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Paul Costa

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Everything posted by Paul Costa

  1. “Douchbag “the Movie staring TB12
  2. I agree. That’s why mock drafts are a moot point until at least after the first couple of weeks of FA.
  3. TRUST THE PROCESS. The Bills aggressively pursued this guy as our OC. The Bills Management knows more about the situation and what they need than anyone here. Even Major Bobby !!! He was mentioned last year as the possible OC. Every year the Pats have won the Super Bowl Daboll has been on Staff. Well that’s the end of that Bill B !!!!
  4. Josh Gordon is a FA? Give a guy a chance!! Big time upside ????
  5. Would love Caldwell. Successful HC won a Super Bowl as OC with Ravens. Seems likes a class act!! Would be fine with Chud. TRUSTING THE PROCESS ?
  6. I think McDermott’s a creature of habit and will hire someone he has worked with before. My guess is that it will be Chud. I’m holding out hopes for Jim Caldwell!!
  7. Agree we would like him back. Why not? He’d be a stud in this D!! Surprised EJ Gaines didn’t make the list. Hope to sign EJ too!!
  8. What has Chadwick Bay Chad been right on in the past? It sounds like he has some connections. I hope he’s right and we make some changes to the Offensive Coaches. Way too much hate, chill out on the guy!! Did he sleep with all your Girlfriends, Wives , and Mother’s?? Good for you Chad!! You Stud????
  9. This is why I drink so much!! Drives me crazy the inconsistency!!!!!
  10. I said the same thing about the NFL. Officiating has soured me to the point of not watching.
  11. I totally TRUST THE PROCESS but question the Ragland trade. I feel we could have found a place for him in this defense. Of all the trades his is the only one I disagree with.
  12. Yeah that was. It got lost in the emotion of the game. He’s a class act!! Probably not good enough of a QB to win us a Super Bowl!!! Too bad because I really like everything about him!!
  13. Yeah don’t want to jump to conclusions on one guys statement. Richie has used questionable language in the past. He has around 45 teammates that have brown skin. If he has any type of pattern of racial insensitivity get him out of there. I have to believe his teammates know him Best .
  14. He missed his pass against the Pats overthrowing Cadet. But NE had no answer for him in the wildcat. I’m sure Jacksonville has seen the tape but if they stack the box to stop the wildcat, I’m hoping Joe can hit someone down the seam or hits a quick slant for a big play. He’s not a quality QB but as far as wild cat runners go he can chuck it better than most.
  15. Great trade Gaines and a second for Sammy and a sixth. I was mad when I first heard about trade. Happy ? now!!!
  16. Can we sneak Joe Webb out there for 4 or 5 plays? 3 runs and two passes. Have him and Tyrod on the field together to limit Jacksonville ‘s substitution patterns?
  17. I heard a Jacksonville beat writer yesterday say they went from dead last to 21st in run defense since Dareus came there.?
  18. I think there run D is rated 21st. Better than the Bills and much better now since Marcel started playing for them. Shady can be a big factor if healthy.
  19. Oops ? sorry about that . I think spell check did that and I didn’t double check my post. Was in a hurry and should have checked. Anyways I think it’s good news
  20. Said he talk to someone on the Bills staff that saw Shady’s workout today and said “ if he has a sprained ankle he should go sprain the other one because he looked terrific today at practice. Said he’s close to 100%.. they went on to say now they know why they call him Shady. Pat said this is really good news for Buffalo fans. I concur ?
  21. Trust Dennison to have a great game plan for the W!!!
  22. How many of these great Defensive efforts occurred after your bye ?not many!! My point is you aren’t playing your best ball right now. I watched last two games not impressed ?
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