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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. If the offense goes 3 and out after the half I'm going to go lay back down in my driveway.
  2. Oh how I wanted those 3pts before the half. Disappointed
  3. I'm pretty upset H. missed that FG. WTF. Laces were out, perfect snap
  4. Well at least my ass isn't sore. Then I would be worried.
  5. Not sure but I hope they got the run D patched up for the most part. I feel pretty sure that the run will be a big part of the Browns game plan. Interested to see how the Bills handle it this time around.
  6. woke up in my driveway this a.m with little pebble driveway rocks stuck to my face. Must have been a wild night.
  7. This is the thread that gets you that extra notch in your belt!!
  8. I don't know bro. Daboll calling them,anything is possible.
  9. You're expecting the Bills to lose this game? Really? Seems they play pretty well on the road. I definitely don't "expect" them to lose this game, however I do expect another one of those closer games than some may think. But I definitely don't "expect" the Bills to lose to the Browns. If it happens then it happens, but expecting it, come on man!
  10. Yeah I think that was before the trade deadline though, thus thinking he would get traded. I just figured he probably would not risk further injury since he didn't get traded and still playing for the team with the worst record in the league. I don't know, just a hunch on my part anyways.
  11. I didn't think he would play anyways with the Bengals record being what it is. Figured he'd probably wouldn't play.
  12. Hopefully get a TO or 2 off of Baker Mayfield. Maybe get an INT or 2 would be nice. I feel like he most likely will throw a pick at least once anyways.
  13. Lol, I agree. It's only a matter of time and I think that time is getting very close.
  14. Man you're really sad. Did you not get the hint when I said for you to "you do you, have at it"? I know things are hard for you to understand but that means "go ahead and think what you want and I'm going to think what I want and done with this ignorant back and forth with your non sense". Maybe you can grasp it this time homie. I hope I have been more clear for you this time. So again, have at it brah......
  15. They better be ready to stop the run. You know other teams are seeing this D get ran all over and that will be their gameplan for the most part. Hope they get it fixed starting now
  16. The attention will come for you if they can beat Dallas on turkey day. I for one don't really care about the media attention. I just want to win. Oh and sure up that run D.
  17. How do you see Phillips as Dareus? I don't see it myself. I don't see him turning out the same at all.
  18. Yes it was better, but you would think they would know the Skins were going to run the ball A LOT especially with the rookie starting and could not stop it in the 1st half.I'm glad they got it handled better in the 2nd half. But I would like to see them not get gashed like that in the 1st half when it's pretty obvious that's their game plan to help the rookie out. But again as I stated earlier, it was AP. I had a feeling he was going to play well.
  19. Exactly. But really, who didn't thing AP would have a good game? I surely did. I was just hoping for the best. But they have to get the run D squared away and fast. I think they will, not like we will be playing AP every week from here on out. I just don't want another Eagles type game getting run all over again.
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