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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I hope we have answers before the midterms so voters know which party no longer supports democracy and can show their displeasure with their ballot. Republicans stalled for so long that we might not be finished until the week before those elections.
  2. Take notice that people aren’t coming back to work for less than 15 an hour, and if they do, it’s very temporary and they’ll not care about the job and leave rather quickly, which is what we’re seeing.
  3. It isn’t the media. It was the study released by historians ranking the presidents. People on the left are also wondering why George is moving up the board. Apparently, they weigh human rights more than they did previously, which changed rankings a bit. Donald is ranked 41 out of 44.
  4. The unemployment story has been the most interesting issue throughout the pandemic. I don’t know how it all ends, but I know that things aren’t returning to how they were pre-pandemic, so small business owners should probably take notice.
  5. John McCain didn’t get this kind of love.
  6. People on unemployment are getting 400/week in most southern states. That’s 10/hr. The Republican talking point is that adults are sitting home and won’t go back to work because they’re getting 400/week in unemployment. These are also the jobs available now and pay range that’s “supposedly” causing the labor shortage, which caused those industries to lobby R governors to end unemployment benefits early. Are adults supposed to be taking jobs that only pay $10 or are those jobs entry-level jobs that shouldn’t pay adults enough to live and should be filled by kids?
  7. Anyone that was anywhere near that area has already had the phones, social media, etc. combed through and traced. No doubt about that!
  8. I guess we know who the real boss is. Step aside Ron DeSantis. You’re a peon! Trump's Sarasota rally still on despite report DeSantis wants it canceled due to Surfside. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/politics/2021/06/30/desantis-wants-sarasota-trump-rally-canceled-according-reports/7814283002/
  9. All of Ronald’s recent laws will be blocked. He knew that. That’s why he passed them in the first place. He’s counting on the fact that an average cult member won’t actually follow the issue to the end and just think it’s already been done. Thats because he thinks his own voters are really stupid.
  10. The lobbying behind the push for republican governors to end unemployment early has been retail and the restaurant industry. Those are your lowest paying jobs. The argument for not raising the minimum wage is that these jobs are entry-level jobs that shouldn’t pay enough for adults to live, therefore should be filled by kids just entering the workforce. Kids aren’t on unemployment. Why would you cut unemployment benefits from adults if that’s not whose supposed to be taking these jobs in the first place? Someone on unemployment in Florida gets 400/week. Why would/should any adult take a job that pays less than that?
  11. You’re not seeing the hypocrisy are you? But, as we already see, stripping those benefits isn’t accomplishing that goal because those business owners haven’t figured out yet that the slaves aren’t coming back for less than 15/hr.
  12. Why Ivanka put herself right in the middle of the inauguration fund corruption, I’ll never know. That was really stupid.
  13. Right, those are unskilled, low wage jobs and we’ve been told for 20 years that adults shouldn’t be working these jobs. That’s been the entire argument for not raising the minimum wage. I guess it doesn’t matter since judges are stepping in and reversing those new laws and those unemployed people will get paid anyway, but something isn’t adding up here.
  14. Right, so why would they cut unemployment benefits from adults when it’s the restaurant industry that’s in tears about being short on staff? Those are kids jobs. Hire some kids.
  15. It’s interesting what happens when power shifts slightly towards workers. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/29/more-people-plan-to-quit-as-return-to-work-plans-go-into-effect-.html?__source=sharebar|linkedin&par=sharebar
  16. Those jobs are low wage entry level and just for kids. Why would you think grown adults on unemployment would take those jobs? Aren’t you punishing the wrong people? You lose again. Judge suspends early cutoff of unemployment aid in Indiana, saying it could cause "irreparable harm.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/indiana-unemployment-judge-early-cutoff/#app
  17. The goal is to get Ding-a-ling Donald to run again. Trust the process.
  18. Obstruction doesn’t seem to be working so well this time around.
  19. Right, but when you’re talking about bundles of heroin, it isn’t uncommon for a “user” to have a brick in their possession, which is just many individual, tiny bags, that could appear the same as what the street dealer would have in his possession.
  20. I’m not really convinced that our problems magically disappear by putting more black cops in certain areas, just like I wasn’t sold on body cams. I guess you could just get rid of the intent to distribute altogether and hit people with simple possession. We basically have a tug of war with police and the courts. Judges are moving away from long drug sentences and often drop many charges, so the cops feel they have to stack more charges to get a few to stick to keep that individual off the street for awhile.
  21. It’s a trick! US is `printing' money to help save the economy from the COVID-19 crisis, but some wonder how far it can go. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/money/2020/05/12/coronavirushow-u-s-printing-dollars-save-economy-during-crisis-fed/3038117001/ So, what would happen if Biden spent 10 trillion more dollars and the next president did the same? The answer is nothing. Nothing would happen. How do I know that? Because we’ve been doing it for 20 years and nothing happened.
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