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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. A few takeaways.....1. This is clearly abuse and 2.what kind of place is name Arab?
  2. He'll have a great game Thursday and the chant to have him as the opening day starter will grow increasingly loud.
  3. Well the person who started the petition is names after a liquor drink, so that tells you all you need to know.
  4. It's only a matter of time until the other fringe lunatics start destroying MLK and other civil rights monuments. Idiot rule.
  5. I really don't think he cares. At this point he's rich and I don't think football is a priority.
  6. Is that Landry's? When I was in Galveston there was a bunch of lines on one of the walls with high water marks. I'm afraid they will all be eclipsed by this one.
  7. I hear ya. I agree that some players are better suited for certain systems, but at some point either you have talent or you don't. There shouldn't be that big of a discrepancy from one system to another.
  8. I know a bunch of people who say they have a gluten allergy. I legitimately heard of/know 2 people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease. One is a guys daughter that I did some work with and the other was Joe C, the dude from kid rock who passed away.
  9. Somehow everyone has an affliction to gluten these days.
  10. Holy $hit....what can you do about that? This is going to take some work to recover from.
  11. I would rather have Kyle Orton back than have osweiler in a bills uniform.
  12. I have no business taking a boxing fight against Floyd either but for several millions of dollars i would.
  13. I don't eat it a lot, but a good chipped beef and gravy over toast really hits the spot. Throw some eggs in there somewhere and a glass of o.j. then you have a meal.
  14. You can't let the inmates run the asylum. Some say. Do you think these constant screw ups would be tolerated in belichicks system ?
  15. Without checking the books I'm pretty sure he was suspended for more than 2 games.
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