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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Then I don't know what you been watching, Gore has been great only until recently. People were calling him ageless and all that. I say give Singletary AND Gore the ball more and things will hopefully improve.
  2. one of the top CB's in the NFL. Probably top 3 or at least top 5. Hell he may be #1.
  3. Cool, yeah I'm more worried about the lack of rushes and touches that that the Bills RB's are not getting and how Allen needs to fix the fumbling problem and play better overall. I'm all good with the Defense besides them getting run on alot. But the D did pretty well Sunday so I'm more concerned with the offense. As usual
  4. I don't see much improvement thus far if any, although I was surely expecting at least some improvement by now half way through the season. I guess to me anyway, it seems like it may be an easy fix IMO. Get Motor and Gore the ball and run the ball more and that should open up more pass completions. Also Allen HAS to stop fumbling the damn ball so much. But I must say I have been a little disappointed with the way the offense has performed. Got some ball play calling and bad execution. These things HAVE to get cleaned up and need to be done now.
  5. I'm sticking with my KC prediction also of 8-8,may not likely be right, but 9-7 is in play. KC's being not good on Defense is unsustainable.
  6. Oh god dude, you are having trouble here. Not telling him not to run, I'm saying HOLD ON TO THE ***** BALL!!. Main point.
  7. They are main;ly coming from when he is running with the ball for the most part. A couple from the pocket. And defenses know he has trouble holding on to it. Expect a few more from here on out.
  8. And where was I talking about TO's? I was specifically talking about fumbles, not whether his team mates got lucky and recovered some of the fumbles he lost.I'm SPECIFICALLY talking about his fumbles. And 11 in 9 games again is Inexcusable. If you're going to quote me at least read what I'm saying and quote in the right manner.
  9. A fumble is a fumble. And making excuse for 11 of them in 9 games this season as ass minded.
  10. Doesn't matter. Please!! 11 fumbles is inexcusable no matter if his own team recovers. Get real.
  11. If only he could hold on to the damn ball. 11 fumbles is inexcusable.
  12. Oh sorry, my mistake, we will lose to the Fins then the Broncos at home,
  13. Broncos coming to town next, where the Bills tend play kinda bad. Could be staring 6-4 down the throat.
  14. Actually 2missed FG's lost the game, but yeah, ***** play all around.
  15. Saw Tre White giving OBJ 10-12 separation every snap. I was screaming at the t.v
  16. Yeah had a feeling they would choke on that last drive. Just saw it coming. Oh well.....time to play like ***** at home again next week fellas!!
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