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Everything posted by Governor

  1. You killed all of the salmon. What are the bears supposed to eat?
  2. Dunno, but 3 months from now, people from those states won’t be traveling to the northeast without a vaccine card. Checkpoints at the state lines will be in place.
  3. Your job will be the designing of deed-restricted WOKE-only communities throughout Florida.
  4. Take a look around. This obviously can’t continue. Take a look at Tennessee. They can no longer be part of the United States. We can’t even get you meatheads to take a vaccine during a global pandemic. We do have a special job just for you when the camp opens. You’ll be baking wedding cakes for gay couples. What could we have B-man do?
  5. The 70 percent doesn’t want to live with the 30 percent any longer. Either we split up or we gotta put you into FEMA work camps until you stop misbehaving and can rejoin society.
  6. This country is going to be split up like the Balkans 15 years from now and that might be a good thing.
  7. Have you ever seen Jim Jordan’s district? You should take a look. It’s hilarious.
  8. You made the kid a star with your fake smears and now he’s cashing in. I don’t blame him one bit.
  9. Greed and hating your neighbor for having things you don’t have is definitely a problem in this country. I recognized that as a small child. I live by the idea that when my neighbor is doing well, I’ll likely be doing well also. I’m a huge minority in that kind of thinking.
  10. UBI is the only way forward. I think Congress knows that already. It will start when there isn’t enough FT work for people. I don’t see any other way unless there’s some huge breakthrough that creates 100 million new jobs. They already laid the groundwork with PUA(pandemic unemployment) and the child tax credit. Those programs will lay dormant and then be expanded when they’re needed.
  11. All I’m saying is….be careful what you wish for on term limits. Now, if we’re talking about Chuck Grassley and people like that, then I get it. You shouldn’t be in there that long. These people have accumulated HUGE campaign war chests and can’t be beaten. If we removed the money first. then I’d get behind other changes.
  12. Yeah, I’d be open to term limits as long as they aren’t too short. I don’t know where the sweet spot would be.
  13. It just invites corruption. Get in, make a few changes that helps yourself, then dip out. Term limits sounds good on paper, but it wouldn’t play out well once everyone adjusts to it.
  14. I think term limits actually make the situation worse. Then you end up with opportunists trying to enrich themselves on day 1, since they know they can only serve for a certain amount of time and don’t care what happens. We have to move to a public financing system so officials don’t have to spend 95 percent of their time fundraising for their reelection and can actually serve the people in their districts. I would propose expanding House terms to 4 years and abolishing the Senate altogether.
  15. No. It isn’t. We’ve been trying to help the GOP along over the years but I think it’s too late now. The party will collapse and will need a new name. Total rebrand. We’ve been sitting here waiting for that to happen for years now.
  16. It’s just the truth. It’s like a stubborn NFL coach that thinks he can win with a great defense and no offense in a game that’s completely changed and favors the offense.
  17. White grievance/victimhood, which you see plastered all over this board, is the direct result of changing demographics in the country, along with a dying ideology. Your refusal to accept that is why this is happening. Either you don’t realize it, or you don’t want to realize it. It definitely isn’t a “both sides” problem. Claiming that it is only confirms your refusal to admit there’s a problem within the ranks. Unfortunately, it can’t be fixed now so we’re looking at one party rule moving forward. It needed to be fixed in 2012.
  18. We have to start somewhere. The entire political system is broken. That’s how you end up with a Matt Gaetz.
  19. I can tell you this…..every R/D political consultant knew this was going to happen way back in 2002. We were all looking at the same data. Members of the Lincoln Project all knew what we knew at the time. We saw a party that was shrinking and were already seeing the effects that changing demographics were having on white people. What we couldn’t anticipate was the effect of social media and the fake news bubble that exists today. When Trump came down that escalator, the GOP was officially dead as a party. That was doing the opposite of what they had to do to survive as a party.
  20. Trump stole Pat Buchanan’s campaign word for word. It always existed in the GOP but it remained on the fringe where it belonged. Ross Perot supporters. Tea party. It’s the same group of people. Nothing can really change until digital laws are put in place, public financing for elections is put in place, an updated version of the Fairness Doctrine is put in place, and the GOP does a complete rebuild. That all has to happen in the next 10 years.
  21. I’ve always believed that building high-speed rail throughout the country would do a lot to address the polarization in this country.
  22. All of your questions will be answered by the bi-partisan commission over the next year.
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