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Everything posted by Governor

  1. What day in August does Donald come back? How does that work? He can’t actually do that job. Not in his skill set at all. There aren’t many jobs he can do.
  2. This is a travesty! I certainly won’t be voting for Hunter Biden again and I demand his resignation from his official WH post.
  3. Yeah. They could end up taking the House by a seat or two but I’m not nearly as doom and gloom as most progressives are right now. I don’t see these midterms following the normal trends with all that’s happened. The GOP being unable to turn the page on Trump is obviously helping us. Killing their own voters obviously helps too.
  4. That’s pretty crazy dude. We should be in good shape for these midterms.
  5. It has more to do with Republicans being on the wrong side of history on every single issue over the last 20 years. 10 years ago I started to believe they were just doing it on purpose. No one can be wrong about that many things. Can you think of a Republican stance on an issue that ended up being where the majority of people came around on and agreed with a few years later? There isn’t one.
  6. Who am I fighting? Are they vaccinated? Why does Mo spell his name wrong? He stupid? I don’t approve of someone named Mo leading us to battle. I will stick to the 7 point plan to “reinstate” Trump as President. Let’s do this by the books this time. We can achieve this goal in days.
  7. Data now shows that around 28 percent of Oklahomans who test positive for COVID-19 end up in the hospital. The highly contagious Delta variant is the reason for the increase in COVID-19 cases and the severity of those cases, officials said. “We currently have as many COVID patients in the hospital as we did at the height of the pandemic. https://kfor.com/news/coronavirus/covid-19-once-again-rising-in-oklahoma-doctors-urge-oklahomans-to-get-vaccinated-as-delta-variant-spreads-rapidly/
  8. You don’t mind taking 5 booster shots over the next 2 years because Florida (if you live there) and a few other red states can’t seem to get their act together? Some have said that 85 percent of American citizens will get immunity either from the vaccine or the virus itself, but there’s no telling how long it would take to get to that point. That could be more than a year away. That’s a lot of “gene therapy.” You might turn into the Incredible Hulk!
  9. We have the same restrictions right now (not really) because no one is dying, unlike Florida, who should be putting new restrictions in place due to a huge spike in recent deaths, because we shouldn’t be cheering on more deaths, even if they deserve it and smell funny. 3/4 of the people here are still wearing masks indoors. 1/3 of the population stills wears masks OUTSIDE. People are masked up walking around in state parks. Today. We’re doing that because we don’t want Covid and we don’t want to give others Covid, so our numbers don’t start to look like Florida. We didn’t get vaccinated and then say screw everyone else, although I wish I could be that horrible sometimes. I don’t want to get Covid, then give it to a friend, who then gives it to his unvaccinated children, who then give it to their grandparents, and they die, like I’ve been reading about recently.
  10. Florida has over 3000 cases a day and leads the way in recent deaths due to people not getting vaccinated. in Georgia, it’s mostly Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s congressional district that’s become the problem. No surprise there.
  11. How many recent deaths in NY compared to Florida again?
  12. Yes. I wasn’t saying that Delta was killing vaccinated old people. The blue-hairs held up their end of the deal and the rest of the state failed them and is on a suicide mission. Florida is going to be a mess by kickoff weekend. Their numbers should look like NJ and they don’t at all.
  13. She is a HS drop-out that married a pedophile that whipped out his weenie in front of HER when she was a child. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/jayson-boebert-indecent-exposure-arrest/
  14. I don’t live in NY. Everyone in my family, except for me, lives in Florida. My Governor is Phil Murphy, who is on his way to a landslide victory here in NJ. Probably none. Why?
  15. The body-bag situation? 1172 new deaths in 3.5 weeks.
  16. In 3.5 weeks, Florida has added 72,028 new cases, 1172 new deaths, and in that period, positivity rate went from 0.9% to 7.8%. That’s a massive fail across the board.
  17. It isn’t dumb since 80 percent of their old residents are vaccinated. They should be well ahead of the national average and not be in this situation today. Some red counties saw a 250 percent jump in 2 weeks.
  18. The coronavirus is quickly rising again in Florida. There were 23,697 new COVID-19 infections in Florida over the past seven-day period from July 2 to July 8, according to the weekly report released Friday by the Florida Department of Health. That’s an average of nearly 3,400 cases a day. It’s also a 48 percent rise in COVID-19 infections — or 7,719 more infections — from the previous seven-day period from June 25 to July 1. It’s the second consecutive jump in weekly coronavirus cases reported in Florida. In the past two weeks the number of weekly COVID-19 cases have nearly doubled from just under 12,000 cases reported from June 18 to June 24.
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