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Everything posted by Call_Of_Ktulu

  1. Hopefully the one who can't read a defense and over/under throws wide open WR's.
  2. They should burn that bridge. I will be joining the Chargers message board just to see if their TT threads are as fun as ours were.
  3. Since Ertz gets 2% of all beer sales in the stadium added into his contract I can understand why he is angry about his contract with there being no fans.
  4. I would choose Marv Levy just to hear all the crazy stories.
  5. It’s called tanking and I really do feel bad for their WR’s.
  6. I have no problem with Dareus competing for a job. If he wins it and the money is right I have no problems with Dareus on the Bills.
  7. I’ve heard of the Banana and the Donut but the Snake and the Apple seems like it would hurt.
  8. I don't blame you for not getting married, she/he will take half.
  9. Fournette will destroy what Gore did for the rookie RB’s in a matter of weeks. I think he plays lazy and is definitely not worth the money. Kamara on the other hand I am very interested in.
  10. With the way our offense is setup right now we are just missing our Thurman Thomas. I would trade a 1st rd pick for Kamara or any player on the team except Allen, Diggs or Edmunds.
  11. So many good CB’s in the NFL, there is no need to pay one 90+ mil.
  12. No Doug Whaley is running it so it is sure to run as smoothly as the XFL.
  13. With no fans allowed in some stadiums and fans allowed in others it feels unfair. If what I think will happen with good game changing players being out of the lineup with Covid in critical games then it will definitely devalue the season. I will enjoy it for as long as it lasts but I feel like the winner of this super bowl will have have more ****'s than all the Patriots Super Bowls combined. I feel like Covid is going to run rampant again during the flu season and everything will be shut down again somewhere in November or December. I do think the ratings are going to take such a dive that the NFL will need to adjust a few things. If there are to many political messages and agendas that take me away from my 3 to 4 hours of forgetting about everything that sucks and just watch a football game I will just start working weekends again.
  14. As amazing as it may seem we have 3 Bills fans in our Chicago 12 team draft. I’m pretty sure I will have to take him at 46 if I really want him. I see his low projection as 80 1100 9 tds. I’ll take those numbers from pick 46.
  15. Diggs is in incredible shape, this guy wants to prove something this year. Diggs is making it very hard for me not to take him with my 3rd pick 46 in FFL
  16. White needed that FS help over the top like when he tried to stop Hopkins in the 2nd half of that playoff game. Diggs doesn’t even go over to see if White is ok. It appears that he hates all CB’s equally.
  17. Who cares, 1,000 Bills fans are louder than 20,000 Fish fans. I still think the fish should be fined for pumping in artificial crowd noise back before Covid hit.
  18. So if your playing in a FFL how do you know if you can put a guy on the Covid IR if the NFL doesn’t tell you a player is out with Covid?
  19. Is the NFL required to make it public if a player is out with Covid-19?
  20. I think if Singletary didn’t have the fumbling issue that Gore would’ve seen even fewer carries. I see Moss being the better pick for FFL.
  21. As the rules keep changing towards college rules which is all out scoring I feel that the CB position will be devalued. Soon it will almost be impossible for a man or zone CB to stop someone like Brown, Ruggs or any of the top 40 WR’s. We are already seeing a huge increase in nickel and dime defense. Having 3 solid CB’s and 2 good FS’s In the Nickel will soon be the base defense in the NFL.
  22. I have never been a fan of the Carolina connection signings. Maybe this one will pan out.
  23. I never wanted TT from the start, that style of offense was so not entertaining. When we would get down in a game and it was up to Taylor to bring you back on his arm it was over. I wish Fitz had the offensive weapons that we have right now. Fitz is a gamer, he plays the game the right way and looks genuinely pissed off when his team loses. If Fitz had a little more arm strength and a little more accuracy he would fall into that tier of QB that can win you a SB with a good defense. His film study and QB intelligence was off the charts. His personality is as good as it gets. If I had my choice to golf with TT, Allen or Fitz I would choose Fitz.
  24. Yea I hate when that happens. We have ours on 9-5-20 to at least help with that kind of thing. It’s hard to get 10/12 guys together for a draft but the sooner you make it to the start of the season the better off you are.
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