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Everything posted by Governor

  1. We had an independent counsel run by a group of career Republicans to investigate interference in the 2016 election and that investigation was obstructed the entire way through. Republicans picked Mueller to lead that investigation.
  2. We had one. It’s called the Mueller Report. You should read it sometime.
  3. We already know what happened. Commissions are done so there’s accountability and so it’s recorded history. It may seem unnecessary right now, but it needs to be done. Republicans can make a clown show of it all they want, but the history books will reflect that and they’ll be judged accordingly.
  4. Buffalo pays teachers like Alabama. I didn’t know that until a few years ago. My girlfriend who’s been teaching 5 years makes 68k here in NJ. When we lived in NC, she would’ve actually taken a decrease if she’d gone to Buffalo……so that’s gotta be top 5 worst place to teach. She’d obviously make less in Florida too but I’m not sure exactly how much less. I think St. John’s county pays the best in Florida. Doesn’t the pay go by district down there?
  5. A true American hero. Fauci wins top humanist award. Trumpites will be spitting tacks. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/thefreethinker/2021/07/fauci-wins-top-humanist-award-trumpites-will-be-spitting-tacks/
  6. It’s a mass suicide pact to own the libs. I won’t get in your way. https://news.yahoo.com/undervaccinated-red-states-are-nowhere-near-herd-immunity-as-dangerous-delta-variant-spreads-090052183.html
  7. RINO! DeSantis to forgo Trump rally in Sarasota. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) will not be attending former President Trump’s rally in Sarasota, Fla., on Saturday amid ongoing recovery efforts following the deadly condo building collapse in Surfside, Fla. “We can confirm that the Governor will not attend the rally in Sarasota. He spoke with President Trump, who agreed that this was the right decision, as the Governor’s duty is to be in Surfside making sure the families and community have what they need in the aftermath of the tragic building collapse,” press secretary Christina Pushaw said in a statement to The Hill.
  8. They were training for “The Great Reset.” Massachusetts police responding to group of 'heavily armed men' claiming to 'not recognize our laws' https://abcnews.go.com/US/massachusetts-police-responding-group-heavily-armed-men-claiming/story?id=78647486
  9. Extra unemployment benefits aren’t holding back the US economy. https://qz.com/2028116/the-us-jobs-report-should-end-fears-about-unemployment-benefits/amp/?utm_source=reddit.com
  10. It’s amazing to me how people get so bent out of shape about a few thousand dollars in property tax and are willing to give up quality of life over it.
  11. You guys shouldn’t be eating this poison anyway. You’re going to get Diverticulitis like my mother. You don’t want that.
  12. Yes, I like government EXCEPT for this freaking DMV here. I’ve never seen anything quite like this before. Lol. I drove to the DMV to change over a title and the girl behind the counter said I had to call the DMV. Why would I call the DMV? I’m at the DMV. This isn’t the DMV?
  13. Conservatives of all income levels are leaving the state and they’re being replaced with younger wealth. Have you taken a ride through Madison, Short Hills, or West Orange lately? I retired at age 42.
  14. Radical right-wing terror always rises in the summer. Alabama police: Nearly two dozen shots fired into Democratic state senator's home. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/561387-alabama-police-nearly-two-dozen-shots-fired-into-democratic-state
  15. I saw some insurrectionists at the fair in my county tonight. They had their silly Qanon Punisher shirts on. Total mess.
  16. The free money in Florida ended like 3 to 4 weeks ago. Wages could be the issue. You could probably find a meth-head out front to do it. No shortage of them down there. Perhaps the staff was sent home because the building isn’t safe and no one told you?
  17. They aren’t coming back unless you pay them. “Small businesses added 215,000 of those jobs, even though the economic activity taking place there — particularly at restaurants and bars, stores and hotels — has been constrained as business owners struggle to compete for workers with big-box retailers and chain restaurants for hourly workers.”
  18. I’ve been back and forth a dozen times over the last 20 years or so and I’ve come to the conclusion that you really do get what you pay for. I’d rather pay more in taxes and have good schools and state services. Add a higher salary on top and you can get ahead quite a bit easier. The days of cheap southern living are gone. Working people are priced out of these areas now. Teacher pay is absolutely horrendous in the south. I wouldn’t be caught dead in a state like Texas.
  19. I think that most of you go off of memory of 10 years ago and don’t realize how much has changed since then. You could get an apartment in Wilmington or Raleigh for $600 a month back then. Those days are LONG gone. They’re 1200-1500 a month now. Same goes for Florida. We already compared the rents a few days ago on this board. The cost of living in those southern states caught up to NJ. NJ does lack available apartments to live in, which is why you would see young people moving back into their parent’s mansions. It just isn’t an “apartment dweller” state since there isn’t a large working poor population like you see in NC and FL.
  20. I picked the #1 state to live in. Rent for apartments is about 100-200 more than NC. A low-wage worker doesn’t pay property taxes or buy expensive homes. “Annual WalletHub survey ranks New Jersey in the top 10 for safety, quality of life and education & health.” https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/new-jersey-is-americas-best-state-to-live-in-new-survey-says/3107116/
  21. Looks like Ivanka, and possibly the sons, are in some real dookie. I’m no lawyer, but it appears they likely did exactly what Weaselberg is charged for times 10 over. Yikes. No wonder she disappeared.
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