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Everything posted by Billzgobowlin

  1. I've said it before but it's possible he looked prepared in practice, the problem with that is that our Offensive line is facing our defensive line
  2. I think it is funny how some people lose objectivity like we will give up 60 this year. This is the same team that was leading the league in defense at 5-2. I understand they have been very bad these past few weeks but that won't be maintained. Could it be bad against the Chiefs? Sure but all I am saying is the Chiefs have been equally bad and the Giants are a close second to the Browns as the worst team in the league. As much as you hate to admit it we aren't the Giants.
  3. True but the big thing I have kept hearing is how could they let a 5th rounder start and in the same breath mention if it were Mahomes they would understand
  4. Prescott also didn't have matadors as Tackles too. I think people do get caught up on the number total of INTs and I get that but if some of these sports reporters or former NFL QBs weren't lazy and reviewed the film they would have realized what really happened. Reporters today are just plain lazy especially on the national level.
  5. Yet you have a first rounder in Sanchez on the bench? No one knew Prescott at that point and the media didn't criticize that at all compared to Peterman, that's my point.
  6. If you are comparing the Chargers and Chiefs, Chargers have the better QB and pass rush and it isn't even close. So saying it would be more than 54 doesn't make sense
  7. Last week the RT was the one that did the most damage but we didn't have either playing exceptionally well Which others attributed to a poor offensive line..... I am also talking about before they played not after. If hindsight was something we could do Peterman wouldn't have started that game
  8. And just to be perfectly clear I am not comparing Prescott to Peterman, that would be stupid because they are two different players with two different backgrounds. I am more comparing why the media thought it was a great idea to start a 4th round rookie for a playoff caliber team as opposed to a 5th round rookie for a downward spiraling playoff team.
  9. Sorry I mean his first game as starter. I'm talking about rookies starting their first game
  10. Oh no don't mistake it I think it makes a huge difference. We can't change our line though and offense is doomed to fail with any QB right now. Wonder how the game would have looked though with Glenn and Henderson?
  11. But neither did Prescott..... Last week showed he couldn't handle the pass rush. I would like to give him a pass and more than likely he was told to sling the ball like he did but he should have taken sacks. Let's be clear though he only had two options with that pass rush though, get sacked or throw it and he obviously chose the wrong thing on multiple occasions.
  12. This thread wasn't started to provide crazy assumptions but rather to elicit some thought about why it was taboo for a 5th round rookie to start and not a 4th rounder. And the Cowboys did have a former first round pick in Mark Sanchez on the team when they decided to go with Prescott.
  13. His situation doesn't change the fact that he was still a rookie and if anything it would show that Peterman's play was because of his lack of talent on offense
  14. That wasn't my intent to say he should be playing but somehow a 5th rounder being played is taboo because we were 5-4 and in the playoff hunt.
  15. I was thinking about it this morning and with Sunday's game not withstanding why was the media so critical of Buffalo replacing Taylor but not the Cowboys replacing Romo. The Cowboys were a playoff team with Romo there and it wasn't like Prescott was a top pick (he was 4th as opposed to Peterman being a 5th). Got me also thinking if Peterman were in Dallas would he have done well with a decent O line. People are complaining that Prescott struggled because he was missing Tyron, well replace his whole line with ours. I think Peterman should be given time like Prescott to figure it out and if they don't make the playoffs it will be partial the team around him like defense and Oline and not just QB. Let's face it Taylor doesn't win in this league unless this defense plays better and the O line can figure out pass protection(it wasn't like Peterman was holding onto the ball too long).
  16. True but I feel better against this Chiefs team than the one facing the Pats the first week of the season
  17. My apologies I was off by six games. Either way it will be the rest of the season or a decent part of next season.
  18. I get that the Bills are struggling but I think the Chiefs and Bills are in the same boat, only difference is the Chiefs defense isn't awful, just mildly bad.
  19. The team that scored 9 points against the Giants? They haven't exactly been lighting it up on offense
  20. I swear if we go back to Tyrod and don't at least try to replace Mills we will see the same thing again on Sunday. Let's not pretend that Peterman caused all the problems on Sunday.
  21. Get your franchise QB and fill holes through the draft and FA with smart picks. All of this will be solved with consistency and quality at QB. Having said that we need to develop a cohesive O line.
  22. Charles did look decent when he was here. My question is why are we not looking at upgrades at LB unless they aren't being announced. Marsh would be an interesting signing if we cut bait we one of our underperforming DEs
  23. I know but bringing players have been hard. I think shipping out players was not based on ability but being part of a team mentality and work ethic
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