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Everything posted by RaoulDuke79

  1. I'm waiting for Coutinho to jump ship to Barcelona. Sooner or later one of the offers is going to stick. That'll be a tough pill to swallow. United has come out of the box hot. On a side note I turn on the TV to watch football (the American kind), and I keep getting bombarded with news and video of people protesting this and that I'm going to be watching more soccer than usual.
  2. Now there is a group of butt hurt people who want a Christopher Columbus statute removed from my city. I'm about ready to go all Paulie Walnuts over here.
  3. Saw them in Hershey back in June. Brent Eldridge had his set shortened because if rain, but Luke Bryan put on a good show. He played covers by Alabama and Metallica.
  4. Welp...is easier to wrangle up those statues seeing as they don't move as fast as the gangstas.
  5. It really shouldn't be that difficult. So we in 4 games instead of 7. Either way we're not playing in January.
  6. Who in their right mind actually thought we were going to win more than 8 games this season, even before the trades?
  7. Hahaha....after reviewing the game tape of the last preseason game he decided to gtfo.
  8. The media is what's keeping this whole thing going. The great thing is that there are a bunch of other players protesting that are gainfully employed, so that doesn't help the whoa is me victim stance.
  9. I watch sports to escape the misery of day to day life. If the focus is going to be on political protests instead of the game, I have no problem tuning out. I'll watch soccer instead.
  10. Don't worry about it man. Take up the spirit and go break something. I've always found that Bobs big boy sign a bit agitating. I might give him a piece of my mind tonight.
  11. Who didn't see this coming. There's some lunatic everywhere that could perhaps find any monument offensive. Unfortunately it has become acceptable to deface and destroy those sculptures. Get ready for just about any statue anywhere to be defaced in an act of one upmanship. Stores and other private property will be next. I don't know who Dan sickles is.
  12. Thankfully Gettysburg is taking a stand that the confederate monuments won't be removed. It's part of history for better or worse...if we continue on this path maybe we can forget the civil war or slavery even happened.
  13. Phew...thank the good Lord they finally got those statues out of Baltimore. Surely the murder rate will drop significantly now. I mean after all those offensive monuments were the root of all evil. Hopefully in the next week or two they can reign it down to two murders a week..... I guess as in most things in life it easiest to go after the simple issues to make it look like you accomplished something rather than tackle the root off the problem. Good work folks for getting those hateful statues down.
  14. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags. Announcers are roasting all of the flags.
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