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Elite Poster

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Everything posted by Elite Poster

  1. 56 catches 652 yards 7 TDs Are you out of your ***** mind, this is the guy who STARTED Nathan FREAKING Peterman last year...
  2. The older I get and more I watch football, you realize how much the word potential gets thrown around and 5 years later you are stuck paying for a player that started average and stayed average. I'll give a good example. Aaron Williams. He started a fine player, pretty much stayed a fine player, and finished his career as a fine player. Every year we heard he was going to take the next step but it was really him settling into his role. Similar to Shaq Lawson. He isn't really any better, he just knows his role and fits it well. This was a strong MLB draft and so far Edmunds is in the back of the line with regards to the other starting rookies.
  3. I'm happy with Tremaine, but man Vander Esch was a dog in college and he quite literally has not missed a step in the NFL.
  4. Threads like this are pointless to me. Can we let the kids play a season or two before jumping to conclusions? I never understood why we can't be happy our QB has potential to be good, and so do the other young guns. We have such a little man complex on this board sometimes.
  5. A lot of people seem to think he is way, way, way, better than he actually is. There is a reason old man Vance McDonald relegated this guy to the bench later in the season with Pittsburgh.
  6. If you follow the guy's Twitter, he's being serious. He's saying that prostitution is legal in Vegas so why not other places. They are conveniently leaving out the human trafficking part because it kills their entire point, but that's just the way things are these days. Selective argument. I've never understood why news that leans liberal is MSM and propaganda, but the MOST WATCHED news Network that leans conservative, is not MSM and propaganda. They are both pretty awful to me and it's plainly obvious.
  7. The defensive backs are a position they have nailed. However, they did let a first team all pro CB walk and I have a feeling we are getting a first round CB this year. In terms of Foster, you can thank Daboll who BTW, is probably my favorite coach on the team. For me, the book is still out on Dawkins and Milano. They played some great games last year but they also had some really tough games too. Let's not forget.
  8. Debatable. Trading up for Zay was horrible, trading up for Tremaine is looking like it was not the right move either. Trading for KB was a disaster. Mike Tolbert as RB2 was a mess. Highly overpaid for Star who was decent, and Trent who was never available and average at best. Going into the year with ONLY Peterman in front of Allen, are you kidding me???!!! Josh Allen was not supposed to start this early, lack of depth and veteran experience at QB thrust him in immediately. Not paying Richie was idiotic. Opened a hole when they did not have to undercut him. Bodine and Groy as your centers when you had 7 months to prepare for Wood leaving? What a mess. How in the world do you have a 2 year PLANNED set of moves to get a franchise QB and go backwards with OL the entire time. Don't even get me started on letting Robert Woods walk and creating yet another hole. $7 million was a freaking bargain for him, these guys need to understand positional inflation. We are now paying more, 2 years later, for an average DE who can't finish a game. Rick Dennison. Enough said. In two straight years, they had an old player QUIT football before finishing the season. They can't even gauge whether these guys want to play anymore. They are good coaches but in terms of acquiring and keeping players efficiently, I'm not so sure.
  9. The strength of schedule is never the same as how it looks in the off-season. Last year's BRUTAL Bills schedule ended up being not bad at all.
  10. Untrue! Having lived in several parts of the country, the John "Propaganda Hour" Murphy show is one of, if not, the worst show in terms of homerisms.
  11. Yeah that's horrible All of you just did this 2 days ago with Charles Clay. Trent's contract is on the upper end for rotational 2/3 DE. It's actually IMO the worst contract on the team. At least Shady was super productive before this clunker of a season. He's due for nearly 9M (13th highest in the league!) this upcoming season to do what, get 4 sacks and miss 3-4 games... If you don't think our pass rush needs an upgrade, idk what to tell you. That was probably the weakest part of the defense. Pass rush only played well a few times last year.
  12. I'm more of a "do your talking on the field" guy but its good to have a little bit of attitude.
  13. He had injured that knee twice within the last 4 years before...injuring it yet again. From a health and dollar standpoint, this signing made no sense from the day it got announced.
  14. Or there was a limited amount of invites. So many people this emotional over something so mundane...
  15. Nada. Was average when healthy and was barely healthy. Not a bad cut option. He's going to be one of the highest paid players on the team if he sticks this year.
  16. I'll take anyone, for the right price. He needs to clear his name as well. Transparency is key.
  17. 2 OL any position, 1 vet WR, 1 vet CB, and MAYBE a TE. Draft then can be focused on WR/TE/DL
  18. He's too old and clearly has some issues beyond football. Elite talent, not the right guy for this team right now. If he was a FA that is a different story. Wouldn't have to lose an asset, I would think about it.
  19. 3 points: 1. It was THEIR decision to start Peterman and trade for Benjamin. They shouldn't get credit for having a bad roster, they should get blamed. They could've easily went into the year with Anderson and Barkley. Not Peterman. 2. In what world do we give credit to a team for posting up a losing season? This is NFL football. Second year HC's win, even make Superbowls. I understand every situation is different but there were SEVERAL boneheaded decisions made. 3. Polian is a GM of old. He absolutely squandered anything he touched, beyond drafting Manning #1 overall, and his opinions on most things football have been wildly incorrect lately. Remember, this guy LOVED Manziel... I'm not a homer so people will automatically disagree or deny anything I say so here is a link outlining Polian's decade of absolute and utter failure. With Jim Kelly and Peyton freaking Manning, the guy got ONE Superbowl win. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1007781-jim-irsay-fired-bill-chris-polian-for-bad-decade-of-drafting#slide0
  20. They stopped running from 11 personnel. Gurley wasn't special until McVay started scheming for him.
  21. Former Panther and FO: Mike Tolbert, Kaelin Klay, Kelvin Bumjamin, Star Lotuleilei, Dean Marlowe, Joe Webb, Corey Brown, Leanord Johnson, Sean McDermott, Beane, Heath Farwell, Dan Morgan, Ken Dorsey, Matt Worswick. I'm sure I've missed some, some are obscure low level staffers, but it's pretty damn clear they play favorites with familiar faces.
  22. Buffalo Panthers. Hopefully he's a good coach but these guys are continually biased towards their Carolina connections and it's not even a secret..
  23. All it takes is one chucklehead to ruin what should've been a pretty positive thread. Maybe Tyrod was right...
  24. Hollywood Brown. Last year it was Baker. The year before it was Cooper Kupp/JuJu/Zay, unfortunately its looking like we got the worst one... Excuse me? He's a second round pick at best. Who the hell drafts a RT top 10? He also got abused by the top pass rushers that are coming out. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Watch his tape against Sweat. It was embarrassing.
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