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Everything posted by gomper

  1. Way to go Sal breaking the news! Oh wait,, nevermind.
  2. Sal has grown waaaaay too full of himself. He's a master of the obvious. He did my nephews game last fall. His pxp is almost as bad as Kevin Sylvester.
  3. The game was actually on CFTO live. Amazing night!
  4. So sad. LA loves their Dodgers. I'll give them that. Most of the inhabitants wouldn't know a football from a snowball.
  5. It's just frustrating. Both teams are so beatable. The Bills would have rolled. Oh well. Onto next year.
  6. Without doubt, this was the greatest. If Whitney was so inspiring, why did the Giants go 9/16 on 3rd downs? As far as the war goes, as the great Bill Hicks said "a war is when TWO army's are fighting."
  7. He looked and walked like the Terminator. I love Lalo. He's such a charming psychopath. "Tell me again..."
  8. So true. What a heartbreaker. Still, go Cincinnati. LA is a horrible football town, if you can call it that. Ohio deserves it. At least they give a ****
  9. Fun game. Burrow and the Cincinnati D really showed up in the 2nd half. Impressive win.i
  10. Super Bowl 25. With apologies to the younger generation, this was the most painful.
  11. Super Bowl 25. It's not even close. That was a World Championship that got away. As much as 13 seconds sucked and what could been even more demoralizing, it doesn't compare.
  12. I wish Kyle would just go away. Nobody needs an attention ***** like this.
  13. I so agree with this. Glad he's pro-Bills. Fantastic. That being said, he's not funny. Ever. It's like having Will Farrell as a fan. Brant is totally obnoxious. He did a Bears preseason game as an analyst a few years ago. It was like his own personal playground for his quick quips. Unbearable.
  14. This x 1000. Thanks to deregulation signed in 96, there is no competition. You'd need some Pegula type $ to buy 1520 and staff it properly. If that was the case GR would be in trouble. I mean really, if another station stole the Bills rights, would anyone listen to GR. I subscribe to Sirius. I know it's not Buffalo exclusive content but you can learn more about the Bills in one 22 minute segment on Movin the Chains than you would all week on GR.
  15. Thought everyone would enjoy this from my favorite X's and O's guy.
  16. 1967 Rolling Stones song. Very psychedelic. Band hates the album but it has some hidden gems.
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