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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. At this point why don't we throw Bevell into the conversation. I would do so with Tom Cable but he wouldn't be a match with McDerm
  2. I'm not sure a spread QB can't play in the NFL at a high level.....
  3. Greg Olson from the Rams, their QB coach.
  4. You know that wasn't in the gameplan at all and it was everyone was being defended and took what the Bills gave him. No designed runs and if Tyrod did the same thing we would have won the game. Marrone is gone and some of me is glad. Is He better than McDerm? Time will tell but they did stack up on defense and we got rid of our best players in Darby, Gilmore and Dareus and still ended up in the same game only a TD away from a tie. Plus we have a stockpile of picks to fix some holes, who will be better next year?
  5. At this point this Dlineman brought on a distraction. He should be worrying about the Steelers and not some statement he thought he heard that no one else did. If there is an issue please deal with it later because all it is right now is a distraction.
  6. I think schemes win when you don't have an elite QB. Lynn had Taylor looking decent last year.
  7. Well I think you know the first one but the second one was when the second Jags player came in later
  8. So giving a choke hold is legal? Would that be the first or second time his head hit the ground?
  9. I'm thinking that's very generous considering 32% of the tickets have a NY code as well as Bills fans in FL. I have been to one of their games a couple of years ago and it was a wasteland. I don't think it will be 50/50 but I bet there are at least 35% Bills fans if not a little more.
  10. The reason that stat is good is because when he is there we have two decent CBs, without him we have one. If we draft another solid CB we will be fine not resigning him. I really like EJ but he needs to stay healthy.
  11. This is all done to take away the benching Tyrod Taylor against San Diego dialogue (JK) I think on the defensive side I would trust McDerm right now. Losing Dareus, the two starting corners, and two starting safties from last year as well as Zach Brown and still having a better record shows a record of doing the right thing player wise. This is the most important game from the year (maybe even the decade) and no doubt this is to fortify STs which hasn't been great.
  12. Imagine how mad Brady must be since we passed on him much more in that draft.....
  13. Or it will be like a lot of players they have taken flyers on that haven't panned out like Ocho Cinco and Haynesworth
  14. I am curious if you were good with last years group? Is Watkins/Woods/Goodwin > Benjamin/Matthews/Zay ? I think either would do in the NFL.
  15. Nothing else matters until they have someone capable of hitting an open man in stride. If our receivers are healthy they would be very solid but that is a big IF.
  16. Nothing matters till they have a QB. QB's that are elite make their players good. Nothing wrong with this group, in fact I think they are super Bowl caliber with a good QB.
  17. You can't win, the fight back and are called undisciplined, you don't and they give Gronk a slap on the wrist.
  18. And seven spots lower than Bortles, the same guy that his own coach said the less Bortles throws the better.
  19. I think Oline is pretty set, we have that McDermott guy that I think is an up and comer as well as bunch of others. I think if we could IR Miller and get a different position like LB I would be all for that maybe even a CB.
  20. That's why he would be available for a third. The Redskins don't want him but they tried to trade him last year under the franchise tender. They have his rights and if we want them a 3rd is a steal for his rights of course contingent on approval of a new contract. I would be curious to know what exactly was offered by the 49ers if anything last year. We aren't trading for a player under contract rather a player that is playing under franchise. If they don't franchise him (which I think is possible after doing it twice) they would get no compensation.
  21. I say trade a 3rd for Kirk Cousins and be done with it. The Redskins want compensation and don't see him as a legit option. I think we our 11 man philosophy it would be perfect.
  22. I agreed about this segment up until they were talking about race. I could see there being bias but after looking at Mike Evans hit I think it goes to the same level.
  23. I agree. The apology part was partially tongue in cheek. The dude doesn't care what he did, he apologized to help his suspension case. Frustrated is the worst excuse you could use. I don't see players down by 50 points as frustrated as he was getting pushed (which is what he tends to do on most plays).
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