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Everything posted by 145B4IDIE

  1. If I could just get a participation ribbon, I’d be mmmkay 🎗
  2. I only saw two puppies and stopped reading
  3. Why is it so hard to get the stickers off a nonstick pan?
  4. https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjJ-qrYhqjqAhUCtsgKHZ8VC8UYABAGGgJxdQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASE-RoyFFv9s1crZZyO_jEm9pZbKg&sig=AOD64_2WAfVvLUuwWtbVda5bxWA59XM-lQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiuq6PYhqjqAhVkgXIEHb7MDNgQwg96BAgKEB8&adurl=
  5. Been trying to figure that out. anyone know him or ever met him??
  6. Okay... I’m an artist not a scientist so.. open a couple cans of albacore drain a little throw it in a bowl add a healthy dollop of mayo throw in some panko bread crumbs toss in some grated Romano/parm s&p lemonpepper is good sometimes some mrs dash or southwestern dash mix that up while you get that pre mixed country crock crushed garlic blend that you had previously prepared. Spread that on some crunchy French bread, toast that for a few. now plaster that with some cream cheese (or Neufchâtel) and paste on that tuna salad throw a couple thin slices of dill pickles on that and thank me later. add salt and vinegar chips to your liking.
  7. Meanwhile...The Pegulas are getting ready to fire up the jet
  8. LOL I started a pet name thread awhile back and got accused of the exact same thing!...it was shut down
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