that true.
  2. What makes you think people think that? The question is more how much of a cut and weighing any cut he is willing to take with just moving on which might be the better option. It is not unreasonable to think that given his history and skill level. I understand the decline he had which started under Dorsey for a couple games. Brady will have to work it because Diggs route running and hands say it makes sense. I think the chances he just hit a physical wall after week 6 and can never regain that level of play are small.
  3. To the bolded, that is the rookie and/or vet I mentioned. Even though I said what I said, I am good with a first round rookie WR if it is the right guy and they don't give up other significant draft capital to get it. I think there is value to be found in the second round also at that position, that has been proven in recent years and this is supposed to be deep at WR so I would not panic if it does not happen in the first round. Where I differ with most is we need "several new weapons" and the perception Josh is not provided with weapons. The team has spent a lot of resources at WR, TE and RB. I hear a lot on WGR that they just need more and more weapons and that s the way to beat the Chiefs....well that is not how the Chiefs beat you! I think we have seen what Davis is and can be. I like him, he is a pro and has gotten a lot out of his physical gifts. However, his physical gifts are limited yet easily acceptable on a rookie 4th round deal. He is elite at blocking which most fans don't care about, coaches and GM's do. Signing him to a big or moderate contract I think is a mistake given the Bills cap situation and his limitations. On the BPA vs need thing, I think Beane has gotten players he wants at positions of need by moving around the board. He does not just stand pat and take BPA, when he sees value at hs need position he goes and gets it. Not super clear that is the best approach but that is how I see what Beane has done. Later round picks don't make the roster because the roster is so deep. I would rather them not sign a vet or two and allow for the 6's and 7's to make it if they are able. We see a lot of those picks on other 53's.
  4. The perception that you have to have a bunch of high priced guys to win the SB is false. Draft develop and be careful/judicial about how many guys you re-sign. The flaw with this team is they think they have to re-sign everyone they draft and contributes The whole "window" term is manufactured by the loud mouths on TV and internet and so overused and then the fans use it excessively like its a thing with all teams.
  5. I would argue there is hardly a receiver issue which I know will get big reactions. Diggs Shakir and Kincaid are a pretty good set of three pass catchers with two still developing. A rookie and vet are likely. The holes on defense are much larger, they have 1DT but they need at lease 4, They have 2 DE's (3 if you count Jonathan) but need at least 4. Hyde has to be replaced. Possibly some other holes could be made if they have any cap casualties.
  6. Living in NE there was talk about the rift for years. It is also not a secret many players don't like BB's style, it lasted because it worked. The fact he left alone demonstrates that....they were still winning, the fans love him in NE and yet he left on his own doing after 9 SB's and everything else.
  7. They will both be in the HOF if they continue on their current trajectories for a little longer. That is great Lamar has 2 MVP's, I dont care at all...t's a silly award and this year it could have gone to any number of players. Josh has been great in the post season except the team as a whole is only 500. Mahomes stats added. The Bills can go 8-0 the next two post seasons and win two SB's and he will still be below Mahomes production. Josh... 5-5 playoff record 2,723 yards passing 21 touchdowns 4 interceptions 563 yards rushing 5 rushing TDs . Jackson... 2-4 playoff record 1,324 yards passing 6 touchdowns 6 interceptions 521 yards rushing 3 rushing TDs. Mahomes 15-3 playoff record 5,135 yards, 41 TD's 8 INT's 524 yards rushing 5 rushing TD's
  8. You don't win Super Bowl's with point differential. You win Super Bowl's by winning a number of individual games by any amount of points. There are a lot of numbers that show the Bills have been very dominant over the last 4 years. Point differential is one, Offensive and Defensive rankings are also at the top of the league which is unusual. The team should have had more playoff success that is why everyone is frustrated. Some are in the "they can do it in the regular season but not in the playoffs and that will never change until you fire everyone" camp. It comes down to plays here and there in the playoffs.
  9. I assume you are talking about concussions. I assume you feel the same with taron Johnson? He has had the same number. I am not the least bit concerned with his health. He is fine and has been very heathy and played most games. However they should consider moving on for cap purposes. Bates is still in the roster
  10. Now that’s unpopular! Ross Tucker had him at like 24 or something. And he still defends it.
  11. Oh the irony Your deflection is confirmation you don't have an answer
  12. Tell me how it works master Jedi. GM, scouting staff, coaching staff, how does the process work at OBD, I am curious since you are all knowing and have direct knowledge of the inside workings.
  13. I would say having an open mind involves using more sophisticated logic than “no Super Bowl = fire him”. It is not blind faith to use sound reasoning and be objective and critically think vs just make emotional decisions. Did the chiefs give Mahomes adequate weapons? Josh has more. Did McDermott make those trade ups or was it the GM? Mentioning the draft pick trade as a reason to fire McDermott is one of the most unintelligent things I have ever read here which is saying a lot.
  14. Butger hits that kick. Allen has been let down by th staff in 13 seconds and Bass missing a kick. I know the bills are dogs to win by hitting that fg. Allen also walked off the field numerous times with the lead this year only for the defense to lose the game. Allen can improve in some areas but he is NOT the problem.
  15. I have so many 1. More wr talent is better but not the answer. See Chiefs 2. McDermott does not get the respect he deserves from this fan base 3. A cap reset of sorts should be done. White Poyer Morse should be waived and Knox traded for almost anything if someone will take the contract. 4. Related to three. I want the 10 draft picks to make the team and develop. 5. The bills will win the Super Bowl with McDermott
  16. Go to 2:43. Not identical but is this scheming a guy open? This was Dorsey.
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